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[[Image:Orari.jpg|left|100px|thumb|[[Organisasi Amatir Radio Indonesia]]]]
[[Image:Yd1jjj.jpg|right|200px|thumb|Station YD1JJJ Homebrewer Aktif]]
[[Image:Yd1jjj.jpg|right|200px|thumb|Station YD1JJJ Homebrewer Aktif]]
Pada masa-masa peralatan buatan pabrik masih mahal, umumnya rekan-rekan [[Amatir Radio]] membuat sendiri peralatan transmitter maupun receiver yang mereka gunakan. Pada masa lalu lebih sering digunakan tabung radio untuk keperluan tersebut, pada hari ini semakin banyak peralatan yang dibuat menggunakan transistor atau IC.
Pada masa-masa peralatan buatan pabrik masih mahal, umumnya rekan-rekan [[Amatir Radio]] membuat sendiri peralatan [[transmitter]] maupun [[receiver]] yang mereka gunakan. Pada masa lalu lebih sering digunakan [[tabung radio]] untuk keperluan tersebut, pada hari ini semakin banyak peralatan yang dibuat menggunakan [[transistor]] atau [[IC]].
Proses pembuatan peralatan [[amatir radio]] sendiri sering di sebut "[[Homebrew]]". Homebrewing berbeda dengan membuat kit. Homebrewing mempunyai konotasi proses membuat peralatan menggunakan komponen dan disain yang di peroleh dari berbagai sumber dan seringkali harus berimprovisasi. Memang hasil akhirnya akan berbeda dengan peralatan [[amatir radio]] komersial buatan pabrik. Para homebrewer akan melihat dari sisi kenikmatan membuat sendiri peralatannya selain kenikmatan menguasai pengetahuan elektronika radio.
Proses pembuatan peralatan [[amatir radio]] sendiri sering di sebut "[[Homebrew]]". Homebrewing berbeda dengan membuat [[kit]]. Homebrewing mempunyai konotasi proses membuat peralatan menggunakan komponen dan disain yang di peroleh dari berbagai sumber dan seringkali harus berimprovisasi. Memang hasil akhirnya akan berbeda dengan peralatan [[amatir radio]] komersial buatan pabrik. Para [[homebrewer]] akan melihat dari sisi kenikmatan membuat sendiri peralatannya selain kenikmatan menguasai pengetahuan [[elektronika]] [[radio]].
==Dasar Elektronika==
==Dasar Elektronika==
* [[Dasar Elektronika]]
* [[Dasar Elektronika]]
* [[Elektronika Radio]]
* [[Elektronika Radio]]
* [[Single Side Band]]
* [[Layout PCB dan Prototyping Board]]
* [[LTSpice: Simulator Rangkaian Elektronika]]
* [[matabor PCB]]
===Indusktasi, Coil===
* [[Rumus Sederhana Menghitung LC]]
* [[Cara Membuat Bifilar dan Trifilar Coil]]
* [[Trafo IF]]
* [[Menghitung L]]
* http://www.qsl.net/in3otd/indcalc.html - Hitung L
* http://hamwaves.com/antennas/inductance.html - Hitung L
* http://www.wa4dsy.net/filter/filterdesign.html - Filter Design
* http://www.electronicproducts.com/Bandpass_Filter_Design_Calculator.aspx - Bandpass Design
* [[Low Pass Filter 40m band]]
* [[Low Pass Filter 20m band]]
==Beberapa Proyek Homebrew==
==Beberapa Proyek Homebrew==
* [[ORARI: Pelatihan Kemayoran Membuat Interface Komunikasi Digital | Pelatihan Kemayoran Membuat Interface Komunikasi Digital]]
* [[ORARI: Pelatihan Kemayoran Membuat Interface Komunikasi Digital | Pelatihan Kemayoran Membuat Interface Komunikasi Digital]]
* [[Diskusi Membuat Power Amplifier Amatir Radio]] Daryono ex YC1DBA, YD1JJJ
* [[YD1JJJ: Cenil SSB Transceiver beberapa catatan]]
* [http://rftibe.blogspot.com/search?updated-min=2008-01-01T00%3A00%3A00-08%3A00&updated-max=2009-01-01T00%3A00%3A00-08%3A00&max-results=6 Linear Amplifier MOSFET 700 Watt YB0BAJ]
* [[DDS: VK5TM]]
* [[BFO: YC1CHS]]
* [[BFO: YC3LSB]]
==Software Defined Radio==
* http://www.arrl.org/software-defined-radio
* http://yu1lm.qrpradio.com
* http://yu1lm.qrpradio.com/sdr%20transceiver%20yu1lm.htm '''**COOL**'''
* http://www.qrz.lt/ly1gp/SDR/ '''**COOL**'''
* http://www.arrl.org/software-defined-radio
* http://openhpsdr.org/
* http://www.101science.com/amateurradio.htm
* http://www.sdrforum.org/
* http://www.flex-radio.com/
* http://www.sdr-kits.net/
===SDR Kit===
* http://m1kta-qrp.blogspot.com/2010/05/what-sdr-kits-are-out-there.html
* http://www.wb5rvz.com/sdr/
* http://www.dk3qn.com/wfsdr01
* http://www.qrpkits.com/firefly.html
* http://py2wm.qsl.br/SDR/SDRZero-2.html
* http://www.genesisradio.com.au/G40/
* http://www.expandedspectrumsystems.com/prod2.html
* http://www.expandedspectrumsystems.com/order.html
* http://www.softrockradio.org/
* http://www.dspradio.org/
===SDR Software===
* http://sourceforge.net/projects/powersdr-sr40/files/
* http://www.winrad.org/
* http://f4dan.free.fr/sdr_eng.html
* http://www.nitehawk.com/sm5bsz/linuxdsp/linrad.htm
* http://www.m0kgk.co.uk/sdr/index.php
* http://www.dxatlas.com/Rocky/
* [[Membuat Mic Compressor Murmer]] YD2WPE
* [[Membuat Mic Compressor Murmer]] YD2WPE
* [[Mic Compressor Murmer 3 Transistor]] YD2WPE
* [[Mic Compressor Murmer 3 Transistor]] YD2WPE
* [[Mic Compressor menggunakan IC uPC 1158]] YD2WPE
* [[Mic Compressor menggunakan IC uPC 1158]] YD2WPE
* [[Homebrew Z-Match ATU]] YD1CHS
* [[VOX]]
* http://www.vk2zay.net/article/95 - VXO 80m Receiver
* http://www.qsl.net/sp5ddj/vxo.htm - VXO 80m Transmitter
* http://yc3lsb.wordpress.com/2010/08/30/skema-skema-dari-kit-jadul/
===Fox Beacon===
* http://yc3lsb.wordpress.com/2010/09/21/homebrew-fox-beacon/
* [[Broadband Cascode IF Amplifier]] YD1JJJ
* [[Direct Conversion Transceiver -SSB Phase Shift 80 meter]] Daryono ex YC1DBA
* [[ARARINHA 5]] [[SSB]] [[Transceiver]]
* [[ARARINHA 20m]] [[SSB]] [[Transceiver]]
* [[SSB Transceiver 80M / 40M YC3LSB]]
* http://nanangbondowoso.wordpress.com/2009/05/07/ssb-transceiver-80m-40m/ - YC3LSB
* http://www.rftibe.com/80m%20homebrew.htm
* http://www.rftibe.com/schematic%20diagram%20exiter.htm
* http://www.rftibe.com/80m%20pcb%20design.htm
* http://www.rftibe.com/schematic%20diagram%20mosfet%20PA.htm
* http://sites.google.com/site/yc3lsbqrp/eksperiment-dengan-ic-mixer-ta7358 - TA7358
* http://sites.google.com/site/yc3lsbqrp/hf-vhf-transverter - 27Mhz ke 40/80m Transverter
* http://sites.google.com/site/yc3lsbqrp/dc-receiver - DC Receiver
* http://sites.google.com/site/yc3lsbqrp/eksperiment-dengan-ic-mixer-ta7358/hf-vhf-receiver - HF Receiver
* http://yc3lsb.wordpress.com/2010/10/10/rx-converter-27mc-to-7mc-ic-mixer-ta7358/
* http://yc3lsb.wordpress.com/2010/08/25/mono-band-qrp-homebrew-transceiver/
* http://tyfek.republika.pl/TYFon_80/tyfon_80.htm
* http://www.qsl.net/wb9ipa/Gen1.htm - SSB QRP Transceiver
===CW Transceiver===
* http://www.qsl.net/pa2ohh/01trx.htm
==Power Amplifier==
* [[Diskusi Membuat Power Amplifier Amatir Radio]] Daryono ex YC1DBA, YD1JJJ
* [[Penguat MOSFET 1 KW]]
* [[Skema Combiner YC3TKM]]
* [[YC3LSB: Skema Final Amplifier 7W]]
* [[YC3LVX: Skema Final Amplifier 15W]]
* [[Skema Final IRF530]]
* [[Final: 25W 5band IRF510]]
* [[Final: IRF840]]
* [[Final: Pembatas Arus Final]]
* http://www.rftibe.com/1kw%20schematic%20diagram.htm
* http://www.rftibe.com/800w%20rf%20amp.htm
* http://www.rftibe.com/800w%20schematic%20diagram.htm
* [http://rftibe.blogspot.com/search?updated-min=2008-01-01T00%3A00%3A00-08%3A00&updated-max=2009-01-01T00%3A00%3A00-08%3A00&max-results=6 Linear Amplifier MOSFET 700 Watt YB0BAJ]
* http://www.rftibe.com/schematic%20diagram%20mosfet%20PA.htm
* [[Konektor DIN 8]]
* http://www.9h1lo.net/fll.php varactornya diganti dengan MV2109 (BB104 belum nemu di pasaran) lumayan dari 4,9 s/d 5,5 mhz.
* http://www.qsl.net/yo5ofh/projects/dds_vfo_by_n2apb/dds_vfo.htm
* http://g4oep.atspace.com/si570/si570.htm DDS menggunakan SI570
* http://www.qsl.net/va3iul/High_Frequency_VCO_Design_and_Schematics/High_Frequency_VCO_Design_and_Schematics.htm
* http://yc3lsb.wordpress.com/2010/08/23/dua-band-vfo/
* [[DDS: arduino dan DDS AD9850]]
* http://www.ad7c.com/projects/ad9850-dds-vfo/
* http://janoc.rd-h.com/archives/396
* http://www.amqrp.org/projects/NB6M%20contestvxos/VXO%20Experiments.html
* [[VXO py2ohh]]
* [[VXO FET va3iul]]
* http://www.southgatearc.org/qrp/vxo.htm
* http://www.alg.myzen.co.uk/radio/qrp/mf_tx.htm#3
==X'Tal Filter==
* http://www.webx.dk/oz2cpu/20m/iffilter.htm
* [[Homebrew: Cara memilih X’tal yang identik]]
* http://www.qsl.net/7n3wvm/Fil_Meas.html - cara mengukur frekuensi responds x'tal filter
==Proyek Alat Ukur==
==Proyek Alat Ukur==
* [[Frequency Counter]]
* [[Homebrew SWR Meter]] YD1CHS
* [[Homebrew VK3BHR LC Meter]] YD1CHS
* [[Homebrew VK3BHR LC Meter]] YD1CHS
* [[Homebrew Simple RF Power Meter]] YD1CHS
* [[Homebrew Simple RF Power Meter]] YD1CHS
* http://py2ohh.w2c.com.br/med/lcmeter/lcmeter.htm
* http://hamradio.in/circuits/fcl.php?sid=510f2362d4f28edceca84cd944d172c5 - The FCL - X meter, a meter of frequency, capacitance, inductance and Crystal
* http://www.qsl.net/dl4yhf/rdf_calc/rdf_calc.htm - Fox Hunting Calculator
* http://yc3lsb.wordpress.com/2010/10/11/homebrew-qrp-tester/
* http://www.intio.or.jp/jf10zl/csg.htm - Sweep Generator utk mengukur bandwidth filter
* [[My Homebrew PIC Programmer]] YD1CHS
* [[My Homebrew PIC Programmer]] YD1CHS
* [[SWR: Arduino]]
* [[Homebrew SWR Meter]] YD1CHS
* http://www.intio.or.jp/jf10zl/swrk.htm - QRP SWR
===Frequency Counter===
* [[Frequency Counter]]
* http://www.qsl.net/om3cph/om3cph.html
* http://www.qsl.net/om3cph/counter/lcd/lcd.html
* http://www.qsl.net/om3cph/counter/led/led.html
* http://kl7r.ham-radio.ch/ik3oil/index.html
** http://kl7r.ham-radio.ch/ik3oil/layout.zip
** http://kl7r.ham-radio.ch/ik3oil/ik3oilcounter.hex
** http://digilander.libero.it/ik3oil/_private/Frequenzimetro_eng_2003.pdf
* http://www.g7ltt.com/frequency_counter/
* http://www.qsl.net/dl4yhf/freq_counter/freq_counter.html
* http://freenet-homepage.de/dl4yhf/freq_counter/freq_counter.html
* http://freenet-homepage.de/dl4yhf/freq_counter/freq_counter.zip - firmware frequency counter
* http://www3.sympatico.ca/richard.blackman/PIC_LED_FREQUENCY_COUNTER.html
* http://py2rlm.sites.uol.com.br/FREQLEDEGL.HTM
* http://discovirtual.uol.com.br/disco_virtual/py2rlm/Freq1 - source code, hex utk frekuency counter
* http://panteltje.com/panteltje/pic/freq_pic/index.html - display ke RS232
* http://www.hamradioindia.org/circuits/fcountlcd.php
* http://www.micro-examples.com/public/microex-navig/doc/110-p16f84-freqmeter.html
* http://yc3lsb.wordpress.com/2009/08/18/antena-hf-vhf-dan-uhf/
* [[Antenna Vertical di HF | Antenna Vertical di 40m Band]] YC0LZH
* [[Antenna Vertical di HF | Antenna Vertical di 40m Band]] YC0LZH
* [[Antenna Beam 15m Band Sederhana | Antenna Beam 15m Band Homebrew Sederhana]] [[Onno W. Purbo | YC0MLC]]
* [[Antenna Beam 15m Band Sederhana | Antenna Beam 15m Band Homebrew Sederhana]] [[Onno W. Purbo | YC0MLC]]
* [[Pengalaman nge-DIP Kabel Antenna]] YD2WPE
* [[Pengalaman nge-DIP Kabel Antenna]] YD2WPE
* [[Homebrew Z-Match ATU]] YD1CHS
* http://yc3lsb.wordpress.com/2010/08/20/homebrew-hf-antena-tuning-unit-atu/
* http://qrp-harc.blogspot.com
* http://w7zoi.net/tech.html
* http://www.neoanderthal.com/wa7mlh.html
* http://www.n2pk.com/
* http://www.hamradioindia.org/downloads.php?d_op=viewdownload&cid=3&sid=aea1201d1e2ce568ce16c9ffff93f81d
* http://yc8ddu.wordpress.com/2009/11/05/experimental-methods-in-rf-design/
* http://yc8ddu.wordpress.com/2009/12/16/rf-circuit-design/
* http://yc8ddu.wordpress.com/books/
* http://www.qsl.net/va3iul/
* http://www.qsl.net/va3iul/Homebrew_RF_Circuit_Design_Ideas/Homebrew_RF_Circuit_Design_Ideas.htm
Line 48: Line 229:
* http://www.cqbitx.blogspot.com/ - BITX20A
* http://www.cqbitx.blogspot.com/ - BITX20A
* http://vk3zpf.blogspot.com/ - BITX
* http://vk3zpf.blogspot.com/ - BITX
* http://www.bitx20.com - BITX20 Kit
* http://www.bitx20.com/Download.php
* http://cqbitx.blogspot.com/
* http://yd1chs.wordpress.com/2008/12/04/pembuatan-bitx-80-1-bitx-80-development-1/
* http://yd1chs.wordpress.com/2010/03/20/add-ons-for-bitx-lsb-and-usb-bfo/
* http://yd1chs.wordpress.com/2010/04/02/add-ons-for-bitx-increase-the-lm386-gain/
* http://hasidh.blogspot.com/2010/04/bitx20-ver-3-for-80-m.html
* http://www.saunalahti.fi/hohtola/ham/PLL-VFO-5_5-6_0MHz/PLL-VFO-5_5-6_0MHz.html
* http://www.saunalahti.fi/hohtola/ham/PLL-VFO-5_5-6_0MHz/PLL-VFO-5_5-6_0MHz.html
* http://www.dxqrp.co.cc/
* http://py2ohh.w2c.com.br/trx/ararinha4/ararinha4.htm
* http://py2ohh.w2c.com.br/trx/ararinha5/ararinha5.htm
* http://py2ohh.w2c.com.br/trx/ararinha20m/ararinha20m.htm
* http://py2ohh.w2c.com.br/trx/ararinhaacessorios/ararinhaacessorios.htm
* http://py2ohh.w2c.com.br/trx/vxo40e80/vxo40e80.htm
* http://py2ohh.w2c.com.br/trx/ararinhacw/ararinha4cw.htm
===Software Defined Radio (SDR)===
* http://www.hamsdr.com/
* http://www.flex-radio.com/
* http://www.n0hr.com/hamradio/184/10/ham_radio0.htm
* http://www.9a9.me/
* http://www.9a9.me/sdr/hpsdr
* http://openhpsdr.org/
* http://openhpsdr.org/mlinks.html
* http://www.hpsdr.eu/
===Power Supply===
* http://yd1chs.wordpress.com/2008/09/24/138v-dari-psu-cpu-138v-from-psu-cpu/
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==Pranala Menarik==
==Pranala Menarik==
* [[BITX20]]
* [[WiFi: Antenna | Antenna WiFi]]
* [[Antenna Amatir Radio]]
* [[Aktifitas Amatir Radio]]
* [[Panduan Amatir Radio]]
* [[Panduan Amatir Radio]]
* [[Antenna Amatir Radio]]
** [[Kode Etik Amatir Radio]]
** [[Sejarah Amatir Radio Indonesia]]
** [[Aktifitas Amatir Radio]]
** [[Organisasi Amatir Radio Indonesia]]
** [[Aturan Kegiatan Amatir Radio]]
** [[Tata Cara Berkomunikasi]]
** [[Berkomunikasi Menggunakan Kode Morse]]
** [[Konsep Dasar Radio]]
** [[Dasar Elektronika]]
** [[Elektronika Radio]]
** [[Antenna Amatir Radio]]
** [[Propagasi]]
[[Category: ORARI]]

Latest revision as of 08:58, 1 November 2016

Station YD1JJJ Homebrewer Aktif

Pada masa-masa peralatan buatan pabrik masih mahal, umumnya rekan-rekan Amatir Radio membuat sendiri peralatan transmitter maupun receiver yang mereka gunakan. Pada masa lalu lebih sering digunakan tabung radio untuk keperluan tersebut, pada hari ini semakin banyak peralatan yang dibuat menggunakan transistor atau IC.

Proses pembuatan peralatan amatir radio sendiri sering di sebut "Homebrew". Homebrewing berbeda dengan membuat kit. Homebrewing mempunyai konotasi proses membuat peralatan menggunakan komponen dan disain yang di peroleh dari berbagai sumber dan seringkali harus berimprovisasi. Memang hasil akhirnya akan berbeda dengan peralatan amatir radio komersial buatan pabrik. Para homebrewer akan melihat dari sisi kenikmatan membuat sendiri peralatannya selain kenikmatan menguasai pengetahuan elektronika radio.

Dasar Elektronika

Indusktasi, Coil


Beberapa Proyek Homebrew

Software Defined Radio


SDR Software





Fox Beacon


CW Transceiver

Power Amplifier




X'Tal Filter

Proyek Alat Ukur


Frequency Counter








Software Defined Radio (SDR)

Power Supply


Pranala Menarik