Difference between revisions of "Ethical Hacking"

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Outline kuliah Ethical Hacking untuk 14 pertemuan dengan fokus pada pengetahuan praktis dan skill hacking. Tiap pertemuan menggabungkan teori dan hands-on lab untuk mengembangkan keterampilan secara bertahap:
Outline kuliah Ethical Hacking untuk 15 modul dengan fokus pada pengetahuan praktis dan skill hacking. Tiap pertemuan menggabungkan teori dan hands-on lab untuk mengembangkan keterampilan secara bertahap:
==Pengantar Ethical Hacking==
==Pengantar Ethical Hacking==
Line 8: Line 8:
* [[Perangkat Tool dan Lingkungan Kerja (VM, Kali Linux)]]
* [[Perangkat Tool dan Lingkungan Kerja (VM, Kali Linux)]]
* [[Hands-on: Setup Lab dan Lingkungan Testing Aman]]
* [[Hands-on: Setup Lab dan Lingkungan Testing Aman]]
* [[Definition of Ethical Hacking (en) ]]
* [[Roles and Responsibilities of an Ethical Hacker (en) ]]
* [[Legality, Ethics, and Law Related to Hacking. (en) ]]
* [[Tools and Work Environment (VM, Kali Linux) (en) ]]
* [[Hands-on: Setting Up a Secure Lab and Testing Environment (en) ]]
==Metodologi Penetration Testing==
==Metodologi Penetration Testing==
Line 13: Line 20:
* [[Standar Penetration Testing (OWASP, NIST)]]
* [[Standar Penetration Testing (OWASP, NIST)]]
* [[Hands-on: Membuat Rencana Penetration Testing]]
* [[Hands-on: Membuat Rencana Penetration Testing]]
* [[Penetration Testing Phases (Reconnaissance, Scanning, Gaining Access, Maintaining Access, Covering Tracks) (en)]]
* [[Penetration Testing Standards (OWASP, NIST) (en)]]
* [[Hands-on: Hands-on: Creating a Penetration Testing Plan (en)]]
==Reconnaissance (Information Gathering)==
==Reconnaissance (Information Gathering)==
Line 19: Line 31:
* [[Tools: WHOIS, dig, Maltego, Google Dorking]]
* [[Tools: WHOIS, dig, Maltego, Google Dorking]]
* [[Hands-on: Pengumpulan Informasi Target secara Pasif]]
* [[Hands-on: Pengumpulan Informasi Target secara Pasif]]
* [[Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) Techniques (en)]]
* [[Passive and Active Reconnaissance (en)]]
* [[Tools: WHOIS, dig, Maltego, Google Dorking (en)]]
* [[Hands-on: Passive Target Information Gathering (en)]]
==Scanning dan Enumeration==
==Scanning dan Enumeration==
Line 25: Line 43:
* [[Enumeration Services: SMB, SNMP, FTP, HTTP]]
* [[Enumeration Services: SMB, SNMP, FTP, HTTP]]
* [[Hands-on: Identifikasi Port, Services, dan Vulnerability Target]]
* [[Hands-on: Identifikasi Port, Services, dan Vulnerability Target]]
* [[Network Scanning: Nmap, Netcat (en)]]
* [[Vulnerability Scanning: OpenVAS, Nessus (en)]]
* [[Enumeration Services: SMB, SNMP, FTP, HTTP (en)]]
* [[Hands-on: Target Port, Services, and Vulnerability Identification (en)]]
==Exploitation Basics==
==Exploitation Basics==
Line 33: Line 57:
* [[Tools: Metasploit Framework]]
* [[Tools: Metasploit Framework]]
* [[Hands-on: Menggunakan Metasploit untuk Eksploitasi]]
* [[Hands-on: Menggunakan Metasploit untuk Eksploitasi]]
* [[Pengertian Eksploitasi (en)]]
* [[Memahami Common Vulnerabilities (CVE) (en)]]
* [[Membuat Exploit sederhana berdasarkan CVE (en)]]
* [[Memilih dan Memodifikasi Exploit (en)]]
* [[Tools: Metasploit Framework (en)]]
* [[Hands-on: Menggunakan Metasploit untuk Eksploitasi (en)]]
==Web Application Hacking - Bagian 1==
==Web Application Hacking - Bagian 1==
Line 39: Line 71:
* [[Tools: Burp Suite, OWASP ZAP]]
* [[Tools: Burp Suite, OWASP ZAP]]
* [[Hands-on: Eksploitasi SQL Injection pada Aplikasi Web]]
* [[Hands-on: Eksploitasi SQL Injection pada Aplikasi Web]]
* [[Konsep HTTP, Session, dan Cookies (en)]]
* [[Vulnerabilities umum: SQL Injection, XSS (en)]]
* [[Tools: Burp Suite, OWASP ZAP (en)]]
* [[Hands-on: Eksploitasi SQL Injection pada Aplikasi Web (en)]]
==Web Application Hacking - Bagian 2==
==Web Application Hacking - Bagian 2==
Line 45: Line 83:
* [[Directory Traversal, File Inclusion]]
* [[Directory Traversal, File Inclusion]]
* [[Hands-on: Menggunakan Burp Suite untuk Menganalisis dan Mengeksploitasi Web App]]
* [[Hands-on: Menggunakan Burp Suite untuk Menganalisis dan Mengeksploitasi Web App]]
* [[CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) (en)]]
* [[RCE (Remote Code Execution) (en)]]
* [[Directory Traversal, File Inclusion (en)]]
* [[Hands-on: Menggunakan Burp Suite untuk Menganalisis dan Mengeksploitasi Web App (en)]]
==Password Cracking dan Authentication Bypass==
==Password Cracking dan Authentication Bypass==
Line 51: Line 95:
* [[Tools: John the Ripper, Hydra]]
* [[Tools: John the Ripper, Hydra]]
* [[Hands-on: Password Cracking dan Authentication Bypass]]
* [[Hands-on: Password Cracking dan Authentication Bypass]]
* [[Teknik Password Cracking (Brute Force, Dictionary, Rainbow Table) (en)]]
* [[Bypass Authentication: Vulnerable Login Forms (en)]]
* [[Tools: John the Ripper, Hydra (en)]]
* [[Hands-on: Password Cracking dan Authentication Bypass (en)]]
==Wireless Network Hacking==
==Wireless Network Hacking==
Line 58: Line 108:
* [[Tools: Aircrack-ng, Wireshark]]
* [[Tools: Aircrack-ng, Wireshark]]
* [[Hands-on: Menyerang Wireless Network dan Memecahkan Password WiFi]]
* [[Hands-on: Menyerang Wireless Network dan Memecahkan Password WiFi]]
* [[Teknik dan Protokol Wireless (WEP, WPA/WPA2) (en)]]
* [[Attacks: Man in The Middle (en)]]
* [[Attacks: WEP Cracking, WPA Handshake Capture (en)]]
* [[Tools: Aircrack-ng, Wireshark (en)]]
* [[Hands-on: Attack Wireless Network and Cracking WiFi Password (en)]]
==Social Engineering==
==Social Engineering==
Line 64: Line 121:
* [[Tools: Social Engineering Toolkit (SET)]]
* [[Tools: Social Engineering Toolkit (SET)]]
* [[Hands-on: Simulasi Phishing Attack]]
* [[Hands-on: Simulasi Phishing Attack]]
* [[Teknik Social Engineering: Phishing, Pretexting, Baiting (en)]]
* [[Email Spoofing dan Spear Phishing (en)]]
* [[Tools: Social Engineering Toolkit (SET) (en)]]
* [[Hands-on: Simulasi Phishing Attack (en)]]
==Privilege Escalation==
==Privilege Escalation==
Line 70: Line 133:
* [[Exploiting Misconfigured Services]]
* [[Exploiting Misconfigured Services]]
* [[Hands-on: Menaikkan Privilege di Sistem Linux dan Windows]]
* [[Hands-on: Menaikkan Privilege di Sistem Linux dan Windows]]
* [[Privilege Escalation Concept (en)]]
* [[Local vs Remote Escalation (en)]]
* [[Exploiting Misconfigured Services (en)]]
* [[Hands-on: Gaining Root and Administrator Access in Linux and Windows (en)]]
==Post-Exploitation dan Maintaining Access==
==Post-Exploitation dan Maintaining Access==
Line 76: Line 145:
* [[Cleaning Tracks: Log Deletion, Anti-Forensics]]
* [[Cleaning Tracks: Log Deletion, Anti-Forensics]]
* [[Hands-on: Menginstal Backdoor dan Teknik Persistensi di Sistem Target]]
* [[Hands-on: Menginstal Backdoor dan Teknik Persistensi di Sistem Target]]
* [[Backdoors and Persistence (en)]]
* [[Data Exfiltration (en)]]
* [[Cleaning Tracks: Log Deletion, Anti-Forensics (en)]]
* [[Hands-on: Installing a Backdoor and Persistence Techniques on a Target System (en)]]
==Mobile Hacking==
==Mobile Hacking==
Line 82: Line 157:
* [[Tools: Drozer, APKTool]]
* [[Tools: Drozer, APKTool]]
* [[Hands-on: Analisis dan Eksploitasi APK Android]]
* [[Hands-on: Analisis dan Eksploitasi APK Android]]
* [[Arsitektur and Security Model Android & iOS (en)]]
* [[Vulnerabilities in Mobile Applications (en)]]
* [[Tools: Drozer, APKTool (en)]]
* [[Hands-on: Android APK Analysis and Exploitation (en)]]
==Capture The Flag (CTF) Challenge dan Review==
==Capture The Flag (CTF) Challenge dan Review==
Line 88: Line 169:
* [[Simulasi Penetration Testing Lengkap]]
* [[Simulasi Penetration Testing Lengkap]]
* [[Hands-on: CTF Challenge (Individu/Kelompok)]]
* [[Hands-on: CTF Challenge (Individu/Kelompok)]]
* [[CTF Challenge Solutions for Review (en)]]
* [[Skills and Knowledge Acquired (en)]]
* [[Comprehensive Penetration Testing Simulation (en)]]
* [[Hands-on: CTF Challenge (Individual/Group) (en)]]
==Report Penetration Test==
==Report Penetration Test==
* [[Report Penetration Test: Outline]]
* [[Report Penetration Test: Outline]]
* [[Report Penetration Test: Contoh Temuan Kerentanan]]
* [[Report Penetration Test: Contoh Temuan Eksploitasi]]
* [[Report Penetration Test: Contoh Temuan Dampak]]
* [[Report Penetration Test: Contoh Analisa Resiko]]
* [[Report Penetration Test: Contoh Analisa Resiko]]
* [[Report Penetration Test: Contoh Penentuan Prioritas]]
* [[Report Penetration Test: Contoh Penentuan Prioritas]]
* [[Report Penetration Test: Contoh Rekomendasi Perbaikan]]
* [[Report Penetration Test: Contoh Rekomendasi Perbaikan]]
* [[Report Penetration Test: Contoh Rekomendasi Mitigasi]]
* [[Report Penetration Test: Contoh Rekomendasi Mitigasi]]
* [[Report Penetration Test: Contoh Rekomendasi Pencegahan]]
* [[Report Penetration Test: Outline (en)]]
* [[Report Penetration Test: Example of Vulnerability Findings (en)]]
* [[Report Penetration Test: Examples of Exploitation Findings (en)]]
* [[Report Penetration Test: Examples of Impact Findings (en)]]
* [[Report Penetration Test: Example of Risk Analysis (en)]]
* [[Report Penetration Test: Example of Prioritizing (en)]]
* [[Report Penetration Test: Example of Improvement Recommendations (en)]]
* [[Report Penetration Test: Example of Mitigation Recommendations (en)]]
* [[Report Penetration Test: Example of Prevention Recommendations (en)]]

Latest revision as of 07:24, 29 October 2024

Outline kuliah Ethical Hacking untuk 15 modul dengan fokus pada pengetahuan praktis dan skill hacking. Tiap pertemuan menggabungkan teori dan hands-on lab untuk mengembangkan keterampilan secara bertahap:

Pengantar Ethical Hacking

Metodologi Penetration Testing

Reconnaissance (Information Gathering)

Scanning dan Enumeration

Exploitation Basics

Web Application Hacking - Bagian 1

Web Application Hacking - Bagian 2

Password Cracking dan Authentication Bypass

Wireless Network Hacking

Social Engineering

Privilege Escalation

Post-Exploitation dan Maintaining Access

Mobile Hacking

Capture The Flag (CTF) Challenge dan Review

Report Penetration Test