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Sumber: http://www.medooze.com/products/mcu/open-source-installation.aspx
Sumber: http://www.medooze.com/products/mcu/open-source-installation.aspx
1. Getting mcuWeb.sar
==Getting mcuWeb.sar==
1.1 Download binary from sourceforge
===Download binary from sourceforge===
The binary release of the application can be found on sourceforge at http://sourceforge.net/projects/mcumediaserver/files/mcumediaserver/
The binary release of the application can be found on sourceforge at http://sourceforge.net/projects/mcumediaserver/files/mcumediaserver/
Line 8: Line 9:
Please note that the binary file is not released for every subversion commit. If you want to use the very latest version in the repository, you will have to compile it from sources as described in the next chapter.
Please note that the binary file is not released for every subversion commit. If you want to use the very latest version in the repository, you will have to compile it from sources as described in the next chapter.
1.2 Compile it from source
===Compile it from source===
First you need to download the apache xmlrpc library and make sure that you have sailfin installed in your server. Obviously java JDK and ant are also needed.
First you need to download the apache xmlrpc library and make sure that you have sailfin installed in your server. Obviously java JDK and ant are also needed.
Line 44: Line 45:
  ant -Dj2ee.server.home=/usr/local/sailfin -Dlibs.CopyLibs.classpath=/usr/share/netbeans/java4/ant/extra/org-netbeans-modules-java-j2seproject-copylibstask.jar
  ant -Dj2ee.server.home=/usr/local/sailfin -Dlibs.CopyLibs.classpath=/usr/share/netbeans/java4/ant/extra/org-netbeans-modules-java-j2seproject-copylibstask.jar
2. Deployment in an SIP Application Server
==Deployment in an SIP Application Server==
2.1 Using Sailfin SIP Aplication Server
===Using Sailfin SIP Aplication Server===
SailFin is based on robust and scalable SIP servlets technology open sourced by Ericsson on top of a deployment-quality, Java EE-based GlassFish by Sun. JSR 289 updates the SIP Servlets API and defines a standard application programming model to mix SIP Servlets and Java EE components.
SailFin is based on robust and scalable SIP servlets technology open sourced by Ericsson on top of a deployment-quality, Java EE-based GlassFish by Sun. JSR 289 updates the SIP Servlets API and defines a standard application programming model to mix SIP Servlets and Java EE components.
Line 174: Line 176:
Login into the Sailfin admin consoling available in http://[ip]:4848/
Login into the Sailfin admin consoling available in http://[ip]:4848/
[[Image:Login 800x472.jpg|center|200px|thumb]]
  User: admin.
  User: admin.
Line 180: Line 183:
If you want to to change the http listening port you can do it under Configuration > http-listener-1
If you want to to change the http listening port you can do it under Configuration > http-listener-1
[[Image:Listener 800x472.jpg|center|200px|thumb]]
It is also possible to change also the listening ports for the SIP protocol that will be listening on the default 5060 one to avoid conflicts with anyother SIP server running in the same server (as Asterisk). First we will change the SIP port assigned to the container under Configuration > Sip container
It is also possible to change also the listening ports for the SIP protocol that will be listening on the default 5060 one to avoid conflicts with anyother SIP server running in the same server (as Asterisk). First we will change the SIP port assigned to the container under Configuration > Sip container
[[Image:Listener2 800x472.jpg|center|200px|thumb]]
Change the following values
Change the following values
Line 191: Line 196:
And then the set the listening port under Configuration > SIP Listener > sip-listener-1
And then the set the listening port under Configuration > SIP Listener > sip-listener-1
[[Image:Listener3 800x472.jpg|center|200px|thumb]]
And under Configuration > SIP Listener > sip-listener-2
And under Configuration > SIP Listener > sip-listener-2
[[Image:Listener4 800x472.jpg|center|200px|thumb]]
Now we will install the mcuWeb application in the Sailfin server.Go to Applications > Converged Sip Modules and click deploy
Now we will install the mcuWeb application in the Sailfin server.Go to Applications > Converged Sip Modules and click deploy
[[Image:Deploy 800x472.jpg|center|200px|thumb]]
Choose the local file and deploy it
Choose the local file and deploy it
[[Image:Deploy2 800x472.jpg|center|200px|thumb]]
The mcuWeb interface will be ready under http://[ip]/mcuWeb
The mcuWeb interface will be ready under http://[ip]/mcuWeb
[[Image:Mcuweb 800x536.jpg|center|200px|thumb]]
2.2 Using Mobicents SIP Application Server
===Using Mobicents SIP Application Server===
Mobicents SIP Servlets is a modern communications middleware platform and implements the latest SIP Servlet v1.1 (JSR 289) standard. It can be plugged into any Application Server container (currently 7.X and JBoss 7.X) and also offers High Availability and Failover. It also supoprts SIP over websockets.
Mobicents SIP Servlets is a modern communications middleware platform and implements the latest SIP Servlet v1.1 (JSR 289) standard. It can be plugged into any Application Server container (currently 7.X and JBoss 7.X) and also offers High Availability and Failover. It also supoprts SIP over websockets.
Line 236: Line 245:
Once deployed you will ned to setup the SIP servlet routing to make the mcuWeb application handle the sip traffic. This is done via the mobicents sip servlet management console available at http://ip:port/sip-servlets-management
Once deployed you will ned to setup the SIP servlet routing to make the mcuWeb application handle the sip traffic. This is done via the mobicents sip servlet management console available at http://ip:port/sip-servlets-management
3. SIP Server integration
==SIP Server integration==
3.1 Asterisk integration
===Asterisk integration===
First, enable general video support in the sip configuration.
First, enable general video support in the sip configuration.
Line 269: Line 279:
* http://www.medooze.com/products/mcu/open-source-installation.aspx
* http://www.medooze.com/products/mcu/open-source-installation.aspx
==Pranala Menarik==
* [[VoIP]]
* [[OpenBTS]]
===Latar Belakang===
* [[Menjadikan VoIP dan 4G Legal]]
* [[Sekitar VoIP Rakyat]]
* [[VoIP: Dasar Hukum Internet Telepon]]
* [[VoIP: Beberapa Skenario Topologi]]
* [[VoIP: Pilihan Teknologi Internet Telepon]]
* [[VoIP: Pengkodean Suara di Jaringan Komputer]]
* [[VoIP: Konsep Video Conference]]
===Untuk Pemula===
* [[VoIP: Kebutuhan Peralatan dan Software]]
* [[VoIP: Internet Telepon PC ke PC]]
===Untuk Peneliti / Pencoba===
* [[VoIP: Bandwidth Internet Telepon]]
* [[VoIP: Softswitch / Server Internet Telepon]]
* [[VoIP: Repository Software Internet Telepon]]
* [[VoIP: Menghubungkan PSTN dan Selular]]
===Untuk Operator===
* [[VoIP: Server Video Conference]]
* [[VoIP: Software dan peralatan client Internet Telepon]]
* [[VoIP: Penggunaan DAHDI]]
* [[VoIP: Hardware Client VoIP]]
* [[VoIP: Hardware Server VoIP]]
* [[VoIP: Interkoneksi dan Alokasi Nomor Telepon]]
* [[VoIP: Peering Antar Operator VoIP]]
* [[VoIP: Menghubungkan PSTN dan Selular]]
* [[VoIP: Trunk]]
===Topik Lanjut===
* [[VoIP: ENUM untuk pengenalan nomor telepon di Internet Telepon]]
* [[VoIP: Teknik Evaluasi Internet Telepon]]
* [[VoIP: Troubleshooting]]
* [[VoIP: Video Conference Server]]
===Buku Teknologi VoIP===
* [[Onno W. Purbo]], "VoIP Cikal Bakal Telkom Rakyat", Infokomputer, 2007.
* http://opensource.telkomspeedy.com/speedyorari/index.php?dir=ebook-voip
[[Category: VoIP]]
[[Category: Internet Telepon]]

Latest revision as of 11:03, 8 January 2014

Sumber: http://www.medooze.com/products/mcu/open-source-installation.aspx

Getting mcuWeb.sar

Download binary from sourceforge

The binary release of the application can be found on sourceforge at http://sourceforge.net/projects/mcumediaserver/files/mcumediaserver/

Please note that the binary file is not released for every subversion commit. If you want to use the very latest version in the repository, you will have to compile it from sources as described in the next chapter.

Compile it from source

First you need to download the apache xmlrpc library and make sure that you have sailfin installed in your server. Obviously java JDK and ant are also needed.

# External source code checkout
svn checkout svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/mcumediaserver/code/trunk/ medooze

The next step is to retreive the latest version from the reopository.

Edit the project properties to match your library directories. In /usr/local/src/medooze/XmlRpcMcuClient/nbproject/project.properties:


In /usr/local/src/medooze/mcuWeb/nbproject/project.properties:


And now compile both projects:

cd /usr/local/src/medooze/XmlRpcMcuClient

cd /usr/local/src/medooze/mcuWeb
ant -Dj2ee.server.home=/usr/local/sailfin -Dlibs.CopyLibs.classpath=/usr/share/netbeans/java4/ant/extra/org-netbeans-modules-java-j2seproject-copylibstask.jar

Deployment in an SIP Application Server

Using Sailfin SIP Aplication Server

SailFin is based on robust and scalable SIP servlets technology open sourced by Ericsson on top of a deployment-quality, Java EE-based GlassFish by Sun. JSR 289 updates the SIP Servlets API and defines a standard application programming model to mix SIP Servlets and Java EE components. Installing Sailfin

The first step is to download and install sun JDK 1.6 and install the Sailfin server.

#Installing Sailfin
cd /usr/local
wget http://download.java.net/javaee5/sailfin/v2_branch/promoted/Linux/sailfin-installer-v2-b31g-linux.jar
java -Xmx256m -jar sailfin-installer-v2-b31g-linux.jar

cd sailfin
chmod -R +x lib/ant/bin
lib/ant/bin/ant -f setup.xml

Once installed, we will add a start script. Create a new mcuWeb file under /etc/init.d and copy the following.

#! /bin/sh
# Provides:          mcuWeb
# Required-Start:
# Required-Stop:
# Default-Start:     2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop:      0 1 6
# Short-Description: mcuWeb startup script
# Description:       mcuWeb startup script
# Author: Sergio Garcia Murillo “sergio.garcia@fontventa.com”
DESC="Start Sailfin domian domain1"
START_ARGS="start-domain domain1"
STOP_ARGS="stop-domain domain1"

# Exit if the package is not installed
[ -x "$DAEMON" ] || exit 0

# Read configuration variable file if it is present
[ -r /etc/default/$NAME ] && . /etc/default/$NAME

# Function that starts the daemon/service
        # Return
        #   0 if daemon has been started
        #   1 if daemon was already running
        #   2 if daemon could not be started
        $DAEMON $START_ARGS || return 2
# Function that stops the daemon/service
        # Return
        #   0 if daemon has been stopped
        #   1 if daemon was already stopped
        #   2 if daemon could not be stopped
        $DAEMON $STOP_ARGS || return 2
case "$1" in
        [ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && echo "Starting $DESC" "$NAME"
        case "$?" in
                0|1) [ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && echo "Done" ;;
                2) [ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && echo "Failed" ;;
        [ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && echo "Stopping $DESC" "$NAME"
        case "$?" in
                0|1) [ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && echo "Done" ;;
                2) [ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && echo "Failed" ;;
        # If the "reload" option is implemented then remove the
        # 'force-reload' alias
        echo "Restarting $DESC" "$NAME"
        case "$?" in
                case "$?" in
                        0) echo "Done" ;;
                        1) echo "Old process is still running" ;; # Old process is still running
                        *) echo "Failed to start" ;; # Failed to start
                # Failed to stop
                echo "Failed"
        #echo "Usage: $SCRIPTNAME {start|stop|restart|reload|force-reload}" >&2
        echo "Usage: $SCRIPTNAME {start|stop|restart|force-reload}" >&2
        exit 3

Let’s configure the service to start automatically at the desired runleves and start the default Sailfin domain:

chmod 777 /etc/init.d/mcuWeb
/sbin/chkconfig --level 35 mcuWeb on
service  mcuWeb start

Configure Sailfin and deploy mcuWeb

Login into the Sailfin admin consoling available in http://[ip]:4848/

Login 800x472.jpg
User: admin.
Default password: adminadmin

If you want to to change the http listening port you can do it under Configuration > http-listener-1

Listener 800x472.jpg

It is also possible to change also the listening ports for the SIP protocol that will be listening on the default 5060 one to avoid conflicts with anyother SIP server running in the same server (as Asterisk). First we will change the SIP port assigned to the container under Configuration > Sip container

Listener2 800x472.jpg

Change the following values

Sip Port: 5070
Secure Sip Port: 5071

And then the set the listening port under Configuration > SIP Listener > sip-listener-1

Listener3 800x472.jpg

And under Configuration > SIP Listener > sip-listener-2

Listener4 800x472.jpg

Now we will install the mcuWeb application in the Sailfin server.Go to Applications > Converged Sip Modules and click deploy

Deploy 800x472.jpg

Choose the local file and deploy it

Deploy2 800x472.jpg

The mcuWeb interface will be ready under http://[ip]/mcuWeb

Mcuweb 800x536.jpg

Using Mobicents SIP Application Server

Mobicents SIP Servlets is a modern communications middleware platform and implements the latest SIP Servlet v1.1 (JSR 289) standard. It can be plugged into any Application Server container (currently 7.X and JBoss 7.X) and also offers High Availability and Failover. It also supoprts SIP over websockets.

Installing MSS 2.0

The first step is to download and install sun JDK 1.6 and mss 2.0.

#Installing Mobicents
cd /usr/local
wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/mobicents/files/Mobicents%20Sip%20Servlets/Mobicents%20Sip%20Servlets%202.0.0.FINAL/mss-2.0.0.FINAL-jboss-as-7.1.2.Final-1349104459.zip/download
unzip mss-2.0.0.FINAL-jboss-as-7.1.2.Final-1349104459.zip
mv mss-2.0.0.FINAL-jboss-as-7.1.2.Final-1349104459 mss-2.0.0

To run mss server just:

cd /usr/local/mss-2.0.0/bin/
./standalone.sh -c standalone-sip.xml -b

Deploy mcuWeb and configure routing

In order to deploy the mcuWeb into Mobicents Sip Servlet, all is needed is to rename the mcuWeb.sar file to mcuWeb.war and copy to the autopdeploy directory

cp mcuWeb.sar /usr/local/mss-2.0.0/standalone/deployments/mcuWeb.war

Once deployed you will ned to setup the SIP servlet routing to make the mcuWeb application handle the sip traffic. This is done via the mobicents sip servlet management console available at http://ip:port/sip-servlets-management

SIP Server integration

Asterisk integration

First, enable general video support in the sip configuration.


Add the SIP Application Server as a peer to the sip configuration. Add the following should be added to the sip.conf or to the sip_custom.conf. Make sure to change IP and port to match your actual deployment.


The only step left is to forward the desired extensions to be used as conferences to the Sailfin server in the dialplan. For example to forward all 3XX extensions just add the following to the extension.conf or to the extension_custom.conf. Change the context to match your current default or custom content.

exten => _3XX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@mcuWeb,,)


Pranala Menarik

Latar Belakang

Untuk Pemula

Untuk Peneliti / Pencoba

Untuk Operator

Topik Lanjut

Buku Teknologi VoIP