apt install dbench
dbench [options]numclients tbench [options]numclientsserver tbench_srv [options]
-c client.txt Use this as the full path name of the client.txt file (the default is /usr/share/dbench/client.txt). -s Use synchronous file IO on all file operations. -t TIME set the runtime of the benchmark in seconds (default 600) -D DIR set the base directory to run the filesystem operations in -x enable xattr support, simulating the xattr operations Samba4 would need to perform to run the load -S Use synchronous IO for all directory operations (unlink, rmdir, mkdir and rename). The tbench program takes a number, which indicates the number of clients to run simultaneously, and a server name: tbench_srv should be invoked on that server before invoking tbench. tbench can also take the following options: -T option[,...] This sets the socket options for the connection to the server. The options are a comma-separated list of one or more of the following: SO_KEEPALIVE, SO_REUSEADDR, SO_BROADCAST, SO_NODELAY, SO_LOWDELAY, SO_THROUGHPUT, SO_SNDBUF=number, SO_RCVBUF=number, SO_SNDLOWAT=number, SO_RCVLOWAT=number, SO_SNDTIMEO=number,and SO_RCVTIMEO=number. See socket(7) for details about these options. The tbench_srv can only take one option: -T option[,...] as documented above.
Contoh 1
vi /usr/share/dbench/contoh1.txt
# Create a bunch of files # OPEN # Flags are the combination of these flags, ored together # 0x01 O_RDONLY # 0x02 O_WRONLY # 0x04 O_RDWR # # 0x08 O_CREAT create the file if it does nto exist # 0x10 O_EXCL fail if the file already exists # 0x20 O_TRUNC if the file exists, truncate it # 0x40 O_APPEND open in append mode only OPEN "/file0" 0x1c SUCCESS WRITE "/file0" 0 32768 SUCCESS WRITE "/file0" 32768 32768 SUCCESS CLOSE "/file0" SUCCESS # OPEN "/file1" 0x1c SUCCESS WRITE "/file1" 0 32768 SUCCESS WRITE "/file1" 32768 32768 SUCCESS CLOSE "/file1" SUCCESS # OPEN "/file2" 0x1c SUCCESS WRITE "/file2" 0 32768 SUCCESS WRITE "/file2" 32768 32768 SUCCESS CLOSE "/file2" SUCCESS # OPEN "/file3" 0x1c SUCCESS WRITE "/file3" 0 32768 SUCCESS WRITE "/file3" 32768 32768 SUCCESS CLOSE "/file3" SUCCESS # OPEN "/file4" 0x1c SUCCESS WRITE "/file4" 0 32768 SUCCESS WRITE "/file4" 32768 32768 SUCCESS CLOSE "/file4" SUCCESS dbench -D /mnt/public --loadfile=contoh1.txt --run-once --skip-cleanup 10
dbench version 4.00 - Copyright Andrew Tridgell 1999-2004 Running for 600 seconds with load 'smb-writefiles.txt' and minimum warmup 120 secs 0 of 10 processes prepared for launch 0 sec 7 of 10 processes prepared for launch 0 sec 10 of 10 processes prepared for launch 0 sec releasing clients 10 32 2.44 MB/sec warmup 1 sec latency 228.466 ms 10 37 2.49 MB/sec warmup 1 sec latency 512.282 ms Operation Count AvgLat MaxLat -------------------------------------------------- CLOSE 50 95.240 221.051 OPEN 50 62.833 240.597 WRITE 100 30.972 250.154 Throughput 0 MB/sec 10 clients 10 procs max_latency=512.282 ms
Contoh 2
# OPEN # Flags are the combination of these flags, ored together # 0x01 O_RDONLY # 0x02 O_WRONLY # 0x04 O_RDWR # # 0x08 O_CREAT create the file if it does nto exist # 0x10 O_EXCL fail if the file already exists # 0x20 O_TRUNC if the file exists, truncate it # 0x40 O_APPEND open in append mode only OPEN "/file0" 0x01 SUCCESS READ "/file0" 0 32768 SUCCESS READ "/file0" 32768 32768 SUCCESS CLOSE "/file0" SUCCESS # OPEN "/file1" 0x01 SUCCESS READ "/file1" 0 32768 SUCCESS READ "/file1" 32768 32768 SUCCESS CLOSE "/file1" SUCCESS # OPEN "/file2" 0x01 SUCCESS READ "/file2" 0 32768 SUCCESS READ "/file2" 32768 32768 SUCCESS CLOSE "/file2" SUCCESS # OPEN "/file3" 0x01 SUCCESS READ "/file3" 0 32768 SUCCESS READ "/file3" 32768 32768 SUCCESS CLOSE "/file3" SUCCESS # OPEN "/file4" 0x01 SUCCESS READ "/file4" 0 32768 SUCCESS READ "/file4" 32768 32768 SUCCESS CLOSE "/file4" SUCCESS
./dbench -B smb --smb-share=// --smb-user=Administrator%password --loadfile=smb-readfiles.txt --timelimit=10 --skip-cleanup 10