OpenBTS: E110 Bekerja dengan opkg

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Nampaknya E110 menggunakan opkg untuk instalasi software / aplikasi.

Source List untuk opkg

Source List untuk opkg yang digunakan di OpenBTS E110 dapat dilihat dalam file yang ada di folder


arah sources adalah

Script untuk copy source list opkg

Edit file di PC misalnya

cd ~/Downloads

Isi dengan

wget -c --level=1 -r -p -U Mozilla
wget -c --level=1 -r -p -U Mozilla
wget -c --level=1 -r -p -U Mozilla
wget -c --level=1 -r -p -U Mozilla
wget -c --level=1 -r -p -U Mozilla
wget -c --level=1 -r -p -U Mozilla
wget -c --level=1 -r -p -U Mozilla
wget -c --level=1 -r -p -U Mozilla

Save & berikan permission utk di run

chmod 777

Menjalankan dengan

cd ~/Downloads

Update source list

Pastikan ada sambungan yang baik ke Internet. Lakukan

opkg update

Butuh waktu beberapa lama untuk memperoleh semua isi.

Mencari aplikasi

Gunakan misalnya mencari osip

opkg list | grep osip


libosip2-3 - 3.1.0-r0.9 - Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) library
libosip2-dbg - 3.1.0-r0.9 - Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) library
libosip2-dev - 3.1.0-r0.9 - Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) library
libosip2-doc - 3.1.0-r0.9 - Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) library
libosip2-static - 3.1.0-r0.9 - Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) library

Contoh lain

opkg list | grep ortp

Akan keluar misalnya

libortp-dbg - 0.13.1-r1.0.9 - An LGPL implementation of RTP - RFC3550
libortp-dev - 0.13.1-r1.0.9 - An LGPL implementation of RTP - RFC3550
libortp-static - 0.13.1-r1.0.9 - An LGPL implementation of RTP - RFC3550
libortp5 - 0.13.1-r1.0.9 - An LGPL implementation of RTP - RFC3550

Menginstalasi Aplikasi


opkg install libosip2-3 libosip2-dev libortp5 libortp-dev

Meremove Aplikasi


opkg remove aplikasi

Cara Menggunakan

usage: opkg [options...] sub-command [arguments...]
where sub-command is one of:

Package Manipulation:
    update     Update list of available packages
    upgrade    Upgrade installed packages
    install    Install package(s)
    configure  Configure unpacked package(s)
    remove     Remove package(s)
    flag       Flag package(s)
     =hold|noprune|user|ok|installed|unpacked (one per invocation)  

Informational Commands:
    list            List available packages
    list-installed  List installed packages
    list-upgradable List installed and upgradable packages
    files           List files belonging to 
    search          List package providing 
    info [pkg|regexp]    Display all info for 
    status [pkg|regexp]  Display all status for 
    download             Download  to current directory
                        compare versions using = = 
    print-architecture   List installable package architectures
    whatdepends [-A] [pkgname|pat]+
    whatdependsrec [-A] [pkgname|pat]+
    whatprovides [-A] [pkgname|pat]+
    whatconflicts [-A] [pkgname|pat]+
    whatreplaces [-A] [pkgname|pat]+

    -A              Query all packages not just those installed
    -V[]            Set verbosity level to .
    --verbosity[=]  Verbosity levels:
                      0 errors only
                      1 normal messages (default)
                      2 informative messages
                      3 debug
                      4 debug level 2
    -f              Use  as the opkg configuration file
    --cache         Use a package cache
    -d              Use  as the the root directory for
    --dest          package installation, removal, upgrading.
                    should be a defined dest name from
                    the configuration file, (but can also be a
                    directory name in a pinch).
    -o              Use  as the root directory for
    --offline-root  offline installation of packages.  

Force Options:
    --force-depends      Install/remove despite failed dependencies
    --force-maintainer   Overwrite preexisting config files
    --force-reinstall    Reinstall package(s)
    --force-overwrite    Overwrite files from other package(s)
    --force-downgrade    Allow opkg to downgrade packages
    --force-space        Disable free space checks
    --noaction           No action -- test only
    --download-only      No action -- download only
    --nodeps             Do not follow dependencies
                Remove package and all dependencies
    --autoremove         Remove packages that were installed
                         automatically to satisfy dependencies
    -t                   Specify tmp-dir.
    --tmp-dir            Specify tmp-dir. 

regexp could be something like 'pkgname*' '*file*' or similar
e.g. opkg info 'libstd*' or opkg search '*libop*' or opkg remove 'libncur*'


Pranala Menarik



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