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  cd /usr/local/src
  cd /usr/local/src
  apt-get install subversion
  apt-get install subversion
  svn co http://wush.net/svn/range/software/public openbts
  svn co http://wush.net/svn/range/software/public openbts-2.8.0
  scp -r openbts root@<ip-address-E110>
  scp -r openbts root@<ip-address-E110>

Revision as of 14:36, 9 August 2012

Lakukan Ubah Master Clock ke 52MHz

Instalasi Aplikasi Pendukung

Instal aplikasi pendukung

opkg update
opkg install libosip2-6 libosip2-dev libortp8 libortp-dev sqlite3

Jika dibutuhkan kita dapat menset di shell

setenv PERL5LIB /usr/share/autoconf/Autom4te:/usr/share/automake-1.11/Automake

Instalasi OpenBTS

Cek apakah ada OpenBTS

updatedb &
locate openbts

Kalau tidak ketemu berarti kita perlu instalasi.

Download OpenBTS

Download di PC source code openbts bisa melalui

cd /usr/local/src
apt-get install subversion
svn co http://wush.net/svn/range/software/public openbts-2.8.0
scp -r openbts root@<ip-address-E110>

Compile OpenBTS

Compile menggunakan perintah

mv openbts ~/src
vi ~/src/openbts/openbts/trunk/apps/OpenBTS.cpp 



lanjutkan proses compile

cd ~/src/openbts/openbts/trunk
./configure --with-uhd CFLAGS="-march=armv7-a -mtune=cortex-a8 -mfpu=neon -mfloat-abi=softfp -O3" CXXFLAGS="-march=armv7-a -mtune=cortex-a8 -mfpu=neon -mfloat-abi=softfp -O3" 
make clean
make install
cd ~/src/openbts/openbts/trunk/apps
ln -s ../Transceiver52M/transceiver .

Instalasi Database Konfigurasi OpenBTS

cd ~/src/openbts/openbts/trunk
sudo mkdir /etc/OpenBTS
rm /etc/OpenBTS/OpenBTS.db
sudo sqlite3 -init ./apps/OpenBTS.example.sql /etc/OpenBTS/OpenBTS.db

Error "assuming TRX is dead"

Di E1xx, transceiver akan lebih lambat dari yang normal OpenBTS. Oleh karenanya sangat di sarankan agar transceiver load delay di naikan, jika tidak OpenBTS akan meresponds dengan "assuming TRX is dead" dan exit. Jika ini terjadi, transceiver instance akan tetap running dan akan menyebabkan akses ke UHD device terhalangi. Patch-nya adalah

vi ~/src/openbts/openbts/trunk/apps/OpenBTS.cpp 


// Start the transceiver interface.
// Sleep long enough for the USRP to bootload.

Ubah menjadi


Error File System Kurang Baik

Kalau microSD yang kita gunakan kurang baik, ada beberapa sector yang Read-only, maka kita akan melihat error di bawah ini.

Preparing build ... autom4te: cannot open autom4te.cache/requests: Read-only file system
automake: autoconf failed with exit status: 1
ERROR: automake failed
rm: cannot remove `COPYING.5934.protect_from_automake.backup': Read-only file  system
rm: cannot remove `INSTALL.5934.protect_from_automake.backup': Read-only file system
rm: cannot remove `./config.sub.backup': Read-only file system
rm: cannot remove `./ltmain.sh.backup': Read-only file system


  • reboot & ulang proses compile.
  • Kalau tetap gagal, maka kita perlu membuat ulang microSD tersebut.

Error autoreconf

Sebaiknya jangan menggunakan autoreconf seperti di bawah ini karena akan meminta perl yang tidak ada di E110.

mv openbts ~/src
cd ~/src/openbts/openbts/trunk
autoreconf -i

Akan keluar error sebagai berikut

can't locate Autom4te/ChannelDefs.pm in @INC (@INC contains: @autom4te_perllibdir@ /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/perl/5.10.1 /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.1 /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.10 /usr/share/perl/5.10 /usr/local/lib/site_perl   .) at /usr/bin/gnu-configize line 40.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/bin/gnu-configize line 40.
autoreconf: gnu-configize failed with exit status: 2


  • autoreconf -i cukup aman kalau di lakukan di Ubuntu 11.10. Caranya SD card di mount ke ubuntu 11.10, di lakukan di mesin host Ubuntu 11.10 bukan di E110.
  • Alternatif lain menggunakan ./autogen.sh kemungkinan berhasil lebih tinggi.

Compile Smqueue


cd ~/src/openbts/smqueue/trunk
make clean
make install

Selanjutnya, inisialisasi konfigurasi database OpenBTS

cd ~/src/openbts/smqueue/trunk
rm -Rf /etc/OpenBTS/smqueue.db
sudo sqlite3 -init  smqueue/smqueue.example.sql /etc/OpenBTS/smqueue.db

Error saat compile / make Smqueue

make[1]: Entering directory `/home/root/src/openbts/smqueue/trunk/smqueue'
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I..  -I../CommonLibs -I../GSM -I../SMS -I../Globals -I../HLR -I../sqlite3  -O3 -g -lpthread -g -O2 -MT smqueue.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/smqueue.Tpo -c -o smqueue.o smqueue.cpp
smqueue.cpp: In member function 'void SMqueue::SMq::respond_sip_ack(int,  SMqueue::short_msg_pending*, char*, size_t)':
smqueue.cpp:1910:20: error: invalid conversion from 'int (*)(void*, void**)' to 'int* (*)(void*, void*)'
smqueue.cpp:1910:20: error:   initializing argument 3 of 'int osip_list_clone(const osip_list_t*, osip_list_t*, int* (*)(void*, void*))'
make[1]: *** [smqueue.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/root/src/openbts/smqueue/trunk/smqueue'
make: *** [install-recursive] Error 1 


  • Belum ada solusi

Instalasi Subscriber Registry


cd ~/src/openbts/subscriberRegistry/trunk/configFiles
sudo mkdir /var/lib/asterisk/
sudo mkdir /var/lib/asterisk/sqlite3dir
sudo sqlite3 -init subscriberRegistryInit.sql /var/lib/asterisk/sqlite3dir/sqlite3.db

Yang agak repot adalah menginstalasi Asterisk Real Time

Error di Template Database

Naga-naganya masih banyak sekali Error di template database subscriber registry :(

-- Loading resources from subscriberRegistryInit.sql
Error: incomplete SQL: CREATE TABLE 'sip_buddies'
id                    integer,
name                  VARCHAR(80) not null,
context               VARCHAR(80),
callingpres           VARCHAR(30) DEFAULT 'allowed_not_screened',
deny                  VARCHAR(95),
permit                VARCHAR(95),
secret                VARCHAR(80),
md5secret             VARCHAR(80),
remotesecret          VARCHAR(250),
transport             VARCHAR(10),
host                  VARCHAR(31) not null,
nat                   VARCHAR(5) DEFAULT 'no' not null,
type                  VARCHAR(10) DEFAULT 'friend' not null,
accountcode           VARCHAR(20),
amaflags              VARCHAR(13),
callgroup             VARCHAR(10),
callerid              VARCHAR(80),
defaultip             VARCHAR(40) DEFAULT '',
dtmfmode              VARCHAR(7) DEFAULT 'rfc2833',
fromuser              VARCHAR(80), 
fromdomain            VARCHAR(80),
insecure              VARCHAR(4),
language              CHAR(2),
mailbox               VARCHAR(50),
pickupgroup           VARCHAR(10),
qualify               CHAR(3),
regexten              VARCHAR(80),
rtptimeout            CHAR(3),
rtpholdtimeout        CHAR(3),
setvar                VARCHAR(100),
disallow              VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT 'all',
allow                 VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT 'ulaw' not null,
fullcontact           VARCHAR(80),
ipaddr                VARCHAR(40),
port                  int(5) DEFAULT 0,
username              VARCHAR(80),
defaultuser           VARCHAR(80),
subscribecontext      VARCHAR(80),
directmedia           VARCHAR(3),
trustrpid             VARCHAR(3),
sendrpid              VARCHAR(3),
progressinband        VARCHAR(5),
promiscredir          VARCHAR(3),
useclientcode         VARCHAR(3),
callcounter           VARCHAR(3),
busylevel             int(11),
allowoverlap          VARCHAR(3) DEFAULT 'yes',
allowsubscribe        VARCHAR(3) DEFAULT 'yes',
allowtransfer         VARCHAR(3) DEFAULT 'yes',
ignoresdpversion      VARCHAR(3) DEFAULT 'no',
template              VARCHAR(100),
videosupport          VARCHAR(6) DEFAULT 'no',
maxcallbitrate        int(11),
rfc2833compensate     VARCHAR(3) DEFAULT 'yes',
'session-timers'      VARCHAR(10) DEFAULT 'accept',
'session-expires'     int(6) DEFAULT 1800,
'session-minse'       int(6) DEFAULT 90,
'session-refresher'   VARCHAR(3) DEFAULT 'uas',
t38pt_usertpsource    VARCHAR(3),
outboundproxy         VARCHAR(250),
callbackextension     VARCHAR(250),
registertrying        VARCHAR(3) DEFAULT 'yes',
timert1               int(6) DEFAULT 500,
timerb                int(9),
qualifyfreq           int(6) DEFAULT 120,
contactpermit         VARCHAR(250),
contactdeny           VARCHAR(250),
lastms                int(11) DEFAULT 0 not null,
regserver             VARCHAR(100),
regseconds            int(11) DEFAULT 0 not null,
useragent             VARCHAR(100),
cancallforward        CHAR(3) DEFAULT 'yes' not null,
canreinvite           CHAR(3) DEFAULT 'yes' not null,
mask                  VARCHAR(95),
musiconhold           VARCHAR(100),
restrictcid           CHAR(3),
calllimit             int(5),
WhiteListFlag         timestamp not null default '0',
WhiteListCode         varchar(8) not null default '0',
rand                  varchar(33) default ,
sres                  varchar(33) default ,
ki                    varchar(33) default ,
kc                    varchar(33) default ,
RRLPSupported         int(1) default 1 not null,
hardware	      VARCHAR(20),
regTime               INTEGER default 0 NOT NULL"
a3_a8                 varchar(45) default NULL
primary key(id)


  • Belum ada solusi

Instalasi Sipauthserve

Sipauthserve adalah daemon yang memberikan SIP authentication services. Variabel SIP.Proxy.Registration di OpenBTS harus menunjuk pada hostname & port Sipauthserve. OpenBTS harus sudah di buat sebelum membuat Sipauthserve.

Compile Sipauthserve

cd ~/src/openbts/subscriberRegistry/trunk

Setup database untuk Sipauthserve

rm /etc/OpenBTS/sipauthserve.db
cd ~/src/openbts/subscriberRegistry/trunk
sqlite3 -init sipauthserve.example.sql /etc/OpenBTS/sipauthserve.db

Menjalankan OpenBTS

cd ~/src/openbts/openbts/trunk/apps/

Bisa keluar

OpenBTS> version
release P2.8TRUNK built Mar  3 2012

Error waktu Start

ALERT 1088898144 TRXManager.cpp:86:clockHandler: TRX clock interface timed out, assuming TRX is dead.

Biasanya setelah itu terjadi maka kalau di cek



-- Opening device node /dev/usrp_e0...
Error: EnvironmentError: IOError: Failed to open /dev/usrp_e0



vi ~/src/openbts/openbts/trunk/apps/OpenBTS.cpp 


// Start the transceiver interface.
// Sleep long enough for the USRP to bootload.

Ubah menjadi


Lakukan ini sebelum mengcompile openbts


Pranala Menarik


OpenBTS 2.6

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Multi OpenBTS 2.8

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