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[[Network security]] menjadi sebuah pengetahuan yang wajib di miliki bagi mereka yang ingin secara serius berkiprah di [[Internet]]. Sialnya, teknologi telah berkembang sedemikian kompleks sehingga menuntut profesional [[network security]] untuk mempelajari banyak hal untuk betul-betul mengerti keseluruhan konsep & teknologi [[network security]]. Untuk memudahkan proses belajar, ada baiknya memperhatikan baik-baik gambar yang terlampir yang berisi peta teknologi [[network security]]. Referensi yang sangat baik tentang hal ini terdapat di http://www.sans.org.
[[Network security]] has become essential knowledge for those who want to seriously engage in [[Internet]] activities. Unfortunately, technology has evolved to such a complex degree that it demands [[network security]] professionals to learn extensively to fully understand the entire concept & technology of [[network security]]. To facilitate the learning process, it is advisable to pay close attention to the attached image containing a technology map of [[network security]]. A very good reference on this can be found at http://www.sans.org.
[[Image:Peta-teknologi-network-security.jpg|center|200px|thumb|Peta Teknologi Network Security]]
[[Image:Peta-teknologi-network-security.jpg|center|200px|thumb|Network Security Technology Map]]
Secara umum topologi [[jaringan komputer]] terdiri dari jaringan [[Internet]] publik yang menyebar ke seluruh dunia dan jaringan [[Intranet]] yang terdapat internal di perusahaan / institusi. Di antara [[InterNet]] dan [[IntraNet]] biasanya terdapat [[De-Militerized Zone]] ([[DMZ]]) yang di batasi oleh Filtering [[Router]] ke arah [[Internet]], dan [[Firewall]] ke arah [[IntraNet]]. Pada [[De-Militerized Zone]] ([[DMZ]]) ini biasanya di pasang berbagai [[server]], seperti, [[Mail Server]], [[FTP Server]], [[Web Server]] dan [[DNS Server]].
Generally, the topology of [[computer network]] consists of a public [[Internet]] network that spreads across the world and an [[Intranet]] network located internally in companies/institutions. Between [[InterNet]] and [[IntraNet]], there is usually a [[De-Militarized Zone]] ([[DMZ]]) restricted by a Filtering [[Router]] towards the [[Internet]], and a [[Firewall]] towards the [[IntraNet]]. In the [[De-Militarized Zone]] ([[DMZ]]), various [[server]]s are typically installed, such as, [[Mail Server]], [[FTP Server]], [[Web Server]], and [[DNS Server]].
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Based on the network topology above, we can divide [[network security]] technology into four (4) major parts, namely:
Berdasarkan topologi jaringan di atas, kita dapat membagi teknologi [[network security]] tersebut menjadi empat (4) bagian besar, yaitu:
* [[Penetration testing]]
* [[Penetration testing]]
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* [[Managed Security Services]]
* [[Managed Security Services]]
Let's look at the technologies that are part of these four (4) sections, in general,
Mari kita lihat teknologi yang menjadi bagian dari ke empat (4) bagian ini, secara umum,
Penetration Testing, consists of:
* [[Active Content Monitoring / Filtering]], usually placed on the [[mail server]] in the [[DMZ]].
* [[Intrusion Detection - Host Based]], usually placed on [[servers]] in both [[IntraNet]] and [[DMZ]].
Penetration Testing, terdiri dari:
* [[Firewall]], acts as an intermediary between [[IntraNet]], [[DMZ]], and [[InterNet]].
* [[Active Content Monitoring / Filtering]], biasanya di letakan di [[mail server]] di [[DMZ]].
* [[Intrusion Detection - Network Based]], usually used to monitor [[IntraNet]].
* [[Intrusion Detection - Host Based]], biasanya di letakan di [[server]] di [[IntraNet]] maupun [[DMZ]].
* [[Authorization]], run in the [[IntraNet]].
* [[Firewall]], menjadi perantara [[IntraNet]] dengan [[DMZ]] dan [[InterNet]].
* [[Air Gap Technology]], operated in the [[De-Militarized Zone]] ([[DMZ]]).
* [[Intrusion Detection - Network Based]], biasanya digunakan untuk memonitor [[IntraNet]].
* [[Network Authentication]], operated in the [[IntraNet]].
* [[Authorization]], di jalankan di [[IntraNet]].
* [[Security Appliances]], usually in the form of [[hardware]] [[Firewall]].
* [[Air Gap Technology]], di jalankan di [[De-Militerized Zone]] ([[DMZ]]).
* [[Security Services: Penetration Testing]], external companies providing services to us.
* [[Network Authentication]], di operasikan di [[IntraNet]].
* [[Authentication]], operated in the [[IntraNet]].
* [[Security Appliances]], biasanya berbentuk [[hardware]] [[Firewall]].
* [[Security Services: Penetration Testing]], perusahaan di luar yang memberikan servis kepada kita.
* [[Authentication]], dioperasikan di [[IntraNet]].
[[Certificate Authority]] / [[PKI]], merupakan pendukung teknologi yang lain & dapat dioperasikan di [[server]] di [[IntraNet]], terdiri dari:
* [[Certificate Authority]], di [[IntraNet]] maupun [[InterNet]].
* [[File & Session Encryption]], di operasikan di [[IntraNet]]
* VPN & Cryptographic Communications, di mulai di [[De-Militerized Zone]] dan digunakan untuk menembus ke [[Internet]] menuju [[IntraNet]] yang lain.
* [[Secure Web Servers]], di operasikan di [[De-Militerized Zone]] ([[DMZ]]).
* [[Single Sign On]], di [[server]].
* Web Application Security, di [[Web server]].
Vulnerability Testing, biasanya dilakukan oleh auditor atau security manager, antara lain adalah.
[[Certificate Authority]] / [[PKI]], supports other technologies & can be operated on [[servers]] in the [[IntraNet]], consisting of:
* [[Vulnerability Scanners - Host Based]], di operasikan di [[server]] [[IntraNet]]
* [[Certificate Authority]], in both [[IntraNet]] and [[InterNet]].
* Real-Time Security Awareness, Response & Threat Management, digunakan oleh security manager.
* [[File & Session Encryption]], operated in the [[IntraNet]].
* [[Vulnerability Scanners - Network Based]], di operasikan di filtering [[router]] yang terhubung langsung ke [[InterNet]].  
* VPN & Cryptographic Communications, starts in the [[De-Militerized Zone]] and is used to penetrate the [[Internet]] to another [[IntraNet]].
* [[Secure Web Servers]], operated in the [[De-Militarized Zone]] ([[DMZ]]).
* [[Single Sign On]], on [[servers]].
* Web Application Security, on [[Web servers]].
Vulnerability Testing, usually conducted by auditors or security managers, includes:
* [[Vulnerability Scanners - Host Based]], operated on [[IntraNet]] [[servers]].
* Real-Time Security Awareness, Response & Threat Management, used by security managers.
* [[Vulnerability Scanners - Network Based]], operated on filtering [[routers]] directly connected to the [[InterNet]].
Managed Security Services, merupakan bagian manajemen (non-teknis) pendukung network security. Isu yang ada antara lain adalah:
Managed Security Services, part of the management (non-technical) support for network security. Issues include:
* [[Enterprise Security Policy Implementation]].
* [[Enterprise Security Policy Implementation]].
* [[Managed Security Services]].
* [[Managed Security Services]].
* [[Enterprise Security Administration]].
* [[Enterprise Security Administration]].
* Security Services: Policy Development.
* Security Services: Policy Development.
* [[Trusted Operating Systems]], di install di semua [[komputer]].
* [[Trusted Operating Systems]], installed on all [[computers]].
* Anti D.D.O.D Tools.
* Anti D.D.O.D Tools.
Selanjutnya, mari kita lihat berbagai konsep yang ada dengan penjelasan lebih detail.
Next, let's look at various concepts with more detailed explanations.
==Penetration Testing==
==Penetration Testing==
* [[Active Content Monitoring / Filtering]]. Pada saat anda tersambung ke [[Internet]], anda mengambil resiko dari [[virus komputer]], java / Active-X script jahat dll. Tool ini akan memeriksa semua content yang masuk ke jaringan / [[komputer]], secara kontinu mengupdate library-nya.
* [[Active Content Monitoring / Filtering]]. When you connect to the [[Internet]], you risk [[computer viruses]], malicious java / Active-X scripts, etc. This tool will check all content entering the network / [[computer]], continuously updating its library.
* [[Intrusion Detection - Host Based]]. Intrusion detection host based akan memonitor file log. Dia akan meresponds dengan alarm atau serangan balasan jika ada usaha user untuk mengakses data, file atau servis yang tidak di ijinkan.
* [[Intrusion Detection - Host Based]]. Host-based intrusion detection will monitor log files. It will respond with alarms or counter-attacks if a user attempts to access unauthorized data, files, or services.
* [[Firewall]]. [[Firewall]] adalah sebuah sistem atau group dari beberapa sistem yang melaksanakan kebijakan akses control antara dua jaringan.
* [[Firewall]]. A [[Firewall]] is a system or group of systems that enforce access control policy between two networks.
* [[Intrusion Detection - Network Based]]. Network based intrusion detection akan memonitor jaringan dan akan meresponds dengan alarm pada saat dia mengidentifikasi adanya pola traffic yang tidak baik, seperti [[scanning]], usaha [[denial of service]] maupun serangan lainnya.
* [[Intrusion Detection - Network Based]]. Network-based intrusion detection will monitor the network and will respond with alarms when it identifies bad traffic patterns, such as [[scanning]], [[denial of service]] attempts, and other attacks.
* [[Authorization]]. Authentication, bertanya "siapa anda?". Authorization, bertanya "apakah anda berhak?". Dengan mekanisme authorization setiap pengguna yang akan mengakses resource harus memohon ke authorization server untuk memperoleh ijin.
* [[Authorization]]. Authentication asks "who are you?". Authorization asks "do you have the right?". With authorization mechanisms, every user who wants to access resources must apply to the authorization server to obtain permission.
* [[Air Gap Technology]]. [[Hardware]]/[[software]] jenis ini memungkinkan transfer data secara real-time antara Internet dengan back-end tanpa membuka lubang di [[firewall]]. Kadang solusi Air Gap mengharuskan secara fisik terjadi pemutusan sambungan ke jaringan luar. Air Gap memutuskan semua protokol jaringan, membatasi akses ke data di lapisan aplikasi saja, serta melakukan analisa content.
* [[Air Gap Technology]]. This type of [[hardware]]/[[software]] allows real-time data transfer between the Internet and the back-end without opening a hole in the [[firewall]]. Sometimes Air Gap solutions require physical disconnection from the external network. Air Gap disconnects all network protocols, restricts access to data at the application layer, and performs content analysis.
* [[Network Authentication]]. Tool ini menggunakan beberapa pendekatan untuk memperbaiki kemampuan sistem untuk membedakan antara yang berhak dan yang tidak berhak memperoleh akses.
* [[Network Authentication]]. This tool uses several approaches to improve the system's ability to distinguish between those who are authorized and those who are not.
* [[Security Appliances]]. Kombinasi [[hardware]]/[[software]] yang memberikan servis terbatas, seperti [[firewall]], network load management dll. Karena sistem operasi-nya sangat terbatas, lebih mudah di manage & tidak menjadi sasaran serangan hacker seperti di general purpose [[UNIX]] atau Windows NT.
* [[Security Appliances]]. A combination of [[hardware]]/[[software]] that provides limited services, such as [[firewalls]], network load management, etc. Because its operating system is very limited, it is easier to manage and not a target for hacker attacks like general-purpose [[UNIX]] or Windows NT.
* Security Services: [[Penetration Testing]]. Organisasi konsultan yang mensimulasikan serangan [[hacker]] di dunia nyata maupun serangan [[social engineering]]. Mereka biasanya memberikan advis bagaimana memperbaiki pertahanan. Biasanya mereka menggunakan [[network-based vulnerability scanning]] tools.
* Security Services: [[Penetration Testing]]. Consulting organizations that simulate [[hacker]] attacks in the real world and [[social engineering]] attacks. They usually provide advice on how to improve defenses. They typically use [[network-based vulnerability scanning]] tools.
* [[Authentication]]. Authentication adalah sebuah proses yang menentukan sesuatu atau seseorang adalah siapa atau apa. Cara paling sederhana dari proses authentikasi adalah logon [[password]], sialnya sangat rentan untuk di curi. Cara lain untuk mengatasi ini adalah menggunakan token yang memungkinkan proses authentikasi lebih ketat lagi.
* [[Authentication]]. Authentication is a process that determines something or someone is who or what. The simplest form of authentication process is a logon [[password]], unfortunately very vulnerable to theft. Another way to address this is by using tokens that allow a stricter authentication process.
==Certificate Authority / PKI==
==Certificate Authority / PKI==
* [[Certificate Authority]]. [[Certificate Authority]] ([[CA]]) adalah organisasi yang memberikan dan memanage security credential dan public keys untuk [[enkripsi]] & [[dekripsi]] berita. Sertifikat yang di manage termasuk public keys yang memperkuat authentikasi, privacy & non-repudiation.
* [[Certificate Authority]]. A [[Certificate Authority]] ([[CA]]) is an organization that issues and manages security credentials and public keys for [[encryption]] & [[decryption]] of messages. Certificates managed include public keys that strengthen authentication, privacy & non-repudiation.
* [[File & Session Encryption]]. [[Enkripsi]] adalah sebuah proses yang mana data di ubah bentuknya sehingga sulit di buka dan di mengerti oleh orang yang tidak mempunyai authoritas untuk itu. [[Algoritma]] [[komputer]] yang canggih digunakan dalam proses [[enkrip]] & [[dekrip]] pada saat di butuhkan.
* [[File & Session Encryption]]. [[Encryption]] is a process where data is changed in form so that it is difficult to open and understand by people who do not have the authority for it. Advanced [[computer]] [[algorithms]] are used in the [[encrypt]] & [[decrypt]] process when needed.
* [[VPN]] & [[Cryptographic Communications]]. [[Virtual Private Network]] ([[VPN]]) memungkinkan komunikasi aman melalui jaringan publik Internet. Hal ini sangat menghemat biaya untuk perusahaan dengan mobile worker atau cabang perusahaan, sehingga komunikasi dapat dilakukan tanpa perlu menggunakan jaringan telepon private yang mahal.
* [[VPN]] & [[Cryptographic Communications]]. [[Virtual Private Network]] ([[VPN]]) allows secure communication over the public Internet network. This is very cost-effective for companies with mobile workers or company branches, allowing communication without using expensive private telephone networks.
Secure Web Servers.Tool yang memungkinkan kita memberikan servis web dalam sebuah lingkungan yang di rekayasa supaya lubang keamanan-nya minimal.
Secure Web Servers. A tool that allows us to provide web services in an engineered environment so that security holes are minimal.
* [[Single Sign On]]. Paket software yang membantu pengguna agar dapat mengakses ke beberapa komputer tanpa perlu mengingat banyak password. Single Sign On pada dasarnya tidak mengubah proses di bawahnya, tapi menyembunyikan perbedaan yang ada melalui sebuah lapisan software tambahan.
* [[Single Sign On]]. A software package that helps users access several computers without having to remember many passwords. Single Sign On essentially does not change the underlying processes, but hides the differences through an additional layer of software.
* [[Web Application Security]]. Web application security akan memproteksi aplikasi web dan resource yang ada dari ancaman di Internet, seperti, mencuri aset perusahaan, pencurian kartu kredit, deface situs dll. Hal ini dilakukan degangn mendeteksi / menghalangi teknik hacking pada wilayah ini.
* [[Web Application Security]]. Web application security will protect web applications and existing resources from threats on the Internet, such as, stealing company assets, credit card theft, defacing sites, etc. This is done by detecting/blocking hacking techniques in this area.
==Vulnerability Testing==
==Vulnerability Testing==
* [[Vulnerability Scanners - Host Based]]. Tool untuk menchek setting dari system untuk menentukan apakah sesuai / konsisten dengan kebijakan keamanan perusahaan. Tool ini biasa digunakan oleh auditor.
* [[Vulnerability Scanners - Host Based]]. Tool to check the system settings to determine whether they are appropriate/consistent with the company's security policy. This tool is commonly used by auditors.
* Real-Time Security Awareness, Response & Threat Management. RTSA memungkinkan seorang security manager untuk melihat apa yang terjadi di perusahaan yang menggunakan banyak peralatan dari multiple vendor secara real-time melalui sebuah konsol. RTSA menolong mengurangi jumlah personel yang dibutuhkan untuk memonitor banyak peralatan.
* Real-Time Security Awareness, Response & Threat Management. RTSA allows a security manager to see what is happening in the company that uses many tools from multiple vendors in real-time through a console. RTSA helps reduce the number of personnel needed to monitor many devices.
* [[Vulnerability Scanners - Network Based]]. [[Software]] yang dapat mensimulasikan tabiat penyerang dan mempelajari sampai sekitar 600 kemungkinan kelemahan sistem yang sedang di serang.
* [[Vulnerability Scanners - Network Based]]. [[Software]] that can simulate the behavior of attackers and study about 600 possible weaknesses in the system being attacked.
==Managed Security Services==
==Managed Security Services==
* [[Enterprise Security Policy Implementation]]. [[EPSI]] memungkinkan manager security untuk mengautomasi setiap langkah keamanan dari console pusat, mulai dari creating, editing, approving, publishing, distribution, education, compliance, reporting dan maintenance. Tool ini akan memaksa sosialisasi, menchek pengertian pegawai, mencatat kejadian, dan mengukur compliance, yang pada akhirnya akan menolong manajemen resiko IT tanpa memberikan banyak beban ke staff yang terbatas.
* [[Enterprise Security Policy Implementation]]. [[EPSI]] allows security managers to automate every security step from a central console, starting from creating, editing, approving, publishing, distribution, education, compliance, reporting, and maintenance. This tool will enforce socialization, check employee understanding, record incidents, and measure compliance, which ultimately will help manage IT risks without burdening limited staff.
* [[Managed Security Services]]. Vendor yang menawarkan managed security services berasumsi bahwa mereka akan memperoleh beberapa persen kerjaan sebagai outsource. Dengan cara tsb. administrator dapat mengerjakan kerjaan yang lain.
* [[Managed Security Services]]. Vendors offering managed security services assume that they will take over some percentage of the work as outsourced. In this way, administrators can do other work.
* [[Enterprise Security Administration]]. Tool ini mengadministrasi security tingkat enterprise, memastikan bahwa semua user di sebuah enterprise memperoleh hak dan kewajiban yang sama. Sistem ini terutama sangat bermanfaat untuk memberikan akses bagi user baru, dan, yang penting, menghilangkan semua akses bagi pegawai yang sudah keluar.
* [[Enterprise Security Administration]]. This tool administers enterprise-level security, ensuring that all users in an enterprise receive the same rights and obligations. This system is especially very useful for providing access for new users, and importantly, eliminating all access for employees who have left.
* Security Services: Policy Development. Konsultan yang membantu pengembangan kebijakan keamanan secara cepat. Mereka umumnya sudah mempunyai template agar kebijakan security dapat di implementasikan dengan cepat, sepertoi penggunaan e-mail yang baik, extranet hingga PKI.
* Security Services: Policy Development. Consultants who assist in quickly developing security policies. They generally already have templates so that security policies can be implemented quickly, such as good email use, extranet to PKI.
* [[Trusted Operating Systems]]. Karena semua mekanisme ke amanan sangat tergantung pada sistem operasi, teknologi [[trusted O/S]] memberikan mekanisme satu-satunya pada [[O/S]] untuk bertahan terhadap serangan.
* [[Trusted Operating Systems]]. Because all security mechanisms are highly dependent on the operating system, [[trusted O/S]] technology provides the only mechanism on [[O/S]] to withstand attacks.
* Anti D.D.O.D Tools. Tool anti Ddos akan mengidentifikasi ketidak beresan penggunaan di jaringan. Jika terjadi ketidak beresan, tool akan berusaha mencek legitimasi akses dan merekomendasikan beberapa langkah preventif-nya.
* Anti D.D.O.D Tools. Anti Ddos tools will identify irregular usage on the network. If irregularities occur, the tool will attempt to check the legitimacy of access and recommend some preventive steps.
==Pranala Menarik==
==Interesting Links==
* [[Keamanan Jaringan]]
* [[Network Security]]
* [[Beberapa Tip Hacking]]
* [[Various Hacking Tips]]
[[Category: Network Security]]
[[Category: Network Security]]

Latest revision as of 11:35, 6 January 2025

Network security has become essential knowledge for those who want to seriously engage in Internet activities. Unfortunately, technology has evolved to such a complex degree that it demands network security professionals to learn extensively to fully understand the entire concept & technology of network security. To facilitate the learning process, it is advisable to pay close attention to the attached image containing a technology map of network security. A very good reference on this can be found at http://www.sans.org.

Network Security Technology Map

Generally, the topology of computer network consists of a public Internet network that spreads across the world and an Intranet network located internally in companies/institutions. Between InterNet and IntraNet, there is usually a De-Militarized Zone (DMZ) restricted by a Filtering Router towards the Internet, and a Firewall towards the IntraNet. In the De-Militarized Zone (DMZ), various servers are typically installed, such as, Mail Server, FTP Server, Web Server, and DNS Server.


Based on the network topology above, we can divide network security technology into four (4) major parts, namely:

Let's look at the technologies that are part of these four (4) sections, in general,

Penetration Testing, consists of:

Certificate Authority / PKI, supports other technologies & can be operated on servers in the IntraNet, consisting of:

Vulnerability Testing, usually conducted by auditors or security managers, includes:

Managed Security Services, part of the management (non-technical) support for network security. Issues include:

Next, let's look at various concepts with more detailed explanations.

Penetration Testing

  • Active Content Monitoring / Filtering. When you connect to the Internet, you risk computer viruses, malicious java / Active-X scripts, etc. This tool will check all content entering the network / computer, continuously updating its library.
  • Intrusion Detection - Host Based. Host-based intrusion detection will monitor log files. It will respond with alarms or counter-attacks if a user attempts to access unauthorized data, files, or services.
  • Firewall. A Firewall is a system or group of systems that enforce access control policy between two networks.
  • Intrusion Detection - Network Based. Network-based intrusion detection will monitor the network and will respond with alarms when it identifies bad traffic patterns, such as scanning, denial of service attempts, and other attacks.
  • Authorization. Authentication asks "who are you?". Authorization asks "do you have the right?". With authorization mechanisms, every user who wants to access resources must apply to the authorization server to obtain permission.
  • Air Gap Technology. This type of hardware/software allows real-time data transfer between the Internet and the back-end without opening a hole in the firewall. Sometimes Air Gap solutions require physical disconnection from the external network. Air Gap disconnects all network protocols, restricts access to data at the application layer, and performs content analysis.
  • Network Authentication. This tool uses several approaches to improve the system's ability to distinguish between those who are authorized and those who are not.
  • Security Appliances. A combination of hardware/software that provides limited services, such as firewalls, network load management, etc. Because its operating system is very limited, it is easier to manage and not a target for hacker attacks like general-purpose UNIX or Windows NT.
  • Security Services: Penetration Testing. Consulting organizations that simulate hacker attacks in the real world and social engineering attacks. They usually provide advice on how to improve defenses. They typically use network-based vulnerability scanning tools.
  • Authentication. Authentication is a process that determines something or someone is who or what. The simplest form of authentication process is a logon password, unfortunately very vulnerable to theft. Another way to address this is by using tokens that allow a stricter authentication process.

Certificate Authority / PKI

Secure Web Servers. A tool that allows us to provide web services in an engineered environment so that security holes are minimal.

  • Single Sign On. A software package that helps users access several computers without having to remember many passwords. Single Sign On essentially does not change the underlying processes, but hides the differences through an additional layer of software.
  • Web Application Security. Web application security will protect web applications and existing resources from threats on the Internet, such as, stealing company assets, credit card theft, defacing sites, etc. This is done by detecting/blocking hacking techniques in this area.

Vulnerability Testing

  • Vulnerability Scanners - Host Based. Tool to check the system settings to determine whether they are appropriate/consistent with the company's security policy. This tool is commonly used by auditors.
  • Real-Time Security Awareness, Response & Threat Management. RTSA allows a security manager to see what is happening in the company that uses many tools from multiple vendors in real-time through a console. RTSA helps reduce the number of personnel needed to monitor many devices.
  • Vulnerability Scanners - Network Based. Software that can simulate the behavior of attackers and study about 600 possible weaknesses in the system being attacked.

Managed Security Services

  • Enterprise Security Policy Implementation. EPSI allows security managers to automate every security step from a central console, starting from creating, editing, approving, publishing, distribution, education, compliance, reporting, and maintenance. This tool will enforce socialization, check employee understanding, record incidents, and measure compliance, which ultimately will help manage IT risks without burdening limited staff.
  • Managed Security Services. Vendors offering managed security services assume that they will take over some percentage of the work as outsourced. In this way, administrators can do other work.
  • Enterprise Security Administration. This tool administers enterprise-level security, ensuring that all users in an enterprise receive the same rights and obligations. This system is especially very useful for providing access for new users, and importantly, eliminating all access for employees who have left.
  • Security Services: Policy Development. Consultants who assist in quickly developing security policies. They generally already have templates so that security policies can be implemented quickly, such as good email use, extranet to PKI.
  • Trusted Operating Systems. Because all security mechanisms are highly dependent on the operating system, trusted O/S technology provides the only mechanism on O/S to withstand attacks.
  • Anti D.D.O.D Tools. Anti Ddos tools will identify irregular usage on the network. If irregularities occur, the tool will attempt to check the legitimacy of access and recommend some preventive steps.

Interesting Links