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Tool dapat ditemukan di: <install-path>/share/uhd/utils/usrp_n2xx_simple_net_burner
Tool dapat ditemukan di: <install-path>/share/uhd/utils/usrp_n2xx_simple_net_burner
==Device recovery and bricking==
==Menyelamatkan Device dan bricking==
Its possible to put the device into an unusable state by loading bad images. Fortunately, the USRP-N Series can be booted into a safe (read-only) image. Once booted into the safe image, the user can once again load images onto the device.
Kadang kala device masuk ke kondisi tidak stabil karena load image yang jelek / gagal. Untungnya, USRP-N Series dapat di boot ke safe image (read-only). Setelah boot ke safe image, user dapat sekali lagi load image ke device.
The safe-mode button is a pushbutton switch (S2) located inside the enclosure. To boot into the safe image, hold-down the safe-mode button while power-cycling the device. Continue to hold-down the button until the front-panel LEDs blink and remain solid.
Tombol safe-mode adalah tombol (S2) yang berada di dalam kotak.
Untuk boot ke safe image, tekan tombol safe-mode saat kita menyalakan device.
Terus tekan tombol sampai kedipan LED di panel depan selesai dan menjadi nyala terus menerus.
When in safe-mode, the USRP-N device will always have the IP address
Jika berada di safe-mode, device USRP-N selalu mempunyai IP address
==Setup Networking==
==Setup Networking==

Revision as of 05:00, 31 July 2013

Sumber: http://files.ettus.com/uhd_docs/manual/html/usrp2.html

Comparative features list

  • 1 transceiver card slot
  • 2 RX DDC chains in FPGA
  • 1 TX DUC chain in FPGA
  • Timed commands in FPGA (N2x0 only)
  • Timed sampling in FPGA
  • External PPS reference
  • External 10MHz reference
  • MIMO cable share reference
  • Fixed 100 MHz clock rate
  • Internal GPSDO option (N2x0 only)
  • sc8 and sc16 sample modes

Load Image ke On-board Flash (Untuk USRP-N Series)

USRP-N Series dapat di reprogram melalui jaringan untuk update atau ubah firmware atau FPGA image. Jika kita mengupdate image, selalu burn FPGA dan firmware image sebelum mematikan power Hal ini untuk memastikan agar saat device reboot, dia mempunyai image yang compatible saat booting.

Catatan: Beda revisi hardware akan membutuhkan image FPGA yang beda. Temukan nomor revisi di stiker di belakang chasis. Gunakan nomor ini untuk menentukan image FPGA yang cocok untuk device yang kita gunakan.

Gunakan tool net burner (UNIX)


-- ATAU --

cd <install-path>/share/uhd/utils
./usrp_n2xx_net_burner.py --addr=<ip address> --fw=<path for firmware image>
./usrp_n2xx_net_burner.py --addr=<ip address> --fpga=<path to FPGA image>

Burning image tanpa Python

Untuk user yang tidak ingin menginstalasi Python, sebuah script baru tersedia di UHD 003.005.000: USRP N2XX Simple Net Burner. Tool ini memberikan fungsi yang sama dengan tool dari Python, tapi secara default, dia akan automatis menginstalasi image default tanpa kita perlu menspesifikasikan lokasinya di command line.

Tool dapat ditemukan di: <install-path>/share/uhd/utils/usrp_n2xx_simple_net_burner

Menyelamatkan Device dan bricking

Kadang kala device masuk ke kondisi tidak stabil karena load image yang jelek / gagal. Untungnya, USRP-N Series dapat di boot ke safe image (read-only). Setelah boot ke safe image, user dapat sekali lagi load image ke device.

Tombol safe-mode adalah tombol (S2) yang berada di dalam kotak. Untuk boot ke safe image, tekan tombol safe-mode saat kita menyalakan device. Terus tekan tombol sampai kedipan LED di panel depan selesai dan menjadi nyala terus menerus.

Jika berada di safe-mode, device USRP-N selalu mempunyai IP address

Setup Networking

The USRP2 only supports Gigabit Ethernet and will not work with a 10/100 Mbps interface. However, a 10/100 Mbps interface can be connected indirectly to a USRP2 through a Gigabit Ethernet switch. Setup the host interface

The USRP2 communicates at the IP/UDP layer over the gigabit ethernet. The default IP address of the USRP2 is You will need to configure the host's Ethernet interface with a static IP address to enable communication. An address of and a subnet mask of is recommended.

On a Linux system, you can set a static IP address very easily by using the 'ifconfig' command:

sudo ifconfig <interface>

Note that <interface> is usually something like eth0. You can discover the names of the network interfaces in your computer by running ifconfig without any parameters:

ifconfig -a

Note: When using UHD software, if an IP address for the USRP2 is not specified, the software will use UDP broadcast packets to locate the USRP2. On some systems, the firewall will block UDP broadcast packets. It is recommended that you change or disable your firewall settings. Multiple devices per host

For maximum throughput, one Ethernet interface per USRP2 is recommended, although multiple devices may be connected via a Gigabit Ethernet switch. In any case, each Ethernet interface should have its own subnet, and the corresponding USRP2 device should be assigned an address in that subnet. Example:

Configuration for USRP2 device 0:

   Ethernet interface IPv4 address:
   Ethernet interface subnet mask:
   USRP2 device IPv4 address:

Configuration for USRP2 device 1:

   Ethernet interface IPv4 address:
   Ethernet interface subnet mask:
   USRP2 device IPv4 address:

Change the USRP2's IP address

You may need to change the USRP2's IP address for several reasons:

   to satisfy your particular network configuration
   to use multiple USRP2s on the same host computer
   to set a known IP address into USRP2 (in case you forgot)

Method 1: To change the USRP2's IP address, you must know the current address of the USRP2, and the network must be setup properly as described above. Run the following commands:

cd <install-path>/share/uhd/utils
./usrp_burn_mb_eeprom --args=<optional device args> --key=ip-addr --val=

Method 2 (Linux Only): This method assumes that you do not know the IP address of your USRP2. It uses raw Ethernet packets to bypass the IP/UDP layer to communicate with the USRP2. Run the following commands:

cd <install-path>/share/uhd/utils
sudo ./usrp2_recovery.py --ifc=eth0 --new-ip=

Communication Problems

When setting up a development machine for the first time, you may have various difficulties communicating with the USRP device. The following tips are designed to help narrow down and diagnose the problem.

RuntimeError: no control response

This is a common error that occurs when you have set the subnet of your network interface to a different subnet than the network interface of the USRP device. For example, if your network interface is set to, and the USRP device is (note the difference in the third numbers of the IP addresses), you will likely see a 'no control response' error message.

Fixing this is simple - just set the your host PC's IP address to the same subnet as that of your USRP device. Instructions for setting your IP address are in the previous section of this documentation. Firewall issues

When the IP address is not specified, the device discovery broadcasts UDP packets from each ethernet interface. Many firewalls will block the replies to these broadcast packets. If disabling your system's firewall or specifying the IP address yields a discovered device, then your firewall may be blocking replies to UDP broadcast packets. If this is the case, we recommend that you disable the firewall or create a rule to allow all incoming packets with UDP source port 49152. Ping the device

The USRP device will reply to ICMP echo requests. A successful ping response means that the device has booted properly and that it is using the expected IP address.


Monitor the serial output

Read the serial port to get debug verbose output from the embedded microcontroller. The microcontroller prints useful information about IP addresses, MAC addresses, control packets, fast-path settings, and bootloading. Use a standard USB to 3.3v-level serial converter at 230400 baud. Connect GND to the converter ground, and connect TXD to the converter receive. The RXD pin can be left unconnected as this is only a one-way communication.

  • USRP2: Serial port located on the rear edge
  • N210: Serial port located on the left side

Monitor the host network traffic

Use Wireshark to monitor packets sent to and received from the device. Addressing the Device Single device configuration

In a single-device configuration, the USRP device must have a unique IPv4 address on the host computer. The USRP can be identified through its IPv4 address, resolvable hostname, or by other means. See the application notes on device identification. Use this addressing scheme with the single_usrp interface.

Example device address string representation for a USRP2 with IPv4 address


Multiple device configuration

In a multi-device configuration, each USRP device must have a unique IPv4 address on the host computer. The device address parameter keys must be suffixed with the device index. Each parameter key should be of the format <key><index>. Use this addressing scheme with the multi_usrp interface.

   The order in which devices are indexed corresponds to the indexing of the transmit and receive channels.
   The key indexing provides the same granularity of device identification as in the single device case.

Example device address string representation for 2 USRP2s with IPv4 addresses and

addr0=, addr1=

Using the MIMO Cable

The MIMO cable allows two USRP devices to share reference clocks, time synchronization, and the Ethernet interface. One of the devices will sync its clock and time references to the MIMO cable. This device will be referred to as the slave, and the other device, the master.

   The slave device acquires the clock and time references from the master device.
   The master and slave may be used individually or in a multi-device configuration.
   External clocking is optional and should only be supplied to the master device.

Shared ethernet mode

In shared Ethernet mode, only one device in the configuration can be attached to the Ethernet.

   Clock reference, time reference, and data are communicated over the MIMO cable.
   Master and slave must have different IPv4 addresses in the same subnet.

Dual ethernet mode

In dual Ethernet mode, both devices in the configuration must be attached to the Ethernet.

   Only clock reference and time reference are communicated over the MIMO cable.
   The master and slave must have different IPv4 addresses in different subnets.

Configuring the slave

In order for the slave to synchronize to the master over MIMO cable, the following clock configuration must be set on the slave device:

uhd::clock_config_t clock_config; clock_config.ref_source = uhd::clock_config_t::REF_MIMO; clock_config.pps_source = uhd::clock_config_t::PPS_MIMO; usrp->set_clock_config(clock_config, slave_index);

Alternative stream destination

It is possible to program the USRP device to send RX packets to an alternative IP/UDP destination. Set the subnet and gateway

To use an alternative streaming destination, the device needs to be able to determine if the destination address is within its subnet, and ARP appropriately. Therefore, the user should ensure that subnet and gateway addresses have been programmed into the device's EEPROM.

Run the following commands:

cd <install-path>/share/uhd/utils
./usrp_burn_mb_eeprom --args=<optional device args> --key=subnet --val=
./usrp_burn_mb_eeprom --args=<optional device args> --key=gateway --val=

Create a receive streamer

Set the stream args "addr" and "port" values to the alternative destination. Packets will be sent to this destination when the user issues a stream command.

//create a receive streamer, host type does not matter
uhd::stream_args_t stream_args("fc32");

//resolvable address and port for a remote udp socket
stream_args.args["addr"] = "";
stream_args.args["port"] = "12345";

//create the streamer
uhd::rx_streamer::sptr rx_stream = usrp->get_rx_stream(stream_args);

//issue stream command
uhd::stream_cmd_t stream_cmd(uhd::stream_cmd_t::STREAM_MODE_NUM_SAMPS_AND_DONE);
stream_cmd.num_samps = total_num_samps;
stream_cmd.stream_now = true;

Note: Calling recv() on this streamer object should yield a timeout. Hardware Setup Notes Front panel LEDs

The LEDs on the front panel can be useful in debugging hardware and software issues. The LEDs reveal the following about the state of the device:

   LED A: transmitting
   LED B: mimo cable link
   LED C: receiving
   LED D: firmware loaded
   LED E: reference lock
   LED F: CPLD loaded

Ref Clock - 10MHz

Using an external 10MHz reference clock, a square wave will offer the best phase noise performance, but a sinusoid is acceptable. The reference clock requires the following power level:

   USRP2 5 to 15dBm
   N2XX 0 to 15dBm

PPS - Pulse Per Second

Using a PPS signal for timestamp synchronization requires a square wave signal with the following amplitude:

   USRP2 5Vpp
   N2XX 3.3 to 5Vpp

Test the PPS input with the following app:

   <args> are device address arguments (optional if only one USRP device is on your machine)
cd <install-path>/share/uhd/examples
./test_pps_input --args=<args>

Multiple RX channels

There are two complete DDC chains in the FPGA. In the single channel case, only one chain is ever used. To receive from both channels, the user must set the RX subdevice specification. This hardware has only one daughterboard slot, which has been aptly named slot A.

In the following example, a TVRX2 is installed. Channel 0 is sourced from subdevice RX1, and channel 1 is sourced from subdevice RX2:

usrp->set_rx_subdev_spec("A:RX1 A:RX2");


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