Wawancara Pioneers on Technological Sovereigny

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Subject:   	Re: request for contributing to a book on pionneers of technological sovereignty
From:   	"Onno W. Purbo" <onno@indo.net.id>
Date:   	Fri, January 20, 2017 02:39
To:   	"alexandra" <alexandra@tacticaltech.org>
Cc:   	onno@indo.net.id (more)

thank you very much ...
attached is the appendix on Indonesian Internet History
it is part of Asia Internet History book

You might also want to read

(a conference paper Sept 2016 at ANU Australia)

> Dear Mr Onno,
> cc to Dhyta
> My name is spideralex and I am contacting you thanks to Dhyta. I am
> preparing a new book on technological sovereignty (some information can
> be found at the end of this email about the first book). The book will
> be available on the internet with an open license (BY SA NC) and will be
> translated to english, french, spanish and italian. We hope to have it
> ready for July 2017.
> We will include in this new book an article about pioneers of
> technological sovereignty around the world (Catalonia,
> Philippines,Yugoslavia, Australia, Malaysia, Indonesia, South Africa,
> Bougainvilliers Island, etc) and we would be honoured to have you in the
> book!
> I guess that you are a very busy person, therefore we wanted to ask you
> to answer some of our questions by email, if possible in the next 4
> weeks, would that be possible? If you can not make it but have some
> interviews or things written up about your work and motivations, could
> you share it with us?
> Our questions are:
>> Could you briefly explain what has been your contribution to the
> development of technologies and/or internet in your own context? 

The objective is "Internet for All Indonesians"

In tactical terms, 

1. liberating 2.4GHz (we used to pay US$2300/year/hotspot in 2000)
   as a result 2.4GHz & 5.8GHz are free now.
   2004, Onno W. Purbo, "Infrastruktur Wireless Internet Kecepatan
   11-22Mbps", Penerbit Andi, 2003, ISBN 979-731-006-X
   2004, Onno W. Purbo, "Practical Guide To Build A WiFi Infrastructure",
   International Development Research Center
2. introducing wokbolic (parabolic with wok for cooking)
2. (wrote a book) introducing cybercafe technology (around 1998)
   2000, Onno W. Purbo, "Teknologi Warung Internet", Elexmedia Komputindo.

3. (wrote a book) introducing neighbourhood network for lowering
   the Internet cost - it is illegal until now.
   2005, Onno W. Purbo, "Buku Pegangan Internet Wireless dan Hotspot",
   Elexmedia Komputindo.
   2013, Onno W. Purbo, "Jaringan MESH: Solusi Jitu Membangun Jaringan
   Wireless Gotong Royong Tanpa Access Point", Penerbit Andi, 2013,
   ISBN 978-979-29-3429-8

4. (wrote a book) introducing OpenBTS - it is illegal until now.
   2013, Onno W. Purbo, "Bongkar Rahasia OpenBTS Untuk Jaringan Operator
   Seluler", Penerbit Andi, 2013, ISBN 978-979-29-3490-8 

5. (wrote books) introducing VoIP & run illegaly area code +62520xx and
    2011, Onno W. Purbo, "VoIP Cookbook", ISIF
    2007, Onno W. Purbo, "Buku Pegangan VoIP Rakyat Cikal Bakal Telkom
    Rakyat", InfoKomputer.

6. (wrote a book) introduing cloud technology.
   2012, Onno W. Purbo, "Membuat sendiri Cloud Computing Server menggunakan
   Open Source", Penerbit Andi, 2012, ISBN 978-979-29-3180-8 

7. (wrote a book) introducing Internet for villages
   The book is currently being used by Indonesian Ministry of Villages
   to connect the Indonesian villages to the Internet
   From Ministry of Communication & Information point of view
   It is illegal :( ...

You may notice,
1. I used mainly books to introduce & spread
    the technology to the Indonesians
2. many of the technologies are still illegal until now :) ...

>> Could you explain what were your motivations? Why did you do it? What
> were you expecting to achieve with your work?

- as a technology guy, I know how make it.
  It is sad to see the Indonesian have to wait for the operator
  & pay dearly for the service to access the Internet

- if the Indonesian can build some of the technology themselves
  it may significantly reduce the required costs ..
  and allowing the all Indonesians to access the net

>> Did you work alone or with other people? Were you in
> contact/exchanging with other inventors/tech pioneers around your
> context or at the international level?

You might want to read

Onno W. Purbo, Matthew Walton, "The Foundation of Cultural Change in
Indonesia", Information Technologies & International Development (ITID)
Journal, Vol 6, SPECIAL EDITION 2010 (HARVARD FORUM II ESSAYS), pp. 45-48,
2010. http://itidjournal.org/itid/article/view/621/261

Amy Kapczynski, Gaëlle Krikorian, Onno Purbo, Jo Walsh, Anil Gupta and
Rick Falkvinge, Part Three: The Conceptual Terrain of A2K - Virtual
Roundtable on A2K Politics, di buku Access to Knowledge in the Age of
Intellectual Property
http://mitpress.mit.edu/catalog/item/default.asp?ttype=2&tid=12358 atau

In terms of the invention
Yes, I am in contact with others both locally in Indonesia
as well as abroad. For example, for OpenBTS I am in close
collaboration with Kurtis Heimerl & friends at Range Networks in US

Locally in Indonesia, we are sharing knowledge especially
via twitter heheheh ... you might want to check my twitter @onnowpurbo
it is an Q&A sessions :) ...

BTW, my followers in twitter is 340.000++
mostly geek & male :( ..

>> Who inspired you? You can quote other inventors, theorists, people,
> collective, networks, organisations etc

hehehe It is mainly my father Hasan Poerbo :) ..

He was an environmentalist
He was very much pro people (poor people & village people)
He helped building poor villages in Indonesia

I watched my father over a period of several decades since I was in high
school so without realizing I embed his idealism in the way I move in
today's society. Basically I follow his steps but in different technology
area ...

>> Anything else you want to add?
ITU measured only ~20% Indonesian on the Internet (today)

If the government keep on using the current policy
at the most 50% Indonesian on the Internet

as the other half of Indonesians are in villages
they have no money to pay the operators
thus, one have to use different approach
to allow Indonesian villagers access to the Internet at low cost

>> Anything else you wand us to read for better understanding your work?
I hope I have put alot of reading materials :) ...

> I really hope you can make it, in any case let us know and in the
> meantime take care!!
> Spideralex
> ***************************************************************************
> First book on Technological Sovereignty is available in:
> Spanish :
> http://www.plateforme-echange.org/IMG/pdf/dossier-st-cast-2014-06-30.pdf
> French:
> http://www.plateforme-echange.org/IMG/pdf/dossier-st-fr-2014-07-05.pdf
> Catalan:
> https://github.com/foockinho/dossierst/blob/master/github_versiones_finales/Llibre_sobirania_tecnologica_cat_esmenat_XB.pdf
> And only some articles were translated to English and are available
> here: http://www.coredem.info/IMG/pdf/pass11_an-2.pdf
> --
> Project Coordinator - Securing Online and Offline Freedoms for Women:
> Expression, Privacy and Digital Inclusion.
> Tacticaltech.org |
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