Orange: Sentimen Analysis Bahasa Indonesia
Oleh: Andri Johandri
Bagi pengguna aplikasi Text Mining Orange3, tentu saja akan mengalami kesulitan saat akan melakukan penghitungan Sentiment Analysis , dkarenakan Orange3 hanya menyediakan dua bahasa dalam proses Sentimen Analysis yaitu bahasa Inggris dan Slovenia dalam method Liu Hiu .
Anda dapat menambahkan Bahasa Indonesia dalam metode Liu Hiu ini dengan sedikit modifikasi dan penambahan script python pada proses Sentiment Analysisnya yaitu dengan menambahkan file yang berisi kumpulan kata yang memiliki makna sentimen negatif dan sentimen positif dalam bahasa Indonesia.
Untuk menambahkan kata tersebut adalah sebagai berikut :
- Buka folder /usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/orangecontrib/text/sentiment/resources , dalam folder tersebut terdapat dua file yaitu negatif_words_Slolex.txt yang berisi kata negatif dalam bahasa slovenian dan positive_words_Slolex.txt . Selanjutnya copy negatif_words_Slolex.txt menjadi negatif_words_Ina.txt dan selanjutnya file negatif_words_Ina.txt diedit dengan menghapuskan seluruh isi kata dari bahasa slovenia dan menambahkan kata dengan bahasa indonesai yang memiliki nilai negatif , demikain juga dengan file positive_words_Slolex.txt di copy menjadi file positive_words_Ina.txt, sehingga terdapat 4 file pada folder tersebut.
- Selanjutnya buka folder /usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/orangecontrib/text/sentiment , copy file menjadi file selanjutnya edit sperti script berikut ini:
import os class opinion_lexicon_ina: resources_folder = os.path.dirname(__file__) @classmethod def positive(cls): with open(os.path.join(cls.resources_folder, 'resources/positive_words_Ina.txt'), 'r') as f: return'\n') @classmethod def negative(cls): with open(os.path.join(cls.resources_folder, 'resources/negative_words_Ina.txt'), 'r') as f: return'\n')
- Selanjutnya edit file :
import numpy as np from nltk.corpus import opinion_lexicon from nltk.sentiment import SentimentIntensityAnalyzer from orangecontrib.text import Corpus from orangecontrib.text.misc import wait_nltk_data from orangecontrib.text.preprocess import WordPunctTokenizer from orangecontrib.text.vectorization.base import SharedTransform, \ VectorizationComputeValue from orangecontrib.text.sentiment.opinion_lexicon_ina import opinion_lexicon_ina class Liu_Hu_Sentiment: sentiments = ('sentiment',) name = 'Liu Hu' methods = {'English': opinion_lexicon, 'Indonesia': opinion_lexicon_ina } @wait_nltk_data def __init__(self, language): self.language = language self.positive = set(self.methods[language].positive()) self.negative = set(self.methods[language].negative()) def transform(self, corpus, copy=True): scores = [] tokenizer = WordPunctTokenizer() tokens = tokenizer(corpus.documents) for doc in tokens: pos_words = sum(word in self.positive for word in doc) neg_words = sum(word in self.negative for word in doc) scores.append([100*(pos_words - neg_words)/max(len(doc), 1)]) X = np.array(scores).reshape((-1, len(self.sentiments))) # set compute values shared_cv = SharedTransform(self) cv = [VectorizationComputeValue(shared_cv, col) for col in self.sentiments] if copy: corpus = corpus.copy() corpus.extend_attributes(X, self.sentiments, compute_values=cv) return corpus class Vader_Sentiment: sentiments = ('pos', 'neg', 'neu', 'compound') name = 'Vader' @wait_nltk_data def __init__(self): self.vader = SentimentIntensityAnalyzer() def transform(self, corpus, copy=True): scores = [] for text in corpus.documents: pol_sc = self.vader.polarity_scores(text) scores.append([pol_sc[x] for x in self.sentiments]) X = np.array(scores).reshape((-1, len(self.sentiments))) # set compute values shared_cv = SharedTransform(self) cv = [VectorizationComputeValue(shared_cv, col) for col in self.sentiments] if copy: corpus = corpus.copy() corpus.extend_attributes(X, self.sentiments, compute_values=cv) return corpus if __name__ == "__main__": corpus = Corpus.from_file('deerwester') liu = Liu_Hu_Sentiment('Indonesia') corpus2 = liu.transform(corpus[:5])
- Agar Widget Sentiment Analysis terdapat pilihan bahasa Indonesia , selanjutnya edit file /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/orangecontrib/text/widgets/
from AnyQt.QtCore import Qt from AnyQt.QtWidgets import QApplication, QGridLayout, QLabel from Orange.widgets import gui, settings from Orange.widgets.utils.signals import Input, Output from Orange.widgets.widget import OWWidget from orangecontrib.text import Corpus from orangecontrib.text.sentiment import Vader_Sentiment, Liu_Hu_Sentiment class OWSentimentAnalysis(OWWidget): name = "Sentiment Analysis" description = "Predict sentiment from text." icon = "icons/SentimentAnalysis.svg" priority = 320 class Inputs: corpus = Input("Corpus", Corpus) class Outputs: corpus = Output("Corpus", Corpus) method_idx = settings.Setting(1) autocommit = settings.Setting(True) language = settings.Setting('English') want_main_area = False resizing_enabled = False METHODS = [ Liu_Hu_Sentiment, Vader_Sentiment ] LANG = ['English', 'Indonesia'] def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.corpus = None form = QGridLayout() self.method_box = box = gui.radioButtonsInBox( self.controlArea, self, "method_idx", [], box="Method", orientation=form, callback=self._method_changed) self.liu_hu = gui.appendRadioButton(box, "Liu Hu", addToLayout=False) self.liu_lang = gui.comboBox(None, self, 'language', sendSelectedValue=True, items=self.LANG, callback=self._method_changed) self.vader = gui.appendRadioButton(box, "Vader", addToLayout=False) form.addWidget(self.liu_hu, 0, 0, Qt.AlignLeft) form.addWidget(QLabel("Language:"), 0, 1, Qt.AlignRight) form.addWidget(self.liu_lang, 0, 2, Qt.AlignRight) form.addWidget(self.vader, 1, 0, Qt.AlignLeft) ac = gui.auto_commit(self.controlArea, self, 'autocommit', 'Commit', 'Autocommit is on') ac.layout().insertSpacing(1, 8) @Inputs.corpus def set_corpus(self, data=None): self.corpus = data self.commit() def _method_changed(self): self.commit() def commit(self): if self.corpus is not None: method = self.METHODS[self.method_idx] if self.method_idx == 0: out = method(language=self.language).transform(self.corpus) else: out = method().transform(self.corpus) self.Outputs.corpus.send(out) else: self.Outputs.corpus.send(None) def send_report(self): self.report_items(( ('Method', self.METHODS[self.method_idx].name), ))
def main(): app = QApplication([]) widget = OWSentimentAnalysis() corpus = Corpus.from_file('book-excerpts') corpus = corpus[:3] widget.set_corpus(corpus) app.exec() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
Selanjutnya anda kini sudah bisa menggunakan Sentiment Analysis dengan menggunakan analisis NLTK dengan menggunakan bahasa indonesia