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OpenRoads (or OpenFlow Wireless) is a platform for innovation and realistic deployment of services. Built on OpenFlow, OpenRoads can be thought of in the following ways.

  • OpenFlow provides a mechanism for software-defined networking. However, there is a barrier between possessing a mechanism to having a platform that one can readily innovate in. OpenRoads lower that barrier by providing a complete platform for others to deploy and innovate in.
  • Mobility services are heavily researched upon, but verification is hard. The wireless channels are difficult to simulate, and realistic user traffic/movement crucial to solid validation of ideas are hard to emulate. By allowing research in our production networks, OpenRoads allow both to be achieved in the network.
  • Handover between different wireless technologies is hard today. This is because their backhaul network is different, as they are built around a single wireless technology. By "flattening" these networks, we show that handover between heterogeneous wireless networks can be achieved in a simple way in OpenRoads.
