OS: AOSP - Merge Manufacturer Source Code

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1. Android buid
 - Download original android source code (gingerbread) from http://source.android.com
 - Untar opensource packages of p500_gb_open_source.tar.gz into downloaded android source directory
 - And, merge the source into the android source code(gingerbread)
 - Run following scripts to build android  

 a) . build/envsetup.sh

 B) make -j4

 - When you compile the android source code, you have to add google original prebuilt source(toolchain)
 into the android folder
 ( add prebuilt/linux-x86/toolchain/arm-eabi-4.4.0/bin to PATH )
 - After build, you can find output at out/target/product/generic

2. Kernel Build
 - When you compile the kernel source code, you have to add google original prebuilt source(toolchain)
 into the android folder.
 ( Add prebuilt/linux-x86/toolchain/arm-eabi-4.4.0/bin to PATH
 ex) export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/gb_original/prebuilt/linux-x86/toolchain/arm-eabi-4.4.0/bin )
 - Untar using following command at the android folder 
 tar zxvf kernel.tar.gz
 - cd Kernel
 - make thunderg-perf_defconfig
 - make zImage -j4 

3. After Build, You Can find the build image at arch/arm/boot

4. Compile environment
 - gcc 4.4.1
 - Ubuntu 10.10
 - Java 1.6.0_22 
