Moodle: Gift Format

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Format GIFT memungkinkan kita untuk menggunakan editor teks untuk menulis pertanyaan multiple-choice, true-false, short answer, matching missing word dan numerical dalam format sederhana yang dapat diimpor. Format GIFT juga merupakan format file ekspor yang tersedia di bank Soal. Formatnya telah dikembangkan dalam Komunitas Moodle tetapi perangkat lunak lain mungkin mendukungnya ke tingkat yang lebih besar atau lebih kecil.

  • Saat membuat sejumlah besar pertanyaan, GIFT dapat menyediakan cara cepat untuk memuat pertanyaan secara massal baik ke dalam kategori pertanyaan, atau ke dalam kursus online.
  • Terkadang lebih mudah memeriksa pertanyaan dalam kategori pertanyaan dengan melihatnya dalam file GIFT.

Multiple choice

Untuk pertanyaan multiple choice, jawaban salah diberi prefix (~) dan jawaban benar diberi prefix (=).

Berikut adalah contoh pertanyaan multiple choice dalam GIFT format:

Who's buried in Grant's tomb?{=Grant ~no one ~Napoleon ~Churchill ~Mother Teresa }

Berikut adalah format yang lebih panjang yang menggunakan banyak elemen GIFT:

// question: 1 name: Grants tomb
::Grants tomb::Who is buried in Grant's tomb in New York City? {
~No one
#Was true for 12 years, but Grant's remains were buried in the tomb in 1897
#He was buried in France
#He was buried in England
~Mother Teresa
#She was buried in India

Multiple choice with multiple right answers

Yaitu, menggunakan kotak centang, bukan tombol radio:

What two people are entombed in Grant's tomb? {
   ~%-100%No one
   ~%50%Grant's wife
   ~%-100%Grant's father


Dalam tipe pertanyaan ini jawabannya menunjukkan apakah pernyataan itu benar atau salah. Jawaban harus ditulis sebagai {TRUE} atau {FALSE}, atau disingkat {T} atau {F}.

// question: 0 name: TrueStatement using {T} style
::TrueStatement about Grant::Grant was buried in a tomb in New York City.{T}
// question: 0 name: FalseStatement using {FALSE} style
::FalseStatement about sun::The sun rises in the West.{FALSE}

Short answer

Jawaban dalam jenis pertanyaan Jawaban Singkat semuanya diawali dengan tanda sama dengan (=), yang menunjukkan bahwa semuanya adalah jawaban yang benar. Jawaban tidak boleh mengandung tilde (~).

Berikut adalah dua contoh menggunakan metode sederhana yang menunjukkan kemungkinan jawaban yang benar.

Who's buried in Grant's tomb?{=Grant =Ulysses S. Grant =Ulysses Grant}
Two plus two equals {=four =4}


Pasangan yang cocok dimulai dengan tanda sama dengan (=) dan dipisahkan oleh simbol ini "->". Harus ada setidaknya tiga pasangan yang cocok.

Match the following countries with their corresponding capitals. {
   =Canada -> Ottawa
   =Italy  -> Rome
   =Japan  -> Tokyo
   =India  -> New Delhi

Pertanyaan Matching / Mencocokan tidak mendukung umpan balik atau bobot persentase jawaban.

Missing word

The Missing Word format automatically inserts a fill-in-the-blank line (like this _____) in the middle of the sentence. To use the Missing Word format, place the answers where you want the line to appear in the sentence.

Moodle costs {~lots of money =nothing ~a small amount} to download from

If the answers come before the closing punctuation mark, a fill-in-the-blank line will be inserted for the "missing word" format. All question types can be written in the Missing Word format.

There must be a blank line (double carriage return) separating questions. For clarity, the answers can be written on separate lines and even indented. Some examples:

Mahatma Gandhi's birthday is an Indian holiday on  {
} of October.
Since {
  ~495 AD
  =1066 AD
  ~1215 AD
  ~ 43 AD
the town of Hastings England has been "famous with visitors".

Numerical questions

The answer section for Numerical questions must start with a number sign (#). Numerical answers can include an error margin, which is written following the correct answer, separated by a colon. So for example, if the correct answer is anything between 1.5 and 2.5, then it would be written as follows {#2:0.5}. This indicates that 2 with an error margin of 0.5 is correct (i.e., the span from 1.5 to 2.5). If no error margin is specified, it will be assumed to be zero.

Here is a simple numerical format question. It will accept a range of 5 years.

When was Ulysses S. Grant born?{#1822:5}

It is a good idea to check the margins of the range, 3.141 is not counted as correct and 3.142 is considered in the range.

What is the value of pi (to 3 decimal places)? {#3.14159:0.0005}. Optionally, numerical answers can be written as a span in the following format

What is the value of pi (to 3 decimal places)? {#3.141..3.142}.

Moodle's browser interface does not support multiple numerical answers, but Moodle's code can and so does GIFT. This can be used to specify numerical multiple spans, and can be particularly usefully when combined with percentage weight grades. If multiple answers are used, they must be separated by an equal sign, like short answer questions.

When was Ulysses S. Grant born? {#

Note that since Moodle's browser GUI didn't support multiple answers for Numerical questions, there's no way in older Moodle versions to see them or edit them through Moodle. The only way to change a numerical answer beyond the first, is to delete the question and re-import it (or use something like phpMyAdmin). But better would be to upgrade your Moodle to at least 1.9.
