Menggunakan openserdbctl

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Sebaiknya restart MySQL

# /etc/init.d/mysql restart

Pastikan file /etc/openser/openserctlrc sudah di edit dengan benar

# vi /etc/openser/openserctlrc

Pastikan ada


Atau database lainnya.

Untuk menggunakan openserdbctl dapat menggunakan perintah berikut

# openserdbctl create <db name or db_path, optional> .....(creates a new database)
# openserdbctl drop <db name or db_path, optional> .......(!entirely deletes tables!)
# openserdbctl reinit <db name or db_path, optional> .....(!entirely deletes and than re-creates tables!)
# openserdbctl backup <file> .................................(dumps current database to file)
# openserdbctl restore <file> ................................(restores tables from a file)
# openserdbctl copy <new_db> .................................(creates a new db from an existing one)
# openserdbctl migrate <old_db> <new_db> .....................(migrates DB from 1.2 to 1.3, not implemented yet!)
# openserdbctl presence ......................................(adds the presence related tables)
# openserdbctl extra .........................................(adds the extra tables)
# openserdbctl serweb ........................................(adds the SERWEB specific tables)

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