Menggabungkan 2 Line Speedy Menjadi Satu

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Sumber: monoxs

ini pakai mikrotik loo

dan kebetulan tutornya dapat dari forum sebelah. Mau bagi bagi disini kalau boleh.

/ip address
add address= network= broadcast= interface=lan comment="" disabled=no
add address= network= broadcast=192.168.255 interface=speedy1 comment="" disabled=no
add address= network= broadcast= interface=speedy2 comment="" disabled=no
/ip firewall mangle
add chain=prerouting in-interface=lan connection-state=new nth=1,2,0 action=mark-connection new-connection-mark=satu passthrough=yes comment="" disabled=no
add chain=prerouting in-interface=lan connection-mark=satu action=mark-routing new-routing-mark=satu passthrough=no comment="" disabled=no
add chain=prerouting in-interface=lan connection-state=new nth=1,2,1 action=mark-connection new-connection-mark=dua passthrough=yes comment="" disabled=no
add chain=prerouting in-interface=lan connection-mark=dua action=mark-routing new-routing-mark=dua passthrough=no comment="" disabled=no
/ip firewall nat
add chain=srcnat connection-mark=satu action=src-nat to-addresses= to-ports=0-65535 comment="" disabled=no
add chain=srcnat connection-mark=dua action=src-nat to-addresses= to-ports=0-65535 comment="" disabled=no
/ ip route
add dst-address= gateway= scope=255 target-scope=10 routing-mark=satu comment="" disabled=no
add dst-address= gateway= scope=255 target-scope=10 routing-mark=dua comment="" disabled=no
add dst-address= gateway= scope=255 target-scope=10 comment="" disabled=no <<-- ini default route nya

mudah mudahan bermanfaat

Pranala Menarik