Kamailio: Konfigurasi Awal di OpenWRT

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Buat Database MySQL


cd /etc/kamailio/
nano -w /etc/kamailio/kamctlrc



Setelah kamctlrc di ubah, jalankan

kamdbctl create kamailio.db

You can call this script without any parameter to get some help for the usage. You will be asked for the domain name Kamailio is going to serve (e.g., mysipserver.com) and the password of the 'root' MySQL user. The script will create a database named 'kamailio' containing the tables required by Kamailio. You can change the default settings in the kamctlrc file mentioned above.

Script ini akan membuat dua user di MySQL:

  • kamailio - (dengan default password 'kamailiorw') - user which has full access rights to 'kamailio' database
  • kamailioro - (dengan default password 'kamailioro') - user which has read-only access rights to 'kamailio' database

Do change the passwords for these two users to something different that the default values that come with sources.

Edit file konfigurasi

To fit your requirements for the VoIP platform, you have to edit the configuration file.

vi /etc/kamailio/kamailio.cfg

Aktifkan penggunaan MySQL. Paling tidak kita perlu menambahkan dibagian atas config file, seperti:

# use sqlite database                                                        
loadmodule "db_sqlite.so"  
#!ifndef DBURL                                                               
#!define DBURL "sqlite:///etc/kamailio/kamailio.db"                            

If you changed the password for the 'kamailio' user of MySQL, you have to update the value for 'db_url' parameters.

You can browse kamailio.cfg online on GIT repository.

Edit /etc/default

vi  vi /etc/default/kamailio 



Menjalankan Kamailio

 /etc/init.d/kamailio start
 /etc/init.d/kamailio stop

Menambahkan user

kamctl add <username> <password> <email>


kamctl add test testpasswd test@mysipserver.com

Atau tanpa e-mail
