IronBee: Konfigurasi

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Example Trafficserver Configuration

# Insert this into trafficserver's plugin.config.
# Adjust paths as appropriate for your  installation.

# First we need to load libraries the Ironbee  plugin relies on. /usr/local/ironbee/libexec/

# Now we can load the ironbee plugin.  The argument to this is ironbee's
# configuration file: see ironbee-config.txt
/usr/local/ironbee/libexec/ /usr/local/trafficserver/etc/ironbee.conf
#We could also use options to the ts_ironbee load line:
#  -l name   to specify a different filename for ironbee log messages.
#  -v n      to set the initial log level for Ironbee messages.
#  -L        to disable the trafficserver logging altogether

Example Apache Configuration

LoadModule ironbee_module /usr/local/ironbee/libexec/

# IfModule serves for distributions using certain kinds of
# configuration tool.  It's not useful for individual configurations,
# and may make troubleshooting harder.

<IfModule ironbee_module>
    IronbeeConfigFile /usr/local/ironbee/etc/ironbee.conf

    #Further directives available but having defaults (shown here)
    #likely to work for most users
    IronbeeRawHeaders On
    IronbeeLog On
    IronbeeLogLevel 4

Example IronBee Configuration

### Logging
# Log level (standard syslog levels with additional debug2 and debug3)

LogLevel info

# The log is really only valid for clipp as the servers
# will utilize their own native logging facilities.
Log debug.log
### Sensor Info
SensorId 80ECD8CF-318C-4915-A8C2-B3AAE315FB0C
### Load Modules
# Standard support modules
LoadModule ""
LoadModule ""

# ### Lua Modules
# # Lua Support
# LoadModule ""
# # Event Processor
# LuaLoadModule "event_processor.lua"
# EventProcessorCategoryFilter FOO 60
# EventProcessorCategoryFilter BAR 50
# EventProcessorCategoryFilter BOO 75
# EventProcessorCategoryFilter EEK 75
# # Threat Level
# LuaLoadModule "threat_level.lua"
# ThreatLevelMinConfidence 25

# IronBee Rule Language
LoadModule ""

### Auditing
AuditEngine RelevantOnly
AuditLogIndex None
AuditLogBaseDir /tmp/ironbee
AuditLogSubDirFormat "%Y%m%d-%H%M"
AuditLogDirMode 0755
AuditLogFileMode 0644
AuditLogParts all

### Buffering
RequestBuffering On
ResponseBuffering On

### Rule Diagnostics Logging
RuleEngineLogData all
RuleEngineLogLevel info

#  ===============================================================================
# Rules
#  ===============================================================================
# ===============================================================================
### Test Rules
# This rule will block if a "blockme" parameter (with any value) is in the request
Rule ARGS:blockme.count() @ne 0 id:test/blockme  rev:1 phase:REQUEST "msg:Test blocking" tag:TestRules event block
### Default Blocking Rules
# These rule detect any advisory blocks and perform the
# actual block.
Rule FLAGS:block @ne 0 id:block/request_header rev:1 phase:REQUEST_HEADER "msg:Blocking request header" tag:BlockingMode block:phase
Rule FLAGS:block @ne 0 id:block/request rev:1 phase:REQUEST "msg:Blocking request" tag:BlockingMode block:phase
Rule FLAGS:block @ne 0 id:block/response_header rev:1 phase:RESPONSE_HEADER "msg:Blocking response header" tag:BlockingMode block:phase
# ===============================================================================
# ===============================================================================
### Sites
# Default
<Site default>
    SiteId 0CA1665C-F27F-4763-A3E0-A31A00477497
    Service *:*
    Hostname *

    # Enable rules from the main context
    RuleEnable tag:TestRules
    RuleEnable tag:BlockingMode
