IPv6 Server: Webserver Apache2 (httpd2)

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Apache web server mendukung IPv6 secara native oleh maintainer sejak 2.0.14.

Instalasi Apache2

apt-get install apache2 mysql-server libmysqlclient15-dev libphp-adodb libgd2-xpm libgd2-xpm-dev \
php5-mysql php5-gd php5-curl php-pear unzip php5-xmlrpc

Atau jika hanya ingin menginstalasi apache2 dan PHP saja

apt-get install apache2 libphp-adodb libgd2-xpm-dev \
php5-mysql php5-gd php5-curl php-pear unzip php5-xmlrpc

Listening address IPv6

Catatan: Virtual Host dengan address IPv6 tidak baik sampai dengan versi 2.0.28. Sebaiknya coba versi terakhir untuk memastikan tidak ada masalah security.

Virtual host listen ke IPv6 address saja

Listen [2001:0db8:100::1]:80
<VirtualHost [2001:0db8:100::1]:80>
        ServerName ipv6only.yourdomain.yourtopleveldomain
        # ...sure more config lines

Virtual host listen ke IPv6 dan IPv4 address

Listen [2001:0db8:100::2]:80 
<VirtualHost [2001:0db8:100::2]:80>
        ServerName ipv6andipv4.yourdomain.yourtopleveldomain
        # ...sure more config lines

Setelah di restart, coba lakukan

# netstat -lnptu |grep "httpd2\W*$" 
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 12345/httpd2 
tcp 0 0 2001:0db8:100::1:80 :::*      LISTEN 12345/httpd2 
tcp 0 0 2001:0db8:100::2:80 :::*      LISTEN 12345/httpd2

For simple tests use the telnet example already shown.

Tambahan Catatan

Apache2 supports a method called “sendfile” to speedup serving data. Some NIC drivers also support offline checksumming. In some cases, this can lead to connection problems and invalid TCP checksums. In this cases, disable “sendfile” either by recompiling using configure option “--without-sendfile” or by using the "EnableSendfile off" directive in configuration file.