IPv6: Reverse DNS

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Tampilan umum reverse DNS

Tampilan umum revese DNS mesin IPv6 dapat dilihat dalam tabel di bawah ini.

Record Type Description Format
AAAA Maps a hostname to an IPv6 address. (Equivalent to an A record in IPv4.) www.abc.test AAAA 3FFE:YYYY:C18:1::2
PTR Maps an IPv6 address to a hostname. (Equivalent to a pointer record [PTR] in IPv4.) PTR www.abc.test

Menghitung Reverse DNS

Untuk menghitung reverse DNS dapat menggunakan web tool. Menggunakan tool untuk meng-"hitung" reverse DNS (rDNS) yang ada pada alamat berikut,

atau menggunakan apps ipv6calc. Contoh paling sederhana adalah konversi IPv6 address ke DNS PTR query string:

$ ipv6calc --out revnibbles.arpa 2001:db8::1 


No input type specified, try autodetection...found type: ipv6addr 

Seperti yang kita lihat, format input auto detect. Ipv6calc juga mengerti tentang masking / nilai panjang prefix

$ ipv6calc -q --out revnibbles.arpa 2001:db8::1/64 


Contoh Konfigurasi rDNS IPv6 BIND


sudo vi /etc/bind/named.conf.local

Asumsi subnet 2345::/64, reverse zone- adalah,

zone "" {
    type master;
    file "/etc/bind/zones/db.";  # 2345::/64 subnet
    allow-transfer {;
        };  # ns2 private IP address - secondary

Buat Reverse Zone IPv6

Buat dan edit

   cd /etc/bind/zones
   sudo cp ../db.127 ./db.
   sudo vi /etc/bind/zones/db.

Awalnya akan berisi kira-kira

$TTL    604800
@       IN      SOA     localhost. root.localhost. (
                              1         ; Serial
                         604800         ; Refresh
                          86400         ; Retry
                        2419200         ; Expire
                         604800 )       ; Negative Cache TTL
@       IN      NS      localhost.      ; delete this line
1.0.0   IN      PTR     localhost.      ; delete this line

Ubah menjadi kira-kira,

; 2345::1/64
; Zone file built with the IPv6 Reverse DNS zone builder
; http://rdns6.com/
$TTL 1h	; Default TTL
@	IN	SOA	nyc3.contoh.web.id.	admin.nyc3.contoh.web.id. (
	2019022001	; serial
	1h		; slave refresh interval
	15m		; slave retry interval
	1w		; slave copy expire time
	1h		; NXDOMAIN cache time

; domain name servers
@	IN	NS	ns1.nyc3.contoh.web.id.
@	IN	NS	ns2.nyc3.contoh.web.id.

; IPv6 PTR entries
1.0.1    IN    PTR    host1.nyc3.contoh.web.id.
2.0.1    IN    PTR    host2.nyc3.contoh.web.id.

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