IPSec: ESP Tunnel di UBuntu untuk IPv6
IPv6 Enkripsi: Contoh IPsec Tunnel Menggunakan racoon
Pada kesempatan ini akan di berikan contoh untuk membuat Ipsec tunnel menggunakan racoon pada dua gateway Linux berbasis sistem operasi Ubuntu 14.04.
Gateway A: IPv6 2001:470:19:b37::100/64 VPN Network: 2002::/64 Gateway B: IPv6 2001:470:19:b37::101/64 VPN Network: 2003::/64
Kernel IP Forwarding
Pada Gateway A dan Gateway B, kita perlu mengaktifkan kernel IP forwarding ,
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/forwarding echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/forwarding
Instalasi racoon dan ipsec-tools
Pada Gateway A dan Gateway B, instalasi:
# apt-get update # apt-get install racoon ipsec-tools
Pada pertanyaan “Configuration mode for racoon IKE daemon:” jawab “direct”
Konfigurasi racoon
Konfigurasi Gateway A
Gateway A Konfigurasi /etc/racoon/racoon.conf
log notify; path pre_shared_key "/etc/racoon/psk.txt"; path certificate "/etc/racoon/certs"; remote 2001:470:19:b37::101 { exchange_mode main,aggressive; proposal { encryption_algorithm 3des; hash_algorithm sha1; authentication_method pre_shared_key; dh_group 2; } } sainfo address 2002::/64 any address 2003::/64 any { pfs_group 2; lifetime time 1 hour ; encryption_algorithm 3des, blowfish 448, rijndael ; authentication_algorithm hmac_sha1, hmac_md5 ; compression_algorithm deflate ; }
Gateway A Konfigurasi /etc/racoon/psk.txt
2001:470:19:b37::101 a9993e364706816aba3e
Konfigurasi Gateway B
Gateway B Konfigurasi /etc/racoon/racoon.conf
log notify; path pre_shared_key "/etc/racoon/psk.txt"; path certificate "/etc/racoon/certs"; remote 2001:470:19:b37::100 { exchange_mode main,aggressive; proposal { encryption_algorithm 3des; hash_algorithm sha1; authentication_method pre_shared_key; dh_group 2; } } sainfo address 2003::/64 any address 2002::/64 any { pfs_group 2; lifetime time 1 hour ; encryption_algorithm 3des, blowfish 448, rijndael ; authentication_algorithm hmac_sha1, hmac_md5 ; compression_algorithm deflate ; }
Gateway B Konfigurasi /etc/racoon/psk.txt
2001:470:19:b37::100 a9993e364706816aba3e
Security Policies
Konfigurasi Gateway A
Gateway A Konfigurasi /etc/ipsec-tools.conf
flush; spdflush; spdadd 2002::/64 2003::/64 any -P out ipsec esp/tunnel/2001:470:19:b37::100-2001:470:19:b37::101/require; spdadd 2003::/64 2002::/64 any -P in ipsec esp/tunnel/2001:470:19:b37::101-2001:470:19:b37::100/require;
Konfigurasi Gateway B
Gateway B Konfigurasi /etc/ipsec-tools.conf
flush; spdflush; spdadd 2003::/64 2002::/64 any -P out ipsec esp/tunnel/2001:470:19:b37::101-2001:470:19:b37::100/require; spdadd 2002::/64 2003::/64 any -P in ipsec esp/tunnel/2001:470:19:b37::100-2001:470:19:b37::101/require;
Pada Gateway A maupun Gateway B jalankan perintah berikut
/etc/init.d/setkey restart /etc/init.d/racoon restart
Akan tampak
* Flushing IPsec SA/SP database: [ OK ] * Loading IPsec SA/SP database: [ OK ] * Restarting IKE (ISAKMP/Oakley) server racoon [ OK ]
Cek /var/log/syslog
# tail /var/log/syslog
Akan keluar kira-kira
Jul 7 07:42:01 server100 racoon: INFO: @(#)ipsec-tools 0.8.0 (http://ipsec-tools.sourceforge.net) Jul 7 07:42:01 server100 racoon: INFO: @(#)This product linked OpenSSL 1.0.1f 6 Jan 2014 (http://www.openssl.org/) Jul 7 07:42:01 server100 racoon: INFO: Reading configuration from "/etc/racoon/racoon.conf"
Pastikan tidak ada error. Jika ada error timeout, restart ipsec dan racoon.
Pada Gateway A tambahkan routing
ip -6 addr add 2002::1/64 dev eth0 ip -6 route add to 2003::/64 via 2002::1 src 2002::1
Pada Gateway B tambahkan routing
ip -6 addr add 2003::1/64 dev eth0 ip -6 route add to 2002::/64 via 2003::1 src 2003::1
Setelah VPN tersambung, coba dari Gateway A:
ping6 2003::1
Dari mesin Gateway B 2001:470:19:b37::101 Proses debugging jika dibutuhkan dapat menggunakan tcpdump dengan perintah, misalnya,
# tcpdump -t -n -i eth0 -vv ip6 host 2001:470:19:b37::100