IDS: NetFlow Data Format / Struktur

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total Fwd Packet		Total packets in the forward direction
total Bwd packets		Total packets in the backward direction
total Length of Fwd Packet	Total size of packet in forward direction
total Length of Bwd Packet	Total size of packet in backward direction
Fwd Packet Length Min 		Minimum size of packet in forward direction
Fwd Packet Length Max 		Maximum size of packet in forward direction
Fwd Packet Length Mean		Mean size of packet in forward direction
Fwd Packet Length Std		Standard deviation size of packet in forward direction
Bwd Packet Length Min		Minimum size of packet in backward direction
Bwd Packet Length Max		Maximum size of packet in backward direction
Bwd Packet Length Mean		Mean size of packet in backward direction
Bwd Packet Length Std		Standard deviation size of packet in backward direction
Flow Bytes/s			Number of flow bytes per second
Flow Packets/s			Number of flow packets per second 
Flow IAT Mean			Mean time between two packets sent in the flow
Flow IAT Std			Standard deviation time between two packets sent in the flow
Flow IAT Max			Maximum time between two packets sent in the flow
Flow IAT Min			Minimum time between two packets sent in the flow
Fwd IAT Min			Minimum time between two packets sent in the forward direction
Fwd IAT Max			Maximum time between two packets sent in the forward direction
Fwd IAT Mean			Mean time between two packets sent in the forward direction
Fwd IAT Std			Standard deviation time between two packets sent in the forward direction
Fwd IAT Total   		Total time between two packets sent in the forward direction
Bwd IAT Min			Minimum time between two packets sent in the backward direction
Bwd IAT Max			Maximum time between two packets sent in the backward direction
Bwd IAT Mean			Mean time between two packets sent in the backward direction
Bwd IAT Std			Standard deviation time between two packets sent in the backward direction
Bwd IAT Total			Total time between two packets sent in the backward direction
Fwd PSH flags			Number of times the PSH flag was set in packets travelling in the forward direction (0 for UDP)
Bwd PSH Flags			Number of times the PSH flag was set in packets travelling in the backward direction (0 for UDP)
Fwd URG Flags			Number of times the URG flag was set in packets travelling in the forward direction (0 for UDP)
Bwd URG Flags			Number of times the URG flag was set in packets travelling in the backward direction (0 for UDP)
Fwd Header Length		Total bytes used for headers in the forward direction
Bwd Header Length		Total bytes used for headers in the backward direction
FWD Packets/s			Number of forward packets per second
Bwd Packets/s			Number of backward packets per second
Packet Length Min 		Minimum length of a packet
Packet Length Max		Maximum length of a packet
Packet Length Mean 		Mean length of a packet
Packet Length Std		Standard deviation length of a packet
Packet Length Variance  	Variance length of a packet
FIN Flag Count 			Number of packets with FIN
SYN Flag Count 			Number of packets with SYN
RST Flag Count 			Number of packets with RST
PSH Flag Count 			Number of packets with PUSH
ACK Flag Count 			Number of packets with ACK
URG Flag Count 			Number of packets with URG
CWR Flag Count 			Number of packets with CWR
ECE Flag Count 			Number of packets with ECE
down/Up Ratio			Download and upload ratio
Average Packet Size 		Average size of packet
Fwd Segment Size Avg 		Average size observed in the forward direction
Bwd Segment Size Avg 		Average size observed in the backward direction
Fwd Bytes/Bulk Avg		Average number of bytes bulk rate in the forward direction
Fwd Packet/Bulk Avg		Average number of packets bulk rate in the forward direction
Fwd Bulk Rate Avg 		Average number of bulk rate in the forward direction
Bwd Bytes/Bulk Avg		Average number of bytes bulk rate in the backward direction
Bwd Packet/Bulk Avg 		Average number of packets bulk rate in the backward direction
Bwd Bulk Rate Avg		Average number of bulk rate in the backward direction
Subflow Fwd Packets		The average number of packets in a sub flow in the forward direction
Subflow Fwd Bytes		The average number of bytes in a sub flow in the forward direction
Subflow Bwd Packets		The average number of packets in a sub flow in the backward direction
Subflow Bwd Bytes		The average number of bytes in a sub flow in the backward direction
Fwd Init Win bytes		The total number of bytes sent in initial window in the forward direction
Bwd Init Win bytes		The total number of bytes sent in initial window in the backward direction
Fwd Act Data Pkts		Count of packets with at least 1 byte of TCP data payload in the forward direction
Fwd Seg Size Min		Minimum segment size observed in the forward direction
Active Min			Minimum time a flow was active before becoming idle
Active Mean			Mean time a flow was active before becoming idle
Active Max			Maximum time a flow was active before becoming idle
Active Std			Standard deviation time a flow was active before becoming idle
Idle Min			Minimum time a flow was idle before becoming active
Idle Mean			Mean time a flow was idle before becoming active
Idle Max			Maximum time a flow was idle before becoming active
Idle Std			Standard deviation time a flow was idle before becoming active
