HARDDISK: Sentinel Ubuntu

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Sumber: https://www.hdsentinel.com/hard_disk_sentinel_linux.php



cd /home/onno/Downloads/ chmod 777 HDSgnome64Installer.run

Sebagai userbiasa


Sebagai user biasa, jalankan

sudo HDSentinel/HDSentinel

-h - displays help and usage information
-r [report file] - automatically save report to filename (default: report.txt)
-html - use with -r to save HTML format report (-html -r 


-mht - use with -r to save MHT format report (-mht -r report.mht)
-autosd - detect industrial SD card type and save flag file (see How to: monitor (micro) SD card health and status for more details)
-dev /dev/sdX - detect and report only the specified device without accessing others
-devs d1,d2 - detect (comma separated) devices in addition to default ones eg. /dev/sda,/dev/sdb,/dev/sdc
-onlydevs d1,d2 - detect (comma separated) devices only eg. /dev/sda,/dev/sdb,/dev/sdc
-nodevs d1,d2 - exclude detection of (comma separated) devices eg. /dev/sda,/dev/sdb,/dev/sdc
-dump - dump report to stdout (can be used with -xml to dump XML output instead of text)
-xml - create and save XML report instead of TXT
-solid - solid output (drive, tempC, health%, power on hours, model, S/N, size)
-verbose - detailed detection information and save temporary files (only for debug purposes)
-aam - display acoustic management settings (current and recommended level)
-setaam drive_num|ALL level(hex)80-FE|QUIET|LOUD - set acoustic level on drive 0..n (or all)

80 or QUIET is the lowest (most silent) setting, FE or LOUD is the highest (fastest) setting For example: hdsentinel -setaam 0 loud - Configures drive 0 to fastest (loud) setting. Same as hdsentinel -setaam 0 FE
