Wawancara dengan Jawa Pos tentang digital footprint

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Subject: Re: Permohonan Wawancara (Jawa Pos) From: "Onno W. Purbo" <onno@indo.net.id> Date: Fri, March 2, 2018 04:41 To: "Erwin zulfikar" <tokerwin1508@gmail.com> Priority: Normal Create Filter: Automatically | From | To | Subject Options: View Full Header | View Printable Version | Download this as a file | View Message details

> Baik pak. Berikut beberapa pertanyaan dari kami. > > Apa sih digital footprints itu?

Dari https://www.webopedia.com/TERM/D/digital_footprint.html

On the Internet a digital footprint is the word used to describe the trail, traces or "footprints" that people leave online.

Terjemahannya ..

Di Internet, sebuah tapak / footprint digital adalah kata yang digunakan untuk menggambarkan jejak atau "jejak kaki" yang ditinggalkan orang secara online.

> > Bagaimana digital footprint tercipta?

Bisa di baca di https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_footprint

There are two main classifications for digital footprints: passive and active. A passive digital footprint is created when data is collected without the owner knowing, whereas active digital footprints are created when personal data is released deliberately by a user for the purpose of sharing information about oneself by means of websites or social media.

Passive digital footprints can be stored in many ways depending on the situation. In an online environment a footprint may be stored in an online data base as a "hit". This footprint may track the user IP address, when it was created, and where they came from; with the footprint later being analyzed. In an offline environment, a footprint may be stored in files, which can be accessed by administrators to view the actions performed on the machine, without being able to see who performed them.

Active digital footprints can also be stored in many ways depending on the situation. In an online environment, a footprint can be stored by a user being logged into a site when making a post or change, with the registered name being connected to the edit. In an off line environment a footprint may be stored in files, when the owner of the computer uses a keylogger, so logs can show the actions performed on the machine, and who performed them. One of the features of keylogger is to monitor the clipboard for any changes. This may be problematic as the user may copy passwords or take screenshots of sensitive information which will then be logged.

Tony Fish expounded upon the possible dangers of digital footprints in a 2007 self-published book. The closed loop takes data from the open loop and provides this as a new data input. This new data determines what the user has reacted to, or how they have been influenced. The feedback then builds a digital footprint based on social data, and the controller of the social digital footprint data can determine how and why people purchase and behave.

> > Item apa saja yang bisa meninggalkan jejak digital?

Semua aktifitas kita di Internet tercatat di Server itu adalah jejak yang kita ..

Semua posting kita di Internet / media sosial juga merupakan jejak

> > Lalu apakah bisa dikatakan bahwa menyimpan data di dunia digital secara > tidak langsung itu tidak aman?

semua jejak kita bisa di exploitasi oleh karenanya sebaiknya berhati2 dalam berselancar di Internet

> > Apa dampak positif dan negatif dari digital footprint? >

Contoh negatif bisa di baca https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_footprint

Privacy issues

Digital footprints are not a digital identity or passport, but the content and meta data collected impacts upon internet privacy, trust, security, digital reputation, and recommendation. As the digital world expands and integrates with more aspects of life, ownership and rights of data becomes important. Digital footprints are controversial in that privacy and openness are in competition.[11] Scott McNealy, CEO of Sun Microsystems, said in 1999 Get Over It when referring to privacy on the Internet.[12] This later became a commonly used quote in relationship to private data and what companies do with it.[citation needed]

Having a digital footprint may be dangerous for students, as affiliations such as college admissions staff and potential employers may decide to research into prospective students and employee's online profiles, leading to a large impact on the students' futures.[13]

While digital footprint can be used to infer personal information, such as demographic traits, sexual orientation, race, religious and political views, personality, or intelligence[14] without individuals' knowledge, it also exposes individuals private psychological sphere into the social sphere.[15] Lifelogging is an example of indiscriminate collection of information concerning an individuals life and behaviour.[16] There are ways to make your digital footprint difficult to track.[17] Illustrating examples of the usage or interpretation of data trails can be found at the example of Facebook-influenced creditworthiness ratings,[18] the judicial investigations around German social scientist Andrej Holm,[19] advertisement-junk mails by the American company OfficeMax[20] or the border incident of Canadian citizen Ellen Richardson.[21]

Contoh positif ya posting2 kita yang bermaksud utk menyebarkan kebaikan bermaksud utk memberitahukan hal yang baik

> Lalu seperti apa sikap seperti apa yang harus dilakukan agar kita punya > digital footprint yang baik? >

lakukan kebaikan di Internet

jangan posting hal-hal yang jelek jangan posting hal-hal bohong, hoax, mengarang tanpa fakta jangan pernah posting ulang tulisan orang tanpa cek-recheck

> Kira-kira apa aja yang boleh dishare di ranah digital? >

segala sesuatu yang baik sebetulnya aman di share

> Langkah tercepat apa yang bisa kita dilakukan jika terjadi tindak kriminal > terhadap jejak digital kita?Misalnya pencurian profil? >

pencurian account? bisa di laporkan ke situs tersebut untuk di tutup account-nya ini terutama di facebook, twitter, instagram dll ..

kalau mau lebih serius catat semua keanehan laporkan ke BARESKRIM POLRI untuk di proses ... cuma ngantri karena banyak yang minta

> Apakah jejak digital bisa berimbas positif bagi dunia nyata?

ya bisa lah ..

contoh saya sendiri kan banyak posting di Internet tentang bagaimana berinternet yang murah, bikin RT/RW-net, wajanbolic bikin telepon yang murah .. ini berimbas pada banyak yang belajar ilmu tersebut dan mempraktekan langsung di daerah-nya masing2

Tentunya tidak harus terbatas pada dunia internet saja bisa tentang kuliner, makanan, fashion, berbagai pelajaran di Sekolah misalnya pelajaran fisika, matematika, sosial dll banyak sekali saya lihat orang posting ttg berbagai hal yang baik di Internet ..