SMEOnffLine: Setup MySQL untuk Semua CMS

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Untuk memudahkan pembuatan Distro ada baiknya setup MySQL untuk semua CMS di satukan

# mysql -u root -p
Enter password: <123456>
create database wordpress;
grant INSERT,SELECT on root.* to wordpress@localhost;
grant ALL on wordpress.* to wordpress@localhost identified by 'wordpress';
grant ALL on wordpress.* to wordpress identified by 'wordpress';
create database mediawiki;
grant INSERT,SELECT on root.* to mediawiki@localhost;
grant ALL on mediawiki.* to mediawiki@localhost identified by 'mediawiki';
grant ALL on mediawiki.* to mediawiki identified by 'mediawiki';
create database mahara character set UTF8;
grant ALL on mahara.* to mahara@localhost identified by 'mahara';
grant ALL on mahara.* to mahara identified by 'mahara';
create database waypointhr;
grant INSERT,SELECT on root.* to waypointhr@localhost;
grant ALL on waypointhr.* to waypointhr@localhost identified by 'waypointhr';
grant ALL on waypointhr.* to waypointhr identified by 'waypointhr';
create database dms;
grant INSERT,SELECT on root.* to dms@localhost;
grant ALL on dms.* to 'dms'@'localhost' identified by 'dms';
grant ALL on dms.* to dms@localhost identified by 'dms';
grant ALL on dms.* to dms identified by 'dms';
create database egroupware;
grant ALL on root.* to egroupware@localhost;
grant ALL on egroupware.* to egroupware@localhost identified by "egroupware";
grant ALL on egroupware.* to egroupware identified by "egroupware";
create database joomla;
grant ALL on joomla.* to joomla@localhost identified by 'joomla';
grant ALL on joomla.* to joomla identified by 'joomla';
create database prestashop;
grant ALL on root.* to prestashop@localhost;
grant ALL on prestashop.* to prestashop@localhost identified by 'prestashop';
grant ALL on prestashop.* to prestashop identified by 'prestashop';
drop database weberpdemo;
create database weberpdemo;
grant INSERT,SELECT on root.* to weberp@localhost;
SET PASSWORD FOR weberp@localhost=PASSWORD('weberp');

Setup Tabel

Setup tabel dilakukan melalui shell dan hanya dapat dilakukan jika database sudah dibuat dan source code sudah di copy ke folder di bawah /var/www

mysql --user=weberp --password='weberp' < /var/www/webERP/sql/mysql/weberp-demo.sql
mysql -u weberp -pweberp weberp < /var/www/webERP/sql/mysql/weberp-demo.sql
mysql -u dms -pdms dms < /var/www/knowledgeTree/sql/mysql/install/structure.sql
mysql -u dms -pdms dms < /var/www/knowledgeTree/sql/mysql/install/data.sql
mysql -u root -p123456 dms < /var/www/knowledgeTree/sql/mysql/install/user.sql

Pranala Menarik