Python: Text Pre-processing

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Mining Twitter Data with Python (Part 2: Text Pre-processing)

This is the second part of a series of articles about data mining on Twitter. In the previous episode, we have seen how to collect data from Twitter. In this post, we’ll discuss the structure of a tweet and we’ll start digging into the processing steps we need for some text analysis.

The Anatomy of a Tweet

Assuming that you have collected a number of tweets and stored them in JSON as suggested in the previous article, let’s have a look at the structure of a tweet:

import json

with open('mytweets.json', 'r') as f:
    line = f.readline() # read only the first tweet/line
    tweet = json.loads(line) # load it as Python dict
    print(json.dumps(tweet, indent=4)) # pretty-print

The key attributes are the following:

   text: the text of the tweet itself
   created_at: the date of creation
   favorite_count, retweet_count: the number of favourites and retweets
   favorited, retweeted: boolean stating whether the authenticated user (you) have favourited or retweeted this tweet
   lang: acronym for the language (e.g. “en” for english)
   id: the tweet identifier
   place, coordinates, geo: geo-location information if available
   user: the author’s full profile
   entities: list of entities like URLs, @-mentions, hashtags and symbols
   in_reply_to_user_id: user identifier if the tweet is a reply to a specific user
   in_reply_to_status_id: status identifier id the tweet is a reply to a specific status

As you can see there’s a lot of information we can play with. All the *_id fields also have a *_id_str counterpart, where the same information is stored as a string rather than a big int (to avoid overflow problems). We can imagine how these data already allow for some interesting analysis: we can check who is most favourited/retweeted, who’s discussing with who, what are the most popular hashtags and so on. Most of the goodness we’re looking for, i.e. the content of a tweet, is anyway embedded in the text, and that’s where we’re starting our analysis.

We start our analysis by breaking the text down into words. Tokenisation is one of the most basic, yet most important, steps in text analysis. The purpose of tokenisation is to split a stream of text into smaller units called tokens, usually words or phrases. While this is a well understood problem with several out-of-the-box solutions from popular libraries, Twitter data pose some challenges because of the nature of the language. How to Tokenise a Tweet Text

Let’s see an example, using the popular NLTK library to tokenise a fictitious tweet:

from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize
tweet = 'RT @marcobonzanini: just an example! :D #NLP'
# ['RT', '@', 'marcobonzanini', ':', 'just', 'an', 'example', '!', ':', 'D', 'http', ':', '//', '#', 'NLP']

You will notice some peculiarities that are not captured by a general-purpose English tokeniser like the one from NLTK: @-mentions, emoticons, URLs and #hash-tags are not recognised as single tokens. The following code will propose a pre-processing chain that will consider these aspects of the language.

import re
emoticons_str = r"""
        [:=;] # Eyes
        [oO\-]? # Nose (optional)
        [D\)\]\(\]/\\OpP] # Mouth
regex_str = [
    r'<[^>]+>', # HTML tags
    r'(?:@[\w_]+)', # @-mentions
    r"(?:\#+[\w_]+[\w\'_\-]*[\w_]+)", # hash-tags
    r'http[s]?://(?:[a-z]|[0-9]|[$-_@.&+]|[!*\(\),]|(?:%[0-9a-f][0-9a-f]))+', # URLs
    r'(?:(?:\d+,?)+(?:\.?\d+)?)', # numbers
    r"(?:[a-z][a-z'\-_]+[a-z])", # words with - and '
    r'(?:[\w_]+)', # other words
    r'(?:\S)' # anything else
tokens_re = re.compile(r'('+'|'.join(regex_str)+')', re.VERBOSE | re.IGNORECASE)
emoticon_re = re.compile(r'^'+emoticons_str+'$', re.VERBOSE | re.IGNORECASE)
def tokenize(s):
    return tokens_re.findall(s)
def preprocess(s, lowercase=False):
    tokens = tokenize(s)
    if lowercase:
        tokens = [token if else token.lower() for token in tokens]
    return tokens
tweet = 'RT @marcobonzanini: just an example! :D #NLP'
# ['RT', '@marcobonzanini', ':', 'just', 'an', 'example', '!', ':D', '', '#NLP']

As you can see, @-mentions, emoticons, URLs and #hash-tags are now preserved as individual tokens.

If we want to process all our tweets, previously saved on file:

with open('mytweets.json', 'r') as f:
    for line in f:
        tweet = json.loads(line)
        tokens = preprocess(tweet['text'])

The tokeniser is probably far from perfect, but it gives you the general idea. The tokenisation is based on regular expressions (regexp), which is a common choice for this type of problem. Some particular types of tokens (e.g. phone numbers or chemical names) will not be captured, and will be probably broken into several tokens. To overcome this problem, as well as to improve the richness of your pre-processing pipeline, you can improve the regular expressions, or even employ more sophisticated techniques like Named Entity Recognition.

The core component of the tokeniser is the regex_str variable, which is a list of possible patterns. In particular, we try to capture some emoticons, HTML tags, Twitter @usernames (@-mentions), Twitter #hashtags, URLs, numbers, words with and without dashes and apostrophes, and finally “anything else”. Please take a moment to observe the regexp for capturing numbers: why don’t we just use \d+? The problem here is that numbers can appear in several different ways, e.g. 1000 can also be written as 1,000 or 1,000.00 — and we can get into more complications in a multi-lingual environment where commas and dots are inverted: “one thousand” can be written as 1.000 or 1.000,00 in many non-anglophone countries. The task of identifying numeric tokens correctly just gives you a glimpse of how difficult tokenisation can be.

The regular expressions are compiled with the flags re.VERBOSE, to allow spaces in the regexp to be ignored (see the multi-line emoticons regexp), and re.IGNORECASE to catch both upper and lowercases. The tokenize() function simply catches all the tokens in a string and returns them as a list. This function is used within preprocess(), which is used as a pre-processing chain: in this case we simply add a lowercasing feature for all the tokens that are not emoticons (e.g. :D doesn’t become :d).


In this article we have analysed the overall structure of a tweet, and we have discussed how to pre-process the text before we can get into some more interesting analysis. In particular, we have seen how tokenisation, despite being a well-understood problem, can get tricky with Twitter data. The proposed solution is far from perfect but it’s a good starting point, and fairly easy to extend.
