MSF: meterpreter command

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Step 1Core Commands

At its most basic use, meterpreter is a Linux terminal on the victim's computer. As such, many of our basic Linux commands can be used on the meterpreter even if it's on a Windows or other operating system.

Here are some of the core commands we can use on the meterpreter.

   ? - help menu
   background - moves the current session to the background
   bgkill - kills a background meterpreter script
   bglist - provides a list of all running background scripts
   bgrun - runs a script as a background thread
   channel - displays active channels
   close - closes a channel
   exit - terminates a meterpreter session
   help - help menu
   interact - interacts with a channel
   irb - go into Ruby scripting mode
   migrate - moves the active process to a designated PID
   quit - terminates the meterpreter session
   read - reads the data from a channel
   run - executes the meterpreter script designated after it
   use - loads a meterpreter extension
   write - writes data to a channel

Step 2File System Commands

   cat - read and output to stdout the contents of a file
   cd - change directory on the victim
   del - delete a file on the victim
   download - download a file from the victim system to the attacker system
   edit - edit a file with vim
   getlwd - print the local directory
   getwd - print working directory
   lcd - change local directory
   lpwd - print local directory
   ls - list files in current directory
   mkdir - make a directory on the victim system
   pwd - print working directory
   rm - delete a file
   rmdir - remove directory on the victim system
   upload - upload a file from the attacker system to the victim

Step 3Networking Commands

   ipconfig - displays network interfaces with key information including IP address, etc.
   portfwd - forwards a port on the victim system to a remote service
   route - view or modify the victim routing table

Step 4System Commands

   clearav - clears the event logs on the victim's computer
   drop_token - drops a stolen token
   execute - executes a command
   getpid - gets the current process ID (PID)
   getprivs - gets as many privileges as possible
   getuid - get the user that the server is running as
   kill - terminate the process designated by the PID
   ps - list running processes
   reboot - reboots the victim computer
   reg - interact with the victim's registry
   rev2self - calls RevertToSelf() on the victim machine
   shell - opens a command shell on the victim machine
   shutdown - shuts down the victim's computer
   steal_token - attempts to steal the token of a specified (PID) process
   sysinfo - gets the details about the victim computer such as OS and name

Step 5User Interface Commands

   enumdesktops - lists all accessible desktops
   getdesktop - get the current meterpreter desktop
   idletime - checks to see how long since the victim system has been idle
   keyscan_dump - dumps the contents of the software keylogger
   keyscan_start - starts the software keylogger when associated with a process such as Word or browser
   keyscan_stop - stops the software keylogger
   screenshot - grabs a screenshot of the meterpreter desktop
   set_desktop - changes the meterpreter desktop
   uictl - enables control of some of the user interface components

Step 6Privilege Escalation Commands

   getsystem - uses 15 built-in methods to gain sysadmin privileges

Step 7Password Dump Commands

   hashdump - grabs the hashes in the password (SAM) file

Note that hashdump will often trip AV software, but there are now two scripts that are more stealthy, "run hashdump" and "run smart_hashdump". Look for more on those on my upcoming meterpreter script cheat sheet. Step 8Timestomp Commands

   timestomp - manipulates the modify, access, and create attributes of a file


Pranala Menarik