MQTT: install di Ubuntu 16.04

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Mosquitto MQTT Server adalah message broker yang bekerja di atas protokol MQTT. MQTT adalah protokol messaging ringan yang standar ISO untuk digunakan di atas protokol TCP/IP. Hal ini banyak digunakan untuk berkomunikasi dengan perangkat Internet of Things. Kami akan menginstal Mosquitto di server Ubuntu 16.04 dan kami akan mengirim pesan dari perangkat lunak MQTT-spy. Mosquitto adalah proyek Eclipse dan didistribusikan dengan lisensi EDL. Jadi mari kita mulai.

Kompilasi server Mosquitto MQTT dari sumber

Instalasi aplikasi pendukung,

sudo su
apt update
locale-gen id_ID.UTF-8
apt-get install build-essential libwrap0-dev libssl-dev libc-ares-dev uuid-dev xsltproc

Tambahkan mosquitto user, karena secara default berjalan sebagai non-root.

adduser mosquitto

Untuk memudahkan beri sudo rights ke user ini, karena kita akan melakukan proses instalasi dengan user ini.

usermod -aG sudo mosquitto

Login sebagai mosquitto

su mosquitto

Download, extraxt, compile & install,

tar xvzf mosquitto-1.4.9.tar.gz
cd mosquitto-1.4.9/
make && sudo make install

Konfigurasi Mosquitto MQTT Server

buat password untuk mqtt-spy,

sudo mosquitto_passwd -c /etc/mosquitto/pwfile mqtt-spy

masukan password untuk mqtt-spy user yang akan digunakan untuk connect dari client. Kita perlu menambahkan ijin ke mosquitto user pada directory yang relevan.

sudo mkdir /var/lib/mosquitto/
sudo chown -R mosquitto:mosquitto /var/lib/mosquitto/

Buat file konfigurasi Mosquitto MQTT Server,

sudo nano /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf

Isi dengan

persistence true
persistence_location /var/lib/mosquitto/
persistence_file mosquitto.db
log_dest syslog
log_dest stdout
log_dest topic
log_type error
log_type warning
log_type notice
log_type information
connection_messages true
log_timestamp true
allow_anonymous false
password_file /etc/mosquitto/pwfile

Setelah config di simpan, jalankan ldconfig

sudo ldconfig

Tambahkan systemd unit file

sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/mosquitto.service

Isi dengan

Description=Insite MQTT Broker

ExecStart=/usr/local/sbin/mosquitto -c /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf




sudo systemctl start mosquitto.service

Cek status

systemctl status mosquitto.service

Set supaya mosquitto jalan saat boot,

sudo systemctl enable mosquitto.service

Setup MQTT-Spy dan connnecting

MQTT-Spy adalah Java based client untuk menyambungkan diri ke MQTT server. MQTT-Spy bisa di ambil di

Menjalankan dengan

java -jar mqtt-spy-0.5.4-jar-with-dependencies.jar

You can get it from github but note that you must have Oracle JDK installed. It does NOT work with OpenJDK. First thing to do after staring MQTT-spy is to create new connection. You add your server IP and default port 1883.

mqtt spy

Then you add password and user name we made earlier, in my case it is mqtt-spy and password is password.

mqtt password

Then we can open terminal window on server and type following command

mosquitto_sub -v -t 'linoxide/topic' -u mqtt-spy -P password

To explain flags, -v is for verbosity, -t is for topic followed by topic inside quotes, -u is for user and -P is password. After typing this command it will seeming hang, but then we need to use MQTT-spy to create new topic and send a message to same topic, like on picture bellow.



We have successfully installed Mosquitto MQTT server that enables you to have network of connected IoT devices over MQTT 3.1 protocol. We installed it on Ubuntu on classic x86 PC which is what most people use for development and learning purposes. For real IoT you would want an ARM device. This is all for this article thank you for reading.
