Face recognition

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Sistem pengenalan wajah adalah teknologi yang mampu mengidentifikasi atau memverifikasi seseorang dari gambar digital atau frame video. Ada beberapa metode di mana sistem pengenalan wajah bekerja, tetapi secara umum, mereka bekerja dengan membandingkan fitur wajah yang dipilih dari gambar yang diberikan dengan wajah dalam database.

Meskipun awalnya merupakan bentuk aplikasi komputer, pengenalan wajah telah terlihat penggunaan yang lebih luas dalam waktu belakangan ini di platform seluler dan dalam bentuk teknologi lainnya, seperti robotik.

Pengenalan wajah biasanya digunakan dalam sistem keamanan dan dapat dibandingkan dengan biometrik lainnya seperti sistem pengenalan sidik jari atau mata. Baru-baru ini, pengenalan wajah juga menjadi populer sebagai alat identifikasi dan pemasaran komersial.

Beberapa Teknik Pengenalan Wajah


Beberapa algoritma pengenalan wajah mengidentifikasi fitur wajah dengan mengekstraksi landmark, atau fitur, dari gambar wajah subjek. Sebagai contoh, suatu algoritma dapat menganalisa posisi relatif, ukuran, dan / atau bentuk mata, hidung, tulang pipi, dan rahang. Fitur-fitur ini kemudian digunakan untuk mencari gambar lain dengan fitur yang cocok.

Algoritma lainnya menormalisasi galeri gambar wajah dan kemudian memampatkan data wajah, hanya menyimpan data dalam gambar yang berguna untuk pengenalan wajah. Citra yang di analisa kemudian dibandingkan dengan data wajah. Salah satu sistem awal yang paling sukses adalah berdasarkan teknik pencocokan template yang diterapkan pada satu set fitur wajah yang menonjol, menyediakan semacam representasi wajah terkompresi.

Algoritma pengenalan dapat dibagi menjadi dua pendekatan utama, geometrik, yang melihat fitur pembeda, atau fotometri, yang merupakan pendekatan statistik yang menyaring gambar ke dalam nilai dan membandingkan nilai dengan template untuk menghilangkan varian.

Algoritma pengenalan populer termasuk analisis komponen utama menggunakan eigenfaces, linear discriminant analysis, elastic bunch graph matching menggunakan Fisherface algorithm, the hidden Markov model, the multilinear subspace learning using tensor representation, dan neuronal motivated dynamic link matching.

Pengenalan 3-Dimensi

Three-dimensional face recognition technique uses 3D sensors to capture information about the shape of a face. This information is then used to identify distinctive features on the surface of a face, such as the contour of the eye sockets, nose, and chin.

One advantage of 3D face recognition is that it is not affected by changes in lighting like other techniques. It can also identify a face from a range of viewing angles, including a profile view. Three-dimensional data points from a face vastly improve the precision of face recognition. 3D research is enhanced by the development of sophisticated sensors that do a better job of capturing 3D face imagery. The sensors work by projecting structured light onto the face. Up to a dozen or more of these image sensors can be placed on the same CMOS chip—each sensor captures a different part of the spectrum....

Even a perfect 3D matching technique could be sensitive to expressions. For that goal a group at the Technion applied tools from metric geometry to treat expressions as isometries

A new method is to introduce a way to capture a 3D picture by using three tracking cameras that point at different angles; one camera will be pointing at the front of the subject, second one to the side, and third one at an angle. All these cameras will work together so it can track a subject’s face in real time and be able to face detect and recognize.

Skin texture analysis

Another emerging trend uses the visual details of the skin, as captured in standard digital or scanned images. This technique, called Skin Texture Analysis, turns the unique lines, patterns, and spots apparent in a person’s skin into a mathematical space.

Surface Texture Analysis, works much the same way facial recognition does. A picture is taken of a patch of skin, called a skinprint. That patch is then broken up into smaller blocks. Using algorithms to turn the patch into a mathematical, measurable space, the system will then distinguish any lines, pores and the actual skin texture. It can identify differences between identical twins, which is not yet possible using facial recognition software alone.

Tests have shown that with the addition of skin texture analysis, performance in recognizing faces can increase 20 to 25 percent.

Facial recognition combining different techniques

As every methods has its advantages and disadvantages, technology companies have amalgamated the traditional, 3D recognition and Skin Textual Analysis, to create recognition systems that have higher rates of success.

Combined techniques has an advantage over other systems. It is relatively insensitive to changes in expression, including blinking, frowning or smiling and has the ability to compensate for mustache or beard growth and the appearance of eyeglasses. The system is also uniform with respect to race and gender.

Thermal cameras

A different form of taking input data for face recognition is by using thermal cameras, by this procedure the cameras will only detect the shape of the head and it will ignore the subject accessories such as glasses, hats, or make up. A problem with using thermal pictures for face recognition is that the databases for face recognition is limited. Diego Socolinsky, and Andrea Selinger (2004) research the use of thermal face recognition in real life, and operation sceneries, and at the same time build a new database of thermal face images. The research uses low-sensitive, low-resolution ferro-electric electrics sensors that are capable of acquire long wave thermal infrared (LWIR). The results show that a fusion of LWIR and regular visual cameras has the greater results in outdoor probes. Indoor results show that visual has a 97.05% accuracy, while LWIR has 93.93%, and the Fusion has 98.40%, however on the outdoor proves visual has 67.06%, LWIR 83.03%, and fusion has 89.02%. The study used 240 subjects over the period of 10 weeks to create the new database. The data was collected on sunny, rainy, and cloudy days.

Pranala Menarik

