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* https://github.com/sqlmapproject/sqlmap/wiki/Introduction
* https://github.com/sqlmapproject/sqlmap/wiki/Introduction
* https://delicious.com/inquis/sqlinjection
* https://delicious.com/inquis/sqlinjection
* http://egodox.blogspot.com/2013/04/hack-website-using-sqlmap-sql-injection.html

Revision as of 10:21, 16 November 2013

Pengetahuan Umum


Serangan Ke Windows

Port Scanning

XSS Scanner

Web Security

DDOS Apache

Web Attack



SQL Injection

SQL Injection Tutorial

SQL Injection Software

Cellular / Mobile Hacking




Buku & Tutorial

Echo ezine

echo|zine issue #20 ( Pebruari 2009 )

  1. Introduction .................................................. y3dips
  2. Pseudo-random .............................................. anonymous
  3. Interview with Onno W Purbo......................................az001
  4. What`s goin on echo forum ............................anonymous-co-ed
  5. Intercepting Library Call ............................ mulyadi santosa
  6. Caesar Shift Cipher............................................... Rey
  7. ARPWall; Konsep dan Pembuktian ............................... y3dips
  8. Encryption: Algoritma Combo .................................... jackD
  9. Prophile on Jck.mrshl ................-----................. echostaff
  10. Enkripsi dan Dekripsi dengan Fungsi Mcrypt di PHP............ monqichi
  11. Salty Py; Password Salt Bruteforcer .. sheran gunasekera & selwin ong
  12. Anti-Forensic; Seek and Destroy .............................jck.mrshl
  13. Hacker LogBook....................................lirva 32; x-diamond1

echo|zine issue #19 ( Agustus 2008 )

  1. Introduction .................................................. y3dips
  2. Pseudo-random .............................................. anonymous
  3. idsecconf ................................................. echo|staff
  4. Digital Signature secara gampangnya ......................... mamasexy
  5. cryptography : Simple a-symetric algorithm................. x-diamond1
  6. Prophile on CyberTank .................................... echo|staff
  7. Prophile on lirva32 ...................................... echo|staff
  8. Whats Goin On Echo Forum ....................................... az001
  9. Bailiwicked DNS Attack (Cache Poisoning) .................... Cyberheb
  10. Scapy: obrak-abrik paket data ................................. y3dips
  11. Hacker LogBook ........................................ various artist

Referensi Menarik


Pentest LiveCD

Pranala Menarik