Bahaya terlalu banyak sharing di Facebook

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Seberapa banyak informasi yang bisa di bagi di Facebook? Kapan sharing menjadi oversharing, dan kapan itu menjadi risiko keamanan pribadi? Beberapa orang di luar sana benar-benar menyukai hal-hal yang melampaui batas, dan sebagian lagi tidak. Mari kita lihat baik para pecinta dan pembenci oversharing:

Penguntit suka oversharing

Kenyataan hidup, Timeline Facebook seperti lembar catatan bagi penguntit. Timeline menyediakan antarmuka yang mudah di mana teman anda, dan tergantung pada pengaturan privasi anda, siapa pun di dunia ini dapat memiliki akses cepat ke semua hal yang pernah anda posting di Facebook.

Penguntit hanya perlu klik pada tahun dan bulan yang mereka tertarik dan Facebook Timeline membawa mereka langsung ke waktu tersebut. Dengan 60 aplikasi baru yang memungkinkan apa yang oleh para eksekutif Facebook disebut "frictionless sharing", hampir semua aspek kehidupan anda berpotensi dipamerkan untuk diikuti oleh penguntit.

Mulai dari musik yang anda dengarkan, sampai ke tempat anda "check in" di dunia nyata, informasi singkat ini dapat membantu penguntit anda mempelajari pola anda sehingga mereka dapat mengetahui di mana menemukan anda.

Sebaiknya batasi sharing lokasi Anda di Facebook sebanyak mungkin atau tidak membaginya sama sekali. Gunakan daftar teman Facebook untuk mengatur teman anda. Buat daftar teman anda yang paling terpercaya dan tetapkan pengaturan privasi anda agar lebih banyak akses bagi teman yang terpercaya dan akses yang sangat terbatas ke kenalan yang mungkin saja menjadi penguntit.

Pencuri suka oversharing

Want to make yourself an easy target for thieves?

The easiest way to do this is to share your location information on Facebook.

If you just "checked-in" at the local gym and posted this to Facebook, then any thief who is trolling Facebook profiles will know that you are not at home. This would be a great time to rob you.

You may have restricted your privacy settings on Facebook to just friends, but what if a friend is logged into a publicly accessible computer, such as at a library, and forgets to log out or has their cell phone stolen?

You can't expect that your friends are the only ones who have access to your status and location just because your privacy settings are set to friends only.

Some Facebook apps that share your location may have more relaxed privacy settings than you are comfortable with and may be blabbing your location without you realizing it.

Check your privacy settings and also check to see what information your Facebook apps are sharing with your friends and the rest of the world. Limit them as much as possible to protect your privacy and personal safety. Never ever post that you are home alone.

Lawyers love oversharing

Anything you do on Facebook can and may be used against you in a court of law. Lawyers absolutely love Facebook because it helps greatly in establishing a person's character and where and when something took place. Facebook does a lot of legwork that a private investigator would normally have to do, such as learning who a person associates with (i.e. who their friends are).

Are you in the middle of a custody battle? Posting pictures on Facebook of yourself getting tanked at a party could help your ex-spouse with their case against you. Facebook postings often reflect our moods. A ranting status post might get you labeled aggressive or abusive by a lawyer trying to make a case against you.

Avoid posting while you're angry or drunk. If you're tagged in a picture that might be considered inappropriate, you can "untag" yourself so that the picture is not associated with your profile.

Remember that even if you removed a posting after it appeared, the post might have still been caught in a screenshot or sent in an email notification. There are no guaranteed take-backs on Facebook, so always think before you post.

Employers hate oversharing

Your employer is probably not a huge fan of oversharing. Whether you're at work or not, your actions can affect your company's image, especially since most people put who they work for in their Facebook profile.

If your employer reviews Facebook activity and sees a ton of it while you're supposed to be working, they might use this against you at some point. If you say you're sick and then your Facebook location says your checking-in at the local movie theater, this might tip off your employer that you're playing hooky.

Potential employers might also request a look at your Facebook profile to learn more about you. You might consider reviewing your Timeline to see if there is anything that might cause them not to hire you.

Worried about your friends posting something stupid on your wall or tagging you in an unflattering picture that might affect a potential job offer? Turn on the Tag Review and Post Review features so that you can decide what gets posted about you before a post goes live.