2019/11/20 : Indonesia menjadi contoh di IETF Global Access for Internet for All

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Sumber: https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/106/materials/agenda-106-gaia-07

Global Access to the Internet for All (GAIA) WG

IETF 106, Singapore

* Date: 2019-11-19 (Tuesday)
* Time: 13:30 EDT (GMT+8) 90 mins
* Room: Olivia
* Chair: Jane Coffin <coffin@isoc.org>
* Chair: Leandro Navarro <leandro@ac.upc.edu>
* [DataTracker] https://datatracker.ietf.org/group/gaia/documents/
* [Slides: you can upload your own] https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/106/session/gaia



* Welcome, Agenda Bashing, Minutes taker, Blue Sheets, etc.
        - Jane Coffin (on-site) & Leandro Navarro (remote), co-chairs, 
        - 10 minutes

Current Working Group Presentations:

* Connecting remote community networks to an IXP
  - Kanchana Kanchanasut - AIT
* LoRaWAN & The Things Network (TTN) A Global IoT Community Network
  - Jonathan Brewer - Telco2 Limited
* Optical fiber as a commons in the neighborhood of Viladordis
  - Francisco del Aguila - guifibages & UPC
* Community Cellular Networks in the Philippines: Experiences from the VBTS project
  - Maria Theresa Perez - University of the Philippines Diliman
* ID: Village and Rural Internet
  - Onno W. Purbo, Sumitro Aji Prabowo, Bara Ramadhan - PUSPINDES
* Developing the Rural Internet for Pemalang Society
  - Onno W. Purbo, Sumitro Aji Prabowo, Bara Ramadhan - PUSPINDES