10 Langkah Untuk Keamanan Internet Banking

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Online banking luar biasa, bukan? Hanya 10-an tahun yang lalu, kita harus pergi ke bank secara fisik untuk melakukan transaksi apa pun. Sekarang kita membawa teller digital di saku, dapat melakukan penyetoran, transfer, dan bahkan transaksi eksternal dengan mengklik tombol.

Keamanan online banking adalah prioritas utama

Tapi dengan kekuatan besar datang tanggung jawab besar kan? Ya, semakin mudah untuk mengakses informasi perbankan kita, tetapi juga lebih mudah juga bagi hacker untuk mendapatkan akses ke informasi tersebut.

Dalam posting ini, kita akan membahas 10 tip agar informasi online banking anda tetap aman di tahun 2018.

Jangan Pernah Klik Pada Tautan yang Mencurigakan

Tetap aman online - jangan klik pada link yang mencurigakan.

Pernahkah Anda menerima email dengan link yang tampaknya tidak benar? Atau pesan SMS yang aneh? Ketika anda melihatnya, anda berpikir, terasa ada yang salah di sini. Ketika itu terjadi, percayalah pada naluri Anda. Jika anda pernah menerima pesan SMS atau email yang berisi tautan yang tidak anda kenal, JANGAN klik. Mengapa? Karena ini mungkin tautan ke situs web jahat yang berusaha mencuri identitas bank anda. Jika anda memasukkan informasi perbankan ke situs itu, anda baru saja memberikannya kepada penjahat cyber yang dapat masuk ke online banking anda.

Misalnya, anda mungkin menerima email yang mengatakan bahwa password online banking anda perlu di set ulang dengan tautan yang bisa anda klik. Jika anda mengklik link itu dan memasukkan password anda, Anda baru saja memberikannya kepada pencuri. Masukkan informasi online banking anda ke situs web atau aplikasi resmi bank anda. Ini akan mencegah anda membocorkan informasi keamanan kepada orang yang salah. Jika Anda pernah menerima permintaan melalui email atau SMS untuk mengirim informasi password anda, anda dapat pastikan bahwa itu adalah penipuan. Jangan sampai tertipu.

Selain itu, anda sebaiknya tidak mengirimkan informasi online banking melalui email atau SMS untuk tujuan keamanan.

Hanya melakukan online banking di Jaringan WiFi yang aman

Secara umum, jaringan Free WiFi seperti yang anda temukan di WARNET, dan Cafe, tidak terlalu aman. Karena, mereka harus menampung sebanyak mungkin orang maka tingkat keamanan di buat rendah untuk memudahkan orang tersambung. Tingkat keamanan yang rendah membuat mereka menjadi target utama hacker yang bisa segera membobol pertahanan anda.

Bila mungkin, jangan lakukan online banking anda melalui jaringan Free WiFi. Sebaliknya, hanya melakukan transaksi melalui jaringan WiFi yang aman dan di lindungi password di rumah. Jika anda benar-benar perlu mengakses bank anda saat anda bepergian, matikan WiFi lakukan transaksi online banking melalui jaringan seluler anda.

Hanya Gunakan Aplikasi Online Banking yang Resmi

Gunakan hanya aplikasi online banking yang resmi untuk keamanan.

Anda hanya boleh menggunakan aplikasi smartphone resmi bank untuk online banking. Aplikasi online ini diuji secara ketat untuk memastikan semua data anda aman dan terenkripsi. Aplikasi ini juga cenderung jauh lebih aman daripada pesan SMS, menjadikannya cara teraman mutlak untuk online banking. Jangan pernah menggunakan aplikasi keuangan yang dibuat oleh orang lain selain dari bank anda. Para pengembang bisa saja mencuri informasi pribadi anda untuk tujuan yang tidak baik. Jika anda ragu tentang asal usul aplikasi, jangan gunakan itu.

Jika ragu, hubungi bank anda untuk memverifikasi bahwa aplikasi itu sah. Pencuri biasanya pintar dan akan melakukan apa saja untuk mencuri informasi anda, termasuk membuat aplikasi palsu yang terlihat sangat mirip dengan yang asli.

Never Lose Your Mobile Device

This may be easier said than done, but it’s absolutely essential that you don’t lose your mobile device. The easiest way for someone to steal online banking information is if they can get their hands on your smartphone or tablet.

If you use an iPhone, set up the “Find My Phone” app, which allows you to quickly locate a lost mobile device and lock it or even erase the contents on it. If you use an Android device, you take the same actions with the Android Device Manager.

Additionally, don’t store your password information on your phone. Don’t write it in the notes or make a voice recording of it. This is the equivalent of writing your computer password on a Post-It note and then sticking it on your computer monitor.

Create An Uncrackable Password

Use uncrackable online banking passwords.

Unfortunately, many people select simple passwords that are easy to remember but also easy for cyber criminals to crack. They choose something like their birthday, phone number, Social Security number, dog, child, favorite sports team, or favorite season. While these types of passwords certainly make things easier to remember, they’re actually dangerous. A hacker can use a variety of software programs to guess at your password until it gets it right, opening the digital vault.

Your password should contain a variety of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. If you’re worried about forgetting your password, you can use a secure password saving device such as LastPass or 1Password. These require a master password and securely encrypt all your information.

Keep Your Software Up To Date

Many people find it annoying when they discover an update is available for their phone software. They have to download the new software, install it, and restart their phone, all of which seems annoying.

However, it’s essential to keep your phone software up-to-date for security reasons. Every time a new version of your phone’s operating system releases, security holes are patched. If you choose not to update your phone, a hacker could steal your information through one of those security holes.

Think of it kind of like your front door. If you realized that your front door had a hole in it, making it easy for criminals to unlock your door, you would fix that hole. Every time you download the latest version of an operating system, you are fixing a hole.

Log Out When Your Session Is Finished

Whenever you’re done with your online banking session, immediately logout. This minimizes the chances of someone stealing your information. It’s extremely important to logout if you are banking in a public space where you could accidentally leave your phone or tablet. Having someone snatch your phone from a coffee table while a banking session is still active could be disastrous.

Thankfully, most online banking applications automatically log you out after a set time. However, it’s still best practice to log out immediately after finishing your session.

Create Banking Notifications

Keep bank accounts safe by setting up alerts or notifications.

Many banks and credit unions allow customers to get text and email alerts about certain transactions in their accounts. For example, you can receive text messages whenever a transaction over a certain dollar amount occurs or when your balance dips below a certain amount.

Getting these notifications allows you to be alerted the moment something suspicious begins happening in your bank account. If you see a transaction you didn’t initiate, immediately call your bank and have them put a stop on it.

Don’t Overshare Online

When a hacker is trying to steal your information, one of the first places they’ll look is your social media profiles. Why? They know that most people use common information such as the names of their children as passwords and they know they can find that online. They’ll gather as much information about you as they can on these social media sites and then begin trying to use it as your password.

Thus, when sharing information on social media you should be very careful about your privacy settings as well as the amount of information you share.

Lock Down Your Smartphone and Tablet

You should always secure your smartphone and tablet as thoroughly as possible. This usually means incorporating a six-digit passcode to unlock your phone as well as your fingerprint if possible.

If you lose your phone these security measures can at least slow down anyone who tries to steal your information.


Unfortunately, the online world is a sketchy place. There are many people who want to take what is yours and steal what you’ve worked so hard to save. They will stop at nothing to do it and will resort to all sorts of devious and dastardly solutions.

But don’t fall for their traps. Fight back and protect what is rightfully yours. By implementing these ten security measures, you will do a great job of frustrating and most likely thwarting hackers.