Gambaran umum tentang Antenna

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An antenna is a metallic structure that captures and/or transmits radio electromagnetic waves. Antennas come in all shapes and sizes from little ones that can be found on your roof to watch TV to really big ones that capture signals from satellites millions of miles away.

An antenna is a transducer between a guided wave and a radiated wave, or vice versa. The structure that “guides” the energy to the antenna is most evident as a coaxial cable attached to the antenna. The radiated energy is characterized by the antenna’s radiation pattern.

An antenna is a device or mechanism that is made of metallic material and absorbs or emits electromagnetic waves, also called electromagnetic radiation. Antennas are used for many types of telecommunication, a type of long-distance communication that uses radio waves to transmit messages which are then converted into audio or other mediums.

This image shows a radio tower and its antennas

The function of the antenna is to broadcast and receive radio wave signals.

Function of Antennas Radio waves are electromagnetic waves, just like visible light. Unlike visible light, radio waves have much longer wavelengths and are within the frequency range of 3 kilohertz to 300 gigahertz. Radio waves are not detectable by the human eye. Antennas, however, can detect radio waves, allowing signals to be analyzed and interpreted.

Antennas are made of a conductive material which allows for the easy absorption and conduction of electromagnetic radiation. However, the antenna cannot create radio wave messages. Antennas only send and receive radio wave messages created by other mechanisms; by itself, an antenna is just a conductive piece of metal.