Juniper: Basic CLI

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After you start the CLI with the cli command, type a question mark (?) to display a list of the available commands:

root> ?

Possible completions:

 clear             Clear information in the system
 configure         Manipulate software configuration information
 file              Perform file operations
 help              Provide help information
 monitor           Show real-time debugging information
 mtrace            Trace multicast path from source to receiver
 ping              Ping remote target
 quit              Exit the management session
 request           Make system-level requests
 restart           Restart software process
 set               Set CLI properties, date/time, craft interface message
 show              Show system information
 ssh               Start secure shell on another host
 start             Start shell
 telnet            Telnet to another host
 test              Perform diagnostic debugging
 traceroute        Trace route to remote host

To display the options available for a command, type the command followed by a space and a question mark:

root> show ?

Possible completions:

 accounting           Show accounting profiles and records
 aps                  Show Automatic Protection Switching information
 arp                  Show system Address Resolution Protocol table entries
 as-path              Show table of known autonomous system paths
 bfd                  Show Bidirectional Forwarding Detection information
 bgp                  Show Border Gateway Protocol information
 chassis              Show chassis information
 class-of-service     Show class-of-service (CoS) information
 cli                  Show command-line interface settings
 configuration        Show current configuration
 connections          Show circuit cross-connect connections
 dialer               Show dialer information
 dlsw                 Show DLSw information

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To use command completion, type the first few letters of a command and press the Spacebar or the Tab key.

For example, when you type the following partial command, the system completes the command show chassis hardware and displays hardware information:

root> sh<tab> ch<tab> h<tab>

Hardware inventory: Item Version Part number Serial number Description Chassis JN000212AA J2300 Routing Engine RevX1.8 710-009989 CORE97133 RE-J.1 FPC 0 RevX1.5 710-009991 CORE96352 FPC PIC 0 2x FE, 2x Serial

Type the following partial command to display the JUNOS software version running on the router:

root> sh ver

Hostname: host Model: j2300 JUNOS Software Release [8.0-20060607.0] (Export edition)

To access configuration mode, enter the configure command. The prompt changes to a pound sign (#).

root> configure


To activate changes to the configuration, enter the commit command.

root> commit


To exit configuration mode, enter the exit command. Use the exit command again to exit the CLI completely.

root# exit root> exit root@%