VPN untuk Pemula

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Sumber: https://www.expressvpn.com/how-to-use-vpn/vpn-for-dummies

Apakah VPN?

VPN adalah singkatan dari Virtual Private Network. Ini adalah terowongan terenkripsi antara dua perangkat yang memungkinkan anda mengakses setiap situs web dan layanan online secara pribadi dan aman.

Bagaimana Cara Kerja VPN Tunneling?

VPN tunneling akan membuat sambungan point-to-point antara dua perangkat, biasanya antara server VPN dan perangkat anda. Tunneling akan membungkus data anda ke dalam paket TCP/IP standar dan mentransfernya dengan aman di Internet. Karena data dienkripsi, peretas, pemerintah, dan bahkan penyedia layanan Internet tidak dapat melihat, menyadap apalagi mengatur informasi yang anda kirim / terima saat anda terhubung ke server VPN.

VPN adalah terowongan pribadi antara perangkat anda dan Internet.

Mengapa Kita Harus Menggunakan VPN?

Dari peningkatan keamanan hingga penghematan uang, ada banyak manfaat yang berasal dari penggunaan VPN.

Apa beda VPN dengan Proxy?

Ketika anda terhubung ke server proxy, itu menjadi perantara antara perangkat anda dan Internet. Semua lalu lintas Internet anda dirutekan ulang melalui server proxy, membuatnya tampak berasal dari alamat IP server proxy.

VPN menawarkan semua manfaat dari proxy tetapi juga mengenkripsi data anda.

Terhubung melalui server proksi akan menutupi alamat IP anda dan memungkinkan anda mengakses konten yang disensor. Namun, server proxy tidak mengenkripsi lalu lintas anda, sehingga informasi apa pun yang anda tukarkan melalui koneksi dapat disadap oleh orang lain, seperti perentas atau pencuri identitas, yang juga terhubung ke server proxy.

VPN menawarkan semua manfaat dari server proxy tetapi juga mengamankan dan mengenkripsi data antara perangkat anda dan Internet, memungkinkan anda menikmati World Wide Web tanpa takut informasi anda disadap atau dicuri.

How Is a VPN Different from DNS?

In addition to its main VPN service, ExpressVPN also provides a way to change your DNS settings such that only certain content goes through its servers, leaving the rest of your network traffic to be handled by your regular ISP.

Just changing your DNS does not use tunneling, which is faster but also susceptible to interference.

However, like a proxy server, this DNS service does not include secure tunneling for your network traffic, which makes it slightly faster but leaves it prone to third party interference. Additionally, changing your DNS settings does not hide your IP address, since not all of your traffic is rerouted through the DNS server. If you want to remain anonymous and protect the information you exchange online, you need a VPN.

Learn more about ExpressVPN’s private DNS servers.

How Is a VPN Different from a Firewall?

A firewall is a barrier that analyzes data packets from the Internet that try to connect to your computer, and only allows those that meet a predetermined set of rules to get through.

A firewall is a barrier that analyzes data packets that try to reach your computer.

Using a firewall is a great way to protect your device from threats such as virus attacks and worms. However, a firewall can only protect your device from dangerous incoming traffic. To secure and protect the network traffic leaving your device, you need a VPN. A firewall does offer complementary benefits to a VPN, however, and using the two together provides optimal online security.

A firewall can complement a VPN to provide optimal online security.

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What is the Difference between a VPN App, a VPN Plugin, and a VPN Browser?

VPN browsers or browser plugins only protect your web browser traffic. The rest of the network traffic from your device is still exposed to Internet service providers and potential hackers. A VPN app will encrypt and protect all network traffic from your device.

VPN browsers or browser plugins only protect your web browser traffic.

Read more about why you should use a VPN app instead of a VPN plugin or browser.

Where Can I Get a VPN?

ExpressVPN makes it easy to browse the Internet safely.

   Get an account.
   Choose your plan.
   Enjoy the Internet with privacy and security!
