VPN Panduan Untuk Pemula

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Sumber: https://lifehacker.com/the-beginners-guide-to-vpns-1819912770

Pada kesempatan ini, kita akan mencoba membahas tentang Virtual Private Network. Secara umum, untuk mengerti coba buang kata "Virtual"-nya maka akan tinggal "Private Network" saja. Artinya jaringan yang sifatnya pribadi, jaringan ini tidak akan mengijinkan orang lain untuk akses kecuali hanya kita yang memiliki jaringan itu yang mengakses. Contoh yang paling gampang adalah jaringan komputer di kampus atau di kantor, yang hanya boleh di akses oleh mereka yang terdaftar di kantor / kampus itu saja.

Dengan tambahan "Virtual" di awalnya, pada dasarnya berarti kita bisa mengakses jaringan private tersebut secara virtual dari komputer / laptop kita di tempat lain.

Jadi apa VPN sebenarnya?

VPN pada dasarnya adalah satu set server yang anda hubungkan melalui penyedia jasa internet (ISP) anda. Setelah anda membuat sambungan dengan VPN anda, sebuah proses yang dikenal sebagai tunneling, server bertindak sebagai rumah virtual Anda di internet. Seolah-olah anda pindah ke ruang kantor yang aman tanpa benar-benar bergerak sama sekali.

Saat anda menjelajahi web dari ruang aman ini, semua data yang anda kirim dan terima akan dienkripsi, ini akan memberikan tingkat privasi yang baik. Setelah disambungkan, ISP anda — atau bahkan penyerang, mata-mata dll. — tidak dapat memberi melihat informasi apa yang anda browse dan download.

Mengapa menggunakan VPN?

Tentunya, keamanan adalah salah satu alasan utama untuk selalu menggunakan VPN untuk mengakses internet. Karena semua data anda dienkripsi setelah disambungkan, jika peretas mencoba mencegat aktivitas penjelajahan anda, katakanlah, ketika anda memasukkan nomor kartu kredit untuk melakukan pembelian online, enkripsi akan menghalangi upaya mereka. Itulah mengapa sangat bagus untuk menggunakan VPN di jaringan publik seperti cafe dan bandara.

Alasan utama kedua untuk menggunakan VPN adalah masalah privasi. Jika Anda suka berselancar untuk kebun gnome yang dibuat pada akhir abad ke-19 di Gräfenroda, Jerman, itu bukan urusan orang lain, bukan? Dengan mengenkripsi data anda, apa yang anda cari, apa yang anda katakan di forum, dan apa yang anda tonton melalui streaming sepenuhnya adalah urusan anda sendiri, orang lain tidak perlu / tidak bisa tahu.

Penting untuk diingat bahwa VPN akan melindungi data yang anda transmisikan dari komputer anda ke hub VPN, tetapi itu tidak akan mencegah anda dilacak dengan cookie dan pelacak web lainnya.

VPN menyediakan enkripsi untuk lalu lintas jaringan. VPN memastikan komunikasi tidak mudah disadap / dirusak oleh penyerang. VPN tidak mempengaruhi fitur aplikasi seperti cookie. Cookie masih bisa diset di browser anda jika anda tunnel melalui VPN.

Untuk menghindari upaya pelacakan semacam itu, disarankan untuk melakukan semua selancar anda dengan browser yang diset pada mode penyamaran atau private. Anda mungkin juga ingin mempertimbangkan menginstal perangkat lunak pemblokiran pelacakan seperti ghostery.

Why Is Everyone Talking About VPNs?

Yesterday, the House of Representatives approved a measure that killed an upcoming FCC ruling that… Read more

A third substantial consideration for using a VPN is the fact that it can give you a virtual location. Worried about the feds coming to knock on your door due to your unnatural fascination with garden gnomes? They won’t actually be able to link your IP address with your physical address. Want to play in an online poker room but it’s not allowed from your country? Then simply tunnel into a country where such activity is sanctioned and you’ll be good to go (all in). Looking to stream that film that was banned by your government? It’s probably not banned everywhere, so find a country where it’s viewable, tunnel in, and break out the popcorn.

This can also work the opposite way. If you’re traveling far from your home country, but you want to watch a show that’s only available on a provider such as Netflix back home, you can tunnel there to view it. The same would hold true for banking and other websites that might not be accessible anywhere but the motherland.

Of course, while tunneling into a VPN may let you get around the laws and restrictions of your country, don’t forget that you are still bound by them. VPN usage doesn’t make you invisible, just anonymous. So if you’re doing a lot of suspicious surfing and you catch the eye of a government agency, with enough resources and time, they will likely be able to find you. Article preview thumbnail This Massive VPN Comparison Spreadsheet Helps You Choose the Best for You

Choosing a trustworthy, reliable VPN service provider is hard, but over on Reddit, user That One… Read more

How to choose a VPN provider.

There are now simply scores and scores of VPN providers to choose from. Finding the one that’s right for you comes down to a few basic considerations:

  • Cost versus security. In general, the more security a VPN service provides, the higher the cost will be. Most users will be just fine using an affordable mainstream VPN provider that offers solid service from about $4.99 to $12.99 per month. While an evaluation of different VPN providers is beyond the scope of this article, examining reviews of different providers and going with one that has a long-standing reputation for protecting its users is always a good place to start. One Reddit user even put together a massive list that evaluates different VPN providers.
  • Logs vs no logs. On the subject of security, one factor that separates providers is whether or not they keep logs of user data and browsing activity. If they don’t, then you get an extra degree of anonymity. If they do, then those records could become a way to track you down if someone wanted to put in the time.
  • IP sharing. Another quick way to evaluate a potential VPN service provider is to find out if they give out the same IP address to multiple users. It’s harder to pinpoint one user if many are surfing from the same IP address, so IP sharing offers another level of protection.
  • Location of servers. With the advent of near ubiquitous WiFi, it easy to forget that the internet is still a thing connected with cables and wires. So a service that offers a wide range of VPN sites can be advantageous. If you regularly want to stream content from the UK, and you live in Kansas, for example, then you’ll want to see if your provider has a hub on the east coast of the US as well as a server in London. Server location can also be important based on your needs. If, for some reason, it’s advantageous for you to have an IP address in Japan, then make sure your provider will let you tunnel there.
  • Server quantity. A VPN provider that has more servers will mean that you won’t be crammed onto an overcrowded server where your connection times will be slowed down.
  • Multiple device support. Once you sign up for a VPN service, you’ll not only want to connect your own computer, but you might have other computers, tablets and phones on which you’ll want to install the software. Most providers let you connect up to five devices, but be sure to check into that before you sign up.
  • IP leaking. One relatively easy way to evaluate a VPN provider is to see if they offer a free trial. If they do, sign up, tunnel in, and then visit this site. It will help you determine if you have an IP leak, meaning that your true location is somehow being leaked. If you see your ISP or your true physical location on this page, then you’ll want to move on and find a more secure VPN provider.
  • User Interface. Finally, take a look at the way in which a VPN provider’s software actually looks and operates. Does it seem relatively straightforward to operate? Is it easy to turn on and off? Is it easy to quickly change the location into which you’re tunneled? While you likely won’t be using your VPN software a lot, it’s good to know that when you need it, you won’t mind accessing it and you’ll have the control you want at your fingertips.

Article preview thumbnail How to Set Up Your Own Completely Free VPN In the Cloud

A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a great way to add security to your browsing while also… Read more

So are there any drawbacks to using a VPN?

If you’re considering adding a VPN to your web surfing activities, there are two considerations you’ll want to be aware of.

The first potential issue is also the very thing that makes VPNs appealing to some—the ability to spoof your address. That’s great when you need to appear to be in another country to access its services and content, but not so great all of the time. For instance, let’s say you’re based in the US but tunneled into the UK, and you decide to do a little online shopping. Suddenly, all of your pricing will be in pounds instead of dollars. Recent Video from Lifehacker View More > Lifehacker Asks Ben Brock Johnson 3/01/18 2:20 pm

Also, if you’re signing up for certain services, like Bitcoin, the system will take your IP address as gospel for your location, so you might wind up getting pigeonholed into an area where you don’t really live. Once that happens, making a change isn’t always as easy as changing the tunnel and reloading the site.

Secondly, working from a remote site can cause slow downs in your browsing speed. Sometimes it’s barely noticeable, but sometimes it can be significant—and it goes back to the idea that your information still needs to travel through cables to your VPN before you can get out to the internet.

Still, as the recent Krack attack shows, using a VPN is practically becoming a necessity rather than simply an option. That attack opened up vulnerabilities for pretty much anyone using WiFi without the protection of a VPN tunnel. So, even though there are some issues with using a VPN, the benefits far outweigh them and getting even the minimal protections offered by a free provider is certainly not something you’d regret.
