Cara Menyambungkan WiFi yang aman menggunakan WiFi Assistant
Jika anda belum menggunakan "Wi-Fi Assistant", maka anda harus mencobanya. WiFi Asistant secara otomatis terhubung ke jaringan Wi-Fi terbuka yang dikenal, dan mengamankannya dengan VPN Google. Dengan cara itu anda mengamankan data sambil menjaga agar penyerang tidak bisa mengakses data Anda.
Asisten Wi-FI awalnya dirilis dengan Project Fi, tetapi sekarang ini tersedia untuk semua perangkat Nexus yang menjalankan 5.1 dan di atasnya. Jika perangkat anda memilikinya, tidak ada alasan untuk tidak mengaktifkannya sekarang.
Apakah Wi-Fi Assistant?
Wi-Fi Assistant bertujuan untuk melakukan dua hal: menyelamatkan data Anda, dan membuat anda tetap aman. Ini secara otomatis menghubungkan anda untuk membuka jaringan Wi-Fi yang diketahuinya, yang menghemat paket data di ponsel Anda. Tampak sederhana bukan?
Namun, jaringan publik pada dasarnya tidak aman. Sangat mudah bagi penjahat untuk menggunakan hal-hal seperti packet sniffer untuk menyadap data anda dari udara ketika sedang mentransmisikan — mereka hanya perlu terhubung ke jaringan yang sama dengan anda. Apa pun yang anda kirim dapat dideteksi, seperti password atau informasi pribadi lainnya. Oleh karena itu jaringan di cafe tidak terlalu aman untuk tersambung kecuali anda memiliki VPN.
What Is a VPN, and Why Would I Need One?
So, whenever Wi-Fi Assistant connects to an open network, it also connects to a VPN (Virtual Private Network) managed by Google, routing all of your traffic through a private, digital tunnel. Since the VPN is encrypted, your data is protected from potential attacks. This way, you can treat many open Wi-Fi networks the same way you could treat your mobile connection or home network—feel free to log in, order things, or do whatever else you want. Your data is as safe as it can be.
Sadly, it doesn’t work on all public networks—it’ll only automatically connect to ones it trusts. You’ll see a key icon show up next to the Wi-Fi icon if Wi-FI Assistant has secured you.
If you don’t see that key, it’s probably because you manually connected to that network yourself—in which case Wi-Fi Assistant won’t protect you. You can try disconnecting from it to see if Wi-Fi Assistant automatically connects to and secures it. If it doesn’t, you can re-connect manually, just know that the VPN isn’t running.
How to Set Up Google Wi-Fi Assistant
Like I said earlier, Wi-Fi Assistant is only available on Nexus devices running Android 5.1 or higher. It’s also region locked to the US, Canada, Denmark, Faroe Islands, Finland, Iceland, Mexico, Norway, Sweden, and the UK. If both of those requirements are met, read on.
Once Wi-Fi Assistant is available on your device, it may notify you once you’re connected to a public network. But you don’t have to wait for it—you can enable it yourself beforehand.
First, jump into the Settings menu. Pull the notification shade down a couple of times, then tap the cog icon.
From there, scroll down to the “Google” entry. Tap it.
Close to the bottom of the list there’s an entry titled “Networking.” That’s what you’re looking for.
The Networking menu is short and sweet: there’s a toggle for Wi-Fi Assistant, along with an “Advanced” setting. Go ahead and toggle Wi-Fi Assistant first—we’ll look at the Advanced menu in a moment.
Once Wi-Fi Assistant is toggled on, a warning of sorts should pop up, basically telling you what the service does. Read over it if you want, then tap “Got it.”
That’s that; Wi-Fi Assistant will do its thing for you from now on. Whenever you’re connected to a network that Google Wi-Fi Assistant wants to secure, a notification will show up.
In case you’re curious about the “advanced” section, there’s only one thing in this menu: the option to let Wi-Fi Assistant manage saved networks, so in the future it will automatically connect to networks that you’ve already used. I can think of no reason to turn this feature off, so let’s leave it alone. I mean, you can disable it if you want. It’s your phone, after all.
And that’s pretty much that.