Bitcoin Miner: BFGMiner

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cause the AntMiner S7 just barely beats it, however we could hardly say that AntMiner S7 is a home miner).

So, what can you do with the Compas? Well, basically you have at least two options.

A) You can point it to a regular SHA256 pool, for example NiceHash SHA256 pool. The USB sticks are performing really well, and can be overclocked to achieve various hashing speeds. Here are two Compacs, together with some bigger brothers in our lab:

bfgminer -o stratum+tcp:// -u YOUR-BITCOIN-ADDRESS.Compac1 -p d=128 --set compac:clock=x0983

B) Since these miners are slow compared to regular SHA256 Bitcoin miners, you will hardly earn any profit by regular mining. However, you can also point this miner to our solo mining pool - and play some blockchain lottery. This will give you a chance to win a full Bitcoin block. Now, if this isn't fun or what ;) ? Here are two Compacs, hashing in our SHA256 solo mining pool:

bfgminer -o stratum+tcp:// -u YOUR-BITCOIN-ADDRESS.Compac1 -p diff_64 --set compac:clock=x0983

We would also like to share some tips on how to get started. You can order these miners from the authors or from for purchases in Europe. Make sure you also get a decent and powerfull USB hub - especially if you are planing to oveclock the miner. The software can be downloaded here for windows, or build from source in Linux / MAC:

apt-get install git autoconf automake libtool pkg-config libcurl4-gnutls-dev libjansson-dev uthash-dev libncurses5-dev
git clone git://
cd bfgminer

./bfgminer -V

Single pool:

bfgminer -o http://pool:port -u username -p password

Multiple pools:

bfgminer -o http://pool1:port -u pool1username -p pool1password -o http://pool2:port -u pool2usernmae -p pool2password

Multiple blockchains:

bfgminer -o http://pool1:port -u pool1username -p pool1password --pool-goal default -o http://pool2:port -u pool2usernmae -p pool2password --pool-goal freicoin


./bfgminer -o -O username.worker:password -S all
