SARG: Report User Akses

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title "Squid User Access Reports"
output_dir /home/squid/report/

To generate reports based on behalf of user (it requires a Proxy configured with authentication of users).

user_ip no

This option allows to specify the place generated for log theirs Squid# TAG: access_log file

#access_log /usr/local/squid/logs/access.log
#access_log /var/log/squid/logs/access.log # RedHat VersãoIn this option nothing it needs to be modified, therefore the type of access to the site is about the type of report in accordance with.# TAG: report_type type
# report_type topsites users_sites sites_users date_time denied auth_failures site_user_time_date

The following options exist:

Topsites - Sites more visited by passed through connection and bytes.
Sites_users - Sample which the users have access a specific site.
Users_sites - Sample sites had access for a specific user.
Date_time - Bytes utilizados/trafegados per day and hour.
Denied - Sample access attempts the sites forbidden for the ACLs.
Auth_failures - Sample authentication attempts (error in the typing of authentication password) imperfections of an user.
