OpenSSL: Tutorial Simple

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Pada kesempatan ini kita akan belajar Simple PKI dengan satu root CA dan satu signing CA


Asumsinya sebuah organisasi dengan nama Simple Inc, mengggunakan domain Organisasi ini menjalan sebuah PKI kecil untuk mengamankan semua email dan traffic intranet-nya.


Untuk membuat PKI,

  • Pertama-tama, kita membuat Simple Root CA dengan CA certificate-nya.
  • Kita menggunakan root CA untuk membuat Simple Signing CA.
  • Setelah CA beroperasi, kita bisa menbuat email-protection certificate untuk pegawai, misalnya, Fred Flintstone.
  • Setelah CA beroperasi, kita bisa membuat TLS-server certificate untuk webserver di
  • Terakhir, kita akan melihat format output yang perlu di dukung CA dan melihat isi file yan kita buat.

Semua perintah siap di copy / paste ke terminal (CLI). Semua perintah ini adalah operasi yang akan di lakukan pada sebuah PKI.


To get started, fetch the Simple PKI example files and change into the new directory:

git clone
cd pki-example-1

File Konfigurasi

Kita akan memakai satu file konfigurasi per CA

  • Root CA Configuration File
  • Signing CA Configuration File

Dan satu file konfigurasi untuk setiap tipe CSR

  • Email Certificate Request Configuration File
  • TLS Server Certificate Request Configuration File

Please familiarize yourself with the configuration files before you continue.

1. Create Root CA

1.1 Create directories

mkdir -p ca/root-ca/private ca/root-ca/db crl certs
chmod 700 ca/root-ca/private

The ca directory holds CA resources, the crl directory holds CRLs, and the certs directory holds user certificates.

1.2 Create database

cp /dev/null ca/root-ca/db/root-ca.db
cp /dev/null ca/root-ca/db/root-ca.db.attr
echo 01 > ca/root-ca/db/
echo 01 > ca/root-ca/db/

The database files must exist before the openssl ca command can be used. The file contents are described in Appendix B: CA Database.

1.3 Create CA request

openssl req -new \
    -config etc/root-ca.conf \
    -out ca/root-ca.csr \
    -keyout ca/root-ca/private/root-ca.key

With the openssl req -new command we create a private key and a certificate signing request (CSR) for the root CA. You will be asked for a passphrase to protect the private key. The openssl req command takes its configuration from the [req] section of the configuration file.

1.4 Create CA certificate

openssl ca -selfsign \
    -config etc/root-ca.conf \
    -in ca/root-ca.csr \
    -out ca/root-ca.crt \
    -extensions root_ca_ext

With the openssl ca command we issue a root CA certificate based on the CSR. The root certificate is self-signed and serves as the starting point for all trust relationships in the PKI. The openssl ca command takes its configuration from the [ca] section of the configuration file.

2. Create Signing CA

2.1 Create directories

mkdir -p ca/signing-ca/private ca/signing-ca/db crl certs
chmod 700 ca/signing-ca/private

The ca directory holds CA resources, the crl directory holds CRLs, and the certs directory holds user certificates. We will use this layout for all CAs in this tutorial.

2.2 Create database

cp /dev/null ca/signing-ca/db/signing-ca.db
cp /dev/null ca/signing-ca/db/signing-ca.db.attr
echo 01 > ca/signing-ca/db/
echo 01 > ca/signing-ca/db/

The contents of these files are described in Appendix B: CA Database.

2.3 Create CA request

openssl req -new \
    -config etc/signing-ca.conf \
    -out ca/signing-ca.csr \
    -keyout ca/signing-ca/private/signing-ca.key

With the openssl req -new command we create a private key and a CSR for the signing CA. You will be asked for a passphrase to protect the private key. The openssl req command takes its configuration from the [req] section of the configuration file.

2.4 Create CA certificate

openssl ca \
    -config etc/root-ca.conf \
    -in ca/signing-ca.csr \
    -out ca/signing-ca.crt \
    -extensions signing_ca_ext

With the openssl ca command we issue a certificate based on the CSR. The command takes its configuration from the [ca] section of the configuration file. Note that it is the root CA that issues the signing CA certificate! Note also that we attach a different set of extensions.

3. Operate Signing CA

3.1 Create email request

openssl req -new \
    -config etc/email.conf \
    -out certs/fred.csr \
    -keyout certs/fred.key

With the openssl req -new command we create the private key and CSR for an email-protection certificate. We use a request configuration file specifically prepared for the task. When prompted enter these DN components: DC=org, DC=simple, O=Simple Inc, CN=Fred Flintstone, Leave other fields empty.

3.2 Create email certificate

openssl ca \
    -config etc/signing-ca.conf \
    -in certs/fred.csr \
    -out certs/fred.crt \
    -extensions email_ext

We use the signing CA to issue the email-protection certificate. The certificate type is defined by the extensions we attach. A copy of the certificate is saved in the certificate archive under the name ca/signing-ca/01.pem (01 being the certificate serial number in hex.)

3.3 Create TLS server request \
openssl req -new \
    -config etc/server.conf \
    -out certs/ \
    -keyout certs/

Next we create the private key and CSR for a TLS-server certificate using another request configuration file. When prompted enter these DN components: DC=org, DC=simple, O=Simple Inc, Note that the subjectAltName must be specified as environment variable. Note also that server keys typically have no passphrase.

3.4 Create TLS server certificate

openssl ca \
    -config etc/signing-ca.conf \
    -in certs/ \
    -out certs/ \
    -extensions server_ext

We use the signing CA to issue the server certificate. The certificate type is defined by the extensions we attach. A copy of the certificate is saved in the certificate archive under the name ca/signing-ca/02.pem.

3.5 Revoke certificate

openssl ca \
    -config etc/signing-ca.conf \
    -revoke ca/signing-ca/01.pem \
    -crl_reason superseded

Certain events, like certificate replacement or loss of private key, require a certificate to be revoked before its scheduled expiration date. The openssl ca -revoke command marks a certificate as revoked in the CA database. It will from then on be included in CRLs issued by the CA. The above command revokes the certificate with serial number 01 (hex).

3.6 Create CRL

openssl ca -gencrl \
    -config etc/signing-ca.conf \
    -out crl/signing-ca.crl

The openssl ca -gencrl command creates a certificate revocation list (CRL). The CRL contains all revoked, not-yet-expired certificates from the CA database. A new CRL must be issued at regular intervals.

4. Output Formats

4.1 Create DER certificate

openssl x509 \
    -in certs/fred.crt \
    -out certs/fred.cer \
    -outform der

All published certificates must be in DER format [RFC 2585#section-3]. Also see Appendix A: MIME Types.

4.2 Create DER CRL

openssl crl \
    -in crl/signing-ca.crl \
    -out crl/signing-ca.crl \
    -outform der

All published CRLs must be in DER format [RFC 2585#section-3]. Also see Appendix A: MIME Types.

4.3 Create PKCS#7 bundle

openssl crl2pkcs7 -nocrl \
    -certfile ca/signing-ca.crt \
    -certfile ca/root-ca.crt \
    -out ca/signing-ca-chain.p7c \
    -outform der

PKCS#7 is used to bundle two or more certificates. The format would also allow for CRLs but they are not used in practice.

4.4 Create PKCS#12 bundle

openssl pkcs12 -export \
    -name "Fred Flintstone" \
    -inkey certs/fred.key \
    -in certs/fred.crt \
    -out certs/fred.p12

PKCS#12 is used to bundle a certificate and its private key. Additional certificates may be added, typically the certificates comprising the chain up to the Root CA.

4.5 Create PEM bundle

cat ca/signing-ca.crt ca/root-ca.crt > \
cat certs/fred.key certs/fred.crt > \

PEM bundles are created by concatenating other PEM-formatted files. The most common forms are “cert chain”, “key + cert”, and “key + cert chain”. PEM bundles are supported by OpenSSL and most software based on it (e.g. Apache mod_ssl and stunnel.)

5. View Results

5.1 View request

openssl req \
    -in certs/fred.csr \
    -noout \

The openssl req command can be used to display the contents of CSR files. The -noout and -text options select a human-readable output format.

5.2 View certificate

openssl x509 \
    -in certs/fred.crt \
    -noout \

The openssl x509 command can be used to display the contents of certificate files. The -noout and -text options have the same purpose as before.

5.3 View CRL

openssl crl \
    -in crl/signing-ca.crl \
    -inform der \
    -noout \

The openssl crl command can be used to view the contents of CRL files. Note that we specify -inform der because we have already converted the CRL in step 4.2.

5.4 View PKCS#7 bundle

openssl pkcs7 \
    -in ca/signing-ca-chain.p7c \
    -inform der \
    -noout \
    -text \

The openssl pkcs7 command can be used to display the contents of PKCS#7 bundles.

5.5 View PKCS#12 bundle

openssl pkcs12 \
    -in certs/fred.p12 \
    -nodes \

The openssl pkcs12 command can be used to display the contents of PKCS#12 bundles.

