Proxmox: Migrasi VDI VirtualBox ke Proxmox

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Cari .vdi file

  • Open the VirtualBox GUI
  • Click on the VM we want to migrate and click the Settings button
  • Click on Storage and click the .vdi file listed under IDE Controller
  • Mouse over the Hard Disk: dropdown list box and note the path to the .vdi file

Convert .vdi ke .img

  • On the VirtualBox host open a command prompt
VBoxManage clonehd --format RAW [virtual_harddisk].vdi [virtual_harddisk].img
  • This may take a while so be patient. Go get some coffee.

Buat ProxMox VM kosong

  • Buka Proxmox web
  • Klik Virtual Machines > Create VM
  • Set semua default di VM.
  • Note the VMID: number of your new VM (i.e. "106")

Upload .img file

  • Start your file transfer softare (wither WinSCP or Filezilla are two good ones).
  • Transfer the .img file to the /var/lib/vz/images/106 folder (replace 106 with the number you noted from the VMID: field

Rename the .img ke .raw

  • rename the existing .raw file (for instance vm-106-disk-1.raw) to .old
  • rename the .img file to the name of the existing .raw file (for instance vm-106-disk-1.raw)

Boot it up!
