Text Mining: Sentiment Classifier

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Sentiment Classifier using Word Sense Disambiguation using wordnet and word occurance statistics from movie review corpus nltk. Classifies into positive and negative categories.


In Version 0.5 all the following requirements are installed automatically. In case of troubles install those manually.

   You must have Python 2.6.
   NLTK http://www.nltk.org 2.0 installed.
   NumPy http://numpy.scipy.org
   SentiWordNet http://sentiwordnet.isti.cnr.it

How to Install

Shell command

python setup.py install


   Try Online

Script Usage

Shell Commands:

senti_classifier -c file/with/review.txt

Python Usage

Shell Commands

cd sentiment_classifier/src/senti_classifier/
python senti_classifier.py -c reviews.txt

Library Usage

from senti_classifier import senti_classifier
sentences = ['The movie was the worst movie', 'It was the worst acting by the actors']
pos_score, neg_score = senti_classifier.polarity_scores(sentences)
print pos_score, neg_score
