Dnsperf: Mengevaluasi DNS

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dnsperf -h

DNS Performance Testing Tool
Nominum Version

Usage: dnsperf [-f family] [-s server_addr] [-p port] [-a local_addr]
               [-x local_port] [-d datafile] [-c clients] [-n maxruns]
               [-l timelimit] [-b buffer_size] [-t timeout] [-e] [-D]
               [-y [alg:]name:secret] [-q num_queries] [-Q max_qps]
               [-S stats_interval] [-u] [-v] [-h]
  -f address family of DNS transport, inet or inet6 (default: any)
  -s the server to query (default:
  -p the port on which to query the server (default: 53)
  -a the local address from which to send queries
  -x the local port from which to send queries (default: 0)
  -d the input data file (default: stdin)
  -c the number of clients to act as
  -n run through input at most N times
  -l run for at most this many seconds
  -b socket send/receive buffer size in kilobytes
  -t the timeout for query completion in seconds (default: 5)
  -e enable EDNS 0
  -D set the DNSSEC OK bit (implies EDNS)
  -y the TSIG algorithm, name and secret
  -q the maximum number of queries outstanding (default: 100)
  -Q limit the number of queries per second
  -S print qps statistics every N seconds
  -u send dynamic updates instead of queries
  -v verbose: report each query to stdout
  -h print this help

Membuat File Untuk Test

vi dns-test.txt

Isi misalnya dengan

Lakukan Test

dnsperf -s -c 100 -d dns-test.txt 

Hasilnya kira-kira

DNS Performance Testing Tool
Nominum Version

[Status] Command line: dnsperf -s -c 100 -d dns-test.txt
[Status] Sending queries (to
[Status] Started at: Fri Jun  5 10:27:59 2015
[Status] Stopping after 1 run through file
[Status] Testing complete (end of file)


  Queries sent:         645
  Queries completed:    645 (100.00%)
  Queries lost:         0 (0.00%)

  Response codes:       NOERROR 645 (100.00%)
  Average packet size:  request 34, response 79
  Run time (s):         0.261062
  Queries per second:   2470.677464

  Average Latency (s):  0.022536 (min 0.665437, max 9.619514)
  Latency StdDev (s):   0.038208