OS: Android - Flash Device
Run It!
Kita dapat menjalankan image yang kita buat menggunakan emulator atau flash ke device. Perlu kita ketahui bahwa kita harus menentukan target build menggunakan lunch, biasanya akan sangat sukar di jalankan kalau image tersebut di jalankan ke target yang tidak di tujukan sebelumnya.
Flash ke Device
Untuk flash ke device, kita butuh menggunakan fastboot To flash a device, you will need to use fastboot, which should be included in your path after a successful build. Place the device in fastboot mode either manually by holding the appropriate key combination at boot, or from the shell with
$ adb reboot bootloader
Once the device is in fastboot mode, run
$ fastboot flashall -w
The -w option wipes the /data partition on the device; this is useful for your first time flashing a particular device, but is otherwise unnecessary.
For more information about building for and running on actual hardware, see Building for Devices.
Emulate sebuah Android Device
emulator di tambahkan ke path kita secara automatis saat proses build. Untuk menjalankan emulator, ketik,
$ emulator