Instalasi VirtualBox di Ubuntu
Install paket berikut
# sudo aptitude install libqt3-mt libxalan110 libxerces27
Ambil paket terbaru dari VirtualBox dari
Now download the debian package for edgy and install it.
- UPDATE: A debian package is now available for Feisty. Replace 'edgy' with 'feisty' in the next two lines to use it.
cd /tmp wget sudo dpkg -i VirtualBox_1.3.8_Ubuntu_edgy_i386.deb
You will have to accept the PUEL license and select "yes" when asked if the vboxdrv kernel module should be compiled. The kernel should be created successfully now. A group called vboxusers is created and you have to add yourself as a user of this group.
$ sudo adduser $USER vboxusers
If you want to access usb devices from the virtual machine, follow these steps. You can omit them and directly reboot if you are not going to be using usb devices from the guest.
sudo addgroup usbfs sudo adduser $USER usbfs
- For the next step you have to know the id for the usbfs group that you have created. To do this try
cat /etc/group | grep usbfs
and look for the number after "usbfs:x:". In the next command, replace 1002 in the next command with this number** echo "none /proc/bus/usb usbfs devgid=1002,devmode=664 0 0" | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab
Now reboot to allow the new group and user permissions to be updated.
start VirtualBox
VirtualBox &
Once you create a virtual machine and install an OS on it, you may want to set up a shared folder between the host and the guest. Suppose the name of the virtual machine is "winXP" and the folder you wish to share is at /home/user/shared. Power off the virtual machine and then do this :
VBoxManage sharedfolder add winXP -name "sharedfolder" -hostpath "/home/user/shared"
Now you can mount the shared folder within the guest. For a windows guest you would boot up and then in the terminal type
net use G: \\vboxsvr\sharedfolder
Now you should be able to access the shared folder from within the guest and the host systems. To access a USB device from the guest, select the device in the USB controller in VirtualBox and enable it. Remember that the device may not be accessible to the guest if it is mounted in the host.