UBNT: olsr dengan kamikaze openwrt
Sumber: http://wiki.ubnt.com/OLSR_on_OpenWrt
Tulisan ini menerangkan cara menginstalasi, konfigurasi dan monitor OLSR di Ubiquiti Device dengan OpenWRT yang di install.
- Komputer dengan Browser (mis. Firefox) dan ssh client.
- Ubiquity Device dengan OpenWRT yang sudah terinstalasi. Pastikan menggunakan kamikaze firmware
http://kamikaze.openwrt.org/8.09.2/atheros/ http://kamikaze.openwrt.org/8.09.1/atheros/ (untuk OLSR tampaknya 8.09.1 lebih baik)
- Akses Interent yang berlaku untuk Device & Computer. Edit network pada OpenWRT UBNT agar sesuai dengan jaringan,
Edit Network
vi /etc/config/network
config interface lan option ifname eth0 option type bridge option proto static option ipaddr option netmask option gateway
Edit nameserver
vi /etc/resolv.conf
- Pastikan kita sudah menset root password & akses ssh ke device
- ssh ke device, misalnya
ssh root@
- update opkg.list
opkg update
- install luci administration UI & olsr show
opkg install luci-admin-full olsrd-luci luci-app-olsr opkg install olsrd-luci-mod-dyn-gw olsrd-luci-mod-dyn-gw-plain olsrd-luci-mod-txtinfo opkg install olsrd-luci-mod-dot-draw olsrd-luci-mod-watchdog olsrd-luci-mod-httpinfo opkg install olsrd-luci-mod-bmf olsrd-luci-mod-arprefresh
- Login ke Web OpenWRT menggunakan password root yang sudah di set sebelumnya
- Masuk ke Services>OLSR dan konfigurasi OLSR daemon.
7. You can install additional packages in System>Process. Luci compatible OLSR plugins start with olsr-luci-*. Then configure them in Services>OLSR>Plugins
OLSR status page in Luci UI
8. Go to Status>OLSR and you'll find the "Neighbour Quality", "Neighbour Link Quality" and "ETX".
The NQ parameter shows how we see the neighbour from 0 (very bad) to 1 (very good). The NLQ parameter shows how the neighbour sees us from 0 (very bad) to 1 (very good). The ETX is the global transmission quality parameter and goes from 1 to infinite. Good links have ETX values from 1 to 2, regular ones from 2 to 3 and bad ones have values greater than 3. The colours help identifying the link quality