UBNT: olsr dengan openwrt

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Sumber: http://wiki.ubnt.com/OLSR_on_OpenWrt

Tulisan ini menerangkan cara menginstalasi, konfigurasi dan monitor OLSR di Ubiquiti Device dengan OpenWRT yang di install.


  • Komputer dengan Browser (mis. Firefox) dan ssh client.
  • Ubiquity Device dengan OpenWRT yang sudah terinstalasi. Pastikan menggunakan kamikaze firmware
  • Akses Interent yang berlaku untuk Device & Computer. Edit network pada OpenWRT UBNT agar sesuai dengan jaringan,
vi /etc/config/network
config interface lan
        option ifname   eth0
        option type     bridge
        option proto    static
        option ipaddr
        option netmask


  • Pastikan kita sudah menset root password & akses ssh ke device
  • ssh ke device, misalnya
ssh root@
  • update opkg.list
opkg update
  • install luci administration UI & olsr show
opkg install olsrd
opkg install luci-admin-full olsrd-luci


Configure OLSR configuration page in Luci UI Package installation page in Luci UI

5. Log in into the Luci UI typing the address of the router in your favourite web browser and using the root password

6. Go to Services>OLSR and configure the daemon. Image show valid generic settings.

7. You can install additional packages in System>Process. Luci compatible OLSR plugins start with olsr-luci-*. Then configure them in Services>OLSR>Plugins Monitor OLSR status page in Luci UI

8. Go to Status>OLSR and you'll find the "Neighbour Quality", "Neighbour Link Quality" and "ETX".

The NQ parameter shows how we see the neighbour from 0 (very bad) to 1 (very good). The NLQ parameter shows how the neighbour sees us from 0 (very bad) to 1 (very good). The ETX is the global transmission quality parameter and goes from 1 to infinite. Good links have ETX values from 1 to 2, regular ones from 2 to 3 and bad ones have values greater than 3. The colours help identifying the link quality


Pranala Menarik