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Red5 Media Server 1.0 memberikan solusi video streaming dan multi-user untuk ©Adobe ©Flash Player dan banyak client teknologi lainnya. Berbasis pada Java dan berbagai framework open source yang sangat powerful, menjadikan Red5 solusi yang sangat solid untuk bisnis maupun enterprise.

Red5 mendukung berbagai multiuser API terkini termasuk NetConnection, NetStream dan SharedObject sambil memberikan implementasi RTMP / Servlet. In addition to support for the RTMP protocol, the application server has an embedded Tomcat Servlet container for JEE Web Applications. Application development draws additional benefits from the Spring Framework and Scope based event driven services.

By using the Open Source Red5 Media Server, you are developing with a truly open and extensible platform that can be used in Video Conferences, Multi-User Gaming and Enterprise Application Software.

Happy Coding and enjoy our powerful free community server!


Pranala Menarik