Minikube: Kubectl
Kubectl Use kubectl inside minikube By default, kubectl gets configured to access the kubernetes cluster control plane inside minikube when the minikube start command is executed.
However if kubectl is not installed locally, minikube already includes kubectl which can be used like this:
minikube kubectl -- <kubectl commands>
You can also alias kubectl for easier usage.
alias kubectl="minikube kubectl --"
Alternatively, you can create a symbolic link to minikube’s binary named ‘kubectl’.
ln -s $(which minikube) /usr/local/bin/kubectl
Get pods
minikube kubectl -- get pods
Creating a deployment inside kubernetes cluster
minikube kubectl -- create deployment hello-minikube --image=kicbase/echo-server:1.0
Exposing the deployment with a NodePort service
minikube kubectl -- expose deployment hello-minikube --type=NodePort --port=8080
For more help
minikube kubectl -- --help
Shell autocompletion
After applying the alias or the symbolic link you can follow to enable shell-autocompletion.