Cyber Security: Security Operations Center Components

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Sederhananya, Security Operations Center (SOC – diucapkan “sock”) adalah tim ahli yang secara proaktif memantau kemampuan organisasi untuk beroperasi dengan aman. Secara tradisional, SOC sering didefinisikan sebagai ruangan tempat analis SOC bekerja sama. Meskipun hal ini masih terjadi di banyak organisasi, munculnya COVID-19 dan faktor lainnya telah menyebabkan tim SOC didistribusikan lebih jauh. Semakin lama, SOC saat ini bukanlah satu ruangan yang penuh dengan orang, dan lebih merupakan fungsi keamanan penting dalam suatu organisasi.

Seorang anggota tim SOC seringkali dapat bekerja dengan baik di kantor pusat mereka seperti di pusat operasi keamanan fisik.

Apa yang Dilakukan Anggota Tim SOC?

Anggota tim SOC bertanggung jawab atas berbagai aktivitas, termasuk pemantauan proaktif, respons insiden dan pemulihan, aktivitas remediasi, compliance, serta koordinasi dan konteks.

Mari selami lebih dalam setiap tugas ini.

  • Proactive Monitoring: Ini termasuk analisis file log. Log dapat berasal dari end point (mis., komputer notebook, ponsel, atau perangkat IoT) atau dari sumber daya jaringan, seperti router, firewall, aplikasi sistem deteksi intrusi (IDS), dan peralatan email. Istilah lain untuk pemantauan proaktif adalah pemantauan ancaman. Anggota tim SOC bekerja dengan berbagai sumber daya, yang dapat mencakup pekerja TI lainnya (mis., teknisi meja bantuan), serta tool artificial intelligence (AI) dan file log.
  • Incident Response and Recovery: SOC mengoordinasikan kemampuan organisasi untuk mengambil langkah-langkah yang diperlukan untuk mengurangi kerusakan dan berkomunikasi dengan benar agar organisasi tetap berjalan setelah insiden. Tidak cukup hanya melihat log dan mengeluarkan peringatan. Bagian utama dari respons insiden adalah membantu organisasi pulih dari insiden. Misalnya, pemulihan tersebut dapat mencakup aktivitas seperti menangani malware akut atau insiden ransomware.
  • Remediation Activities: Anggota tim SOC memberikan analisis berbasis data yang membantu organisasi mengatasi kerentanan dan menyesuaikan tool pemantauan dan peringatan keamanan. Misalnya, dengan menggunakan informasi yang diperoleh dari file log dan sumber lain, anggota SOC dapat merekomendasikan strategi segmentasi jaringan yang lebih baik atau rejimen penambalan sistem yang lebih baik. Meningkatkan keamanan siber yang ada adalah tanggung jawab utama SOC.
  • Compliance: Organisasi mengamankan diri mereka sendiri melalui kesesuaian dengan kebijakan keamanan, serta standar keamanan eksternal, seperti ISO 27001x, NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF), dan General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Organisasi memerlukan SOC untuk membantu memastikan bahwa mereka mematuhi standar keamanan penting dan best practices.
  • Coordination and Context: Yang terpenting, anggota tim SOC membantu organisasi mengoordinasikan elemen dan layanan yang berbeda dan memberikan informasi yang divisualisasikan dan berguna. Bagian dari koordinasi ini adalah kemampuan untuk menyediakan rangkaian narasi yang bermanfaat dan berguna untuk aktivitas di jaringan. Narasi ini membantu membentuk kebijakan dan postur keamanan siber perusahaan untuk masa depan.

Anggota tim SOC membantu organisasi mengidentifikasi penyebab utama serangan siber. Ketika seorang analis SOC melakukan ini, mereka dikatakan terlibat dalam analisis akar penyebab. Singkatnya, seorang analis SOC bekerja untuk mencari tahu kapan, bagaimana, dan bahkan mengapa sebuah serangan berhasil.

Untuk tujuan ini, analis SOC meninjau bukti serangan. Bukti semacam itu disebut indikator serangan. Jika serangan berhasil, analis SOC kemudian akan mempelajari indikator kompromi untuk membantu organisasi merespons dengan tepat, serta membuat perubahan agar serangan serupa tidak terjadi lagi di masa mendatang.

Security Operations Center Job Roles

Of course, there are several specific positions that round out the SOC. Although specific job roles and titles will change from one organization to another, here are a few of the job titles typically found in a SOC:

  • Junior security analyst: This person is responsible for regularly monitoring the security tools and applications that have been put in place and then providing useful interpretations and context based on those reports. These applications can include intrusion detection system (IDS) applications, security information and event monitoring (SIEM) applications and cybersecurity threat feed applications. Sometimes, this particular job role is called an operator or SOC operator.
  • Senior security analyst: This person has many of the same responsibilities as a junior-level analyst but works on more challenging and acute issues. Many times, a senior security analyst will be responsible for leading incident response activities. In fact, sometimes a senior security analyst is referred to as an incident response manager.
  • Threat hunter: This person has a unique combination of security analytics and penetration testing skills. A threat hunter also has the ability to work with technical and non-technical people alike to help an organization anticipate attacks.

Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) manager: Many for-profit and non-profit organizations create useful threat intelligence feeds. A CTI manager may be asked to specialize in obtaining, sifting through and interpreting these feeds for the organization.

  • Manager: This person is responsible for managing each of the team members, as well as the technology that each team member uses.

What Happens in a Security Operations Center?

First of all, a SOC team gathers information from various resources, including CTI threat feeds to log files from systems all around the enterprise. A SOC team carefully monitors a company’s assets, from on-premise servers in data centers to cloud resources. Accurate monitoring is critical. Therefore, SOC team members will monitor servers, end points and perimeter devices like firewalls and switches.

The figure below provides an abstract view of what happens in a SOC.

A diagram showing the parts that make up a SOC and how they work together, including cyber threat intelligence, data normalization, SIEM applications, AI and security analysts Abstract diagram of a Security Operations Center (SOC)

SOC team members then work to interpret this data carefully so that they have actionable information. Part of this interpretation involves eliminating duplicate data and identifying the root causes of issues. This activity is often called data normalization.

It is not enough to simply view the log files of a SIEM tool. The worker needs to have enough experience and wisdom to interpret data accurately. In many ways, the ideal SOC team member acts as a key interpreter of information.

But the SOC responsibilities don’t end there. The SOC isn’t only charged with looking for the bad guys. SOC team members spend quite a bit of time identifying conditions that create ideal feeding grounds for hackers.

This can include looking for the following:

  • Unpatched servers and end points: While updating a system may seem a trivial step, it really isn’t. A SOC team member can help flag unpatched systems, or identify alternative courses of action. For example, if a system can’t be easily patched for some reason, it may be necessary to monitor un-patched systems until there is time to properly patch it.
  • Vulnerable end points: This may include those that have poorly updated virus definitions or even no good working antivirus.

Perimeter and edge devices that demonstrate characteristics of neglect: These may include routers, switches and other network devices that are on your network or just beyond your network that are not properly updated and secured. Reports concerning end-user activity: Social engineering is the primary way that hackers gain improper access to company information and resources. SOC members, therefore, do their best to protect people from being manipulated by hackers. It is very possible that as a SOC team member you would work closely with managers and end users simply because individuals are the primary target of hackers.

What Skills Do You Need to Work in a Security Operations Center? Not everyone in a SOC team has decades of security experience. In fact, some SOC team members have just a few years of experience in IT. Still, others have more.

The primary characteristic of a SOC team member is simply considerable depth and breadth of knowledge in all areas of IT, as summarized in the table below. The skills needed to work in a SOC are covered by CompTIA certifications, as noted below. Having a CompTIA certification proves to employers you have the skills they need in their security operations center.

Activity Description CompTIA Certification End point analysis The ability to understand how a network host is supposed to behave and how it can be manipulated CompTIA A+ Network and cloud resource evaluation Experience with how protocols can be misused CompTIA Network+ CompTIA Cloud+ CompTIA Linux+ CompTIA Server+ Vulnerability recognition and attack recognition Practical, hands-on experience with exactly what an attack looks like CompTIA Security+ Analysis of Tactics, Techniques and Procedures (TTPS) and Indicators of Compromise (IoC) Ability to identify specific hacker activities CompTIA Security+ CompTIA CySA+ CompTIA PenTest+ Following each step of the hacker lifecycle Detailed ability to trace how a hacker pivots while making an attack; requires knowledge of various models, including the Lockheed-Martin Cybersecurity Kill Chain, the MITRE ATT&CK model and the diamond model CompTIA Security+ CompTIA PenTest+ It’s important to note that entry-level SOC analysts may not require advanced certifications like CompTIA Cybersecurity Analyst (CySA+), CompTIA PenTest+ or CompTIA Advanced Security Practitioner (CASP+). But the table above should give you an idea of the types of skills SOC analysts, or those who liaise with SOC analysts have.

Learn More About the CompTIA Cybersecurity Career Pathway

If you want a place in the SOC, the best advice is to focus on the essentials. Become an expert on how end points, servers and perimeter devices operate. It’s also vital to understand the cloud and how data flows from one resource to another. Keep studying, and one day we hope to congratulate you as a member of the SOC.


Pranala Menarik